Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1170 Strategic Confrontation

The Dark Blazing Sword is a weapon specially created by Lucifer to fight Satan. He knows that no artifact can match the Doomsday Blade in terms of overall attributes, so the Dark Blazing Sword is more specialized in improving personal combat effectiveness.

It can greatly increase the effect of fallen energy and the power of fallen angel combat skills. When using Wings of Darkness, you can also greatly increase resistance and blood volume in a short period of time.

Everything is to check and balance Satan in one-on-one situations.

However, Daliang's sudden intervention turned the original bitter battle into a situation where the seven heroes besieged Satan, so that the first appearance of the Dark Blazing Sword did not create too strong a spark with the Doomsday Blade.

Now, Lucifer has acquired the Doomsday Blade. After possessing the most powerful artifact in the world, the Dark Blazing Sword seems a bit redundant to Lucifer.

Originally Lucifer could have given the Dark Blazing Sword to the other two fallen angel kings, but after careful consideration, he still gave this artifact that had only been used once to Da Liang.

The two fallen angel kings are Lucifer's brothers, but there is only one Dark Blazing Sword. It is not suitable to give it to anyone, and it is even more inappropriate to leave it alone.

And Daliang's status in this world is getting more and more important. The last time he came to Hell Furnace City, he was a main ally in the Five Color Flag Alliance, and the second time he came to Hell Furnace City, he was the Death Monarch of the Kingdom of Death.

Since the Five Colors Alliance claims neutrality, a close Death Monarch is even more important to Lucifer.

Moreover, relying on Daliang's contribution to the fallen angels this time, giving him the Dark Blazing Sword will not cause any controversy.

Da Liang was also very happy to obtain the Dark Blazing Sword, which was the second artifact he owned. Although the Dark Blazing Sword is much weaker than the Angel Alliance in terms of overall attributes, during this period when Yunzhong City is strong, the Angel Alliance is not suitable for frequent use.

Moreover, the Angel Alliance can exert its greatest power in the hands of arbitration angels.

Therefore, the Dark Blazing Sky Sword has become a weapon that is very suitable for Da Liang to use. It has obtained high-level fallen energy that does not occupy the skill bar, and can use fallen angel combat skills that are comparable to angel combat skills.

The most important thing looks very good with my fallen angel wings.

Black sword, black wing, get a black fashion, and see who will say that I am a priest.

Then, the "Fallen Coincidence Rune" used by the Sun Messenger in the battle of the Radiant Territory was also obtained by Daliang this time.

Let two fallen angels merge and temporarily become a level 15 sinful angel (time limit: one hour).

Fallen energy is a skill that only fallen angels can master. When Daliang holds the artifact Fallen Blazing Sword, he is regarded as a fallen angel by default. Naturally, he can also merge with fallen angels to temporarily become a 15th-level sinful angel.

If combined with powerful attributes, it can enter the state of dark blazing wings...

Add the magic of throwing coins.

Even if he encounters a level 16 hero, Da Liang still dares to challenge him.

So comfortable... so comfortable...

Daliang was sitting in the luxurious room of the Creed Slave Exchange, with a cozy fireplace, drinking sweet red wine, and throwing a badge up and down in his hand.

Satan's Horn: Attack +10%, Defense +10%, Intelligence +10%, Knowledge +10%, Fire magic damage increased by 10%, Shock: Causes the enemy to move slowly, the effect is related to the intelligence of both parties.

[Since you have Satan's Horns, Ergos's Gaze, Misuka's Induction, Beelzebub's Listening, and Buck's Heart-Eating at the same time, the combined effect is triggered. 】

[Evil power: 5/7, the mixed formation of evil camp troops in your army is not affected by morale penalties, and the morale is not less than 0; the favorability of evil creatures is +1; you can get 200 magic girls (eighth-level hell creatures) every day, 100 hell horses (level 10 hell creatures); the recovery speed of evil creatures is increased by 10%, and all beneficial status effects are increased by 10%; the attack power against good camp creatures is increased by 13% (maximum 20%)]

During the attack on Satan, each of the seven heroes received a piece of Satan's equipment.

What Lucifer got was the best Doomsday Blade, what Daliang got was an extremely high-quality arm guard...and Satan's horn happened to be obtained by Howard.

When capturing Buck in Despair City, Daliang took "Buck's Heart" from among the many trophies. This time, after Howard got the "Satan's Horns", he directly gave the badge to Daliang.

In exchange, Daliang gave Howard the best arm guard with a single attribute better than "Satan's Horns".

Along with the arm guards, Howard was given the Hell Army as a reward from Lucifer.

The blockade of Yunzhong City increased the logistical pressure on Furnace City. In order to reduce expenses, Lucifer was very generous when rewarding Da Liang's hell army.

Hundreds of thousands of basic troops were thrown away like garbage to Da Liang.

Now... this army is trapped in Furnace City and cannot get out, and it still needs Daliang's daily supply of military expenses to maintain it. If Yunzhong City were to attack Furnace City, this army would be able to share the pressure for the defensive battle.

Lucifer made a good calculation.

And Daliang just couldn't help it... With so many troops, we can't just throw them all into the abyss! I can only pinch my nose to keep it going...

The only strange thing is... he showed off his wealth too much when he was besieging Satan, and Lucifer secretly took notice of him.

Furnace City had an empty army but couldn't bring it out, so it had no choice but to throw it all to Howard. Anyway, his Despair City army was trapped around Furnace City, chasing one sheep and two sheep.

So Michael's strategy for the Crucible City made another mistake.

In her opinion, the Hell army gathered around the Furnace City was a major burden to Lucifer. The economy of the Furnace City did not have the ability to maintain such a large army for a long time.

As long as the siege lasts for a long time, the military expenditure alone can bring down Lucifer.

However, due to the riot by the players in Crucible City, the Fallen Angels returned to the town to suppress the rebellion, allowing the army of Despair City to circle away a large number of Lord King's defeated troops. Coupled with Lucifer's "generous" rewards to Liang and Howard, the Crucible City only has most of the ultimate creatures and half of the basic army in the entire area.

Lucifer gathered an army of hell around the Furnace City so that Cloud City did not dare to attack easily. At the same time, he also relieved a major burden. Although there was financial pressure, it was definitely not as difficult as Michael estimated. As long as the military expenditure can be maintained, materials can be obtained from the abyss, or emergency needs can be obtained from other places through the portal. Saving a little can still supply the expenses of a large military.

Moreover, the army in Furnace City has gathered. Although it is blocked by Yun Zhongfei and cannot move, the strength of this hell army combined with the hell portal will make Yunzhong City have to deal with it carefully. It does not have the strength to send more troops to raid in hell. Destruction, occupation.

In short... Hell has pulled Cloud City, which has been watching, into a dimensional battlefield. If Michael wants to restrain Lucifer, he must put heavy troops in the Crucible City. Therefore, the military power that angels can invest in the kingdom of death will definitely be reduced, and they will no longer have the power to interfere in the magical realm.

"Sir, the Magical Realm has sent a messenger, the Druid Bavaria."

Sophia's whispered reminder diverted Da Liang's thoughts from hell to the endless maze, and he said: "Let him come in."

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