Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1171 Let’s talk

The great changes in the Kingdom of Death have made the Magical Realm the first to be affected. The elves did not expect that after the Sad Lord ascended the throne as the pope, he did not first use force to unify the kingdom of death. Instead, while negotiating with the death monarchs of the original Unsullied Holy See, he used the flag of the army that the elves invaded in the past.

When the dead monarchs saw that the City of Sighs and the City of Eternal Night had retaken the occupied lands, they also took advantage of the negotiation period with the Sad Pope to seize the time to drive away the elves and consolidate their territories.

The undead army launched a fierce attack on the stronghold built by the elves. The magical realm, which was still unable to escape amid the civil strife of the dwarves, was quickly losing its tentacles reaching out to the kingdom of death. Their carefully cultivated forest was overthrown by the undead and eroded by the death air. rotten...

The elves who focused on putting out the civil strife finally felt external pressure. However, the war between Yunzhong City and Eternal Night City for the Eternal Night Cathedral gave the elves in the Magic Realm a reassurance.

Yunzhong City is unwilling to abandon the Kingdom of Death just like this. With the boss of the good camp personally blocking it, the Kingdom of Death will never dare to invade the magical realm casually.

But just when the elves were relieved and continued to attack the Black Iron City, big news came from hell again.

Lucifer sealed Satan and completely gained hell.

The Angel Legion from Yunzhong City entered Hell in large numbers and surrounded the Furnace City...

As soon as this news spread, several armies of death appeared in the magical realm across the plane teleportation array. The largest one came from the Holy See Knights in the City of Sighs. The commander was the first general under the Sad Pope, the Elf Tribe. Old rival...Will.

The Elf Kings in the Magical Realm were really panicked this time. Cloud City was dragged into the war by Hell, Black Iron City could not be conquered for a long time, dwarf rebellions occurred one after another within the territory, and the Kingdom of Death came again.

The terrible thing is... they are still at war with the Five Color Flag Alliance around Shangjiang City in the main world.

Although both sides were very restrained on the battlefield and did not use ultimate creatures, if the Five Color Flag Alliance adds insult to injury at this time and escalates the scale of the war...

Then the Magical Realm really has to face the dilemma of a three-front battle, and the dwarves, the Kingdom of Death, and the Five Color Flag Alliance are each more difficult to deal with.

So the Magical Realm sent envoys to find Daliang as soon as the Kingdom of Death invaded, seeking to reach a reconciliation with the Five Color Flag Alliance. You must first stabilize this strong enemy before you can focus your energy on destroying the dwarves and resisting the invasion of the Kingdom of Death.

The messenger who negotiated with Daliang was naturally none other than Bavaria.

Once again, I came to Bavaria at the Obsidian Creed Slave Exchange, feeling very bad. In just a few days, the world has undergone so many important changes. Everything seems to have nothing to do with the magical realm, but the events it triggered have made the magical realm passive step by step.

As a result...last time he issued a declaration of war here, and this time he wants to pray for the war to end.

"Your Majesty the Duke..." Bavaria accepted the summons and walked into the room. He saluted Daliang and tried to slow down his speech to sound flattering.

Da Liang did not greet Bavaria as enthusiastically as last time, and did not even move his butt. Although he felt proud and happy when he saw Bavaria like this, his face was still serious and he said: "It turns out that it's Mr. Bavaria who came to me this time... What are you planning to protest? What are the sanctions?

Or just open another battlefield? "

Faced with Daliang's sarcasm, Bavaria endured it and made the truce with the Five Color Flag Alliance the most important thing. When he walked closer to Da Liang, he realized that there was no chair prepared for him at all, and he realized that this negotiation was definitely not easy.

Bavaria had no choice but to stand and say to Daliang: "Your Majesty Duke, I am here this time... to bring a message of peace. The Magic Realm has decided to terminate the sanctions on Shangjiang City, and the unpleasant little friction between our two families can be ended... …”

At this time, before Bavaria could finish speaking, Daliang chuckled: "What's wrong? As soon as there are changes in the Kingdom of Death and Hell, you get scared? Do you want to have a truce with us?"

If you want to fight, fight, if you want to make peace, then make peace.

Do you think there are such good things in this world? "

Of course, Bavaria knew that Daliang would not let go of the Magical Realm easily. He was already prepared to be severely slaughtered when he came: "We can compensate Shangjiang City for its losses during this friction."

"that's it?"

"Additional compensation will be provided to Shangjiang for some resources."

"There is no sincerity."

"The caravans from Shangjiang can get some privileges and care for their activities in the magical realm."


"I will no longer pursue the matter of selling dwarf weapons to the Duke."

Da Liang couldn't help laughing: "It's your turn to hold me accountable for selling dwarf weapons. Wasn't this war started because of dwarf weapons? I am the Duke of Shangjiang, and you blocked Shangjiang because of this trivial matter. Trade routes, really piss me off.

And now you use these gold coins, resources, and discounts to insult me.

Bavaria... King Wadsworth trusting you is definitely his biggest mistake.

From Rio City to Obsidian City, you have never seriously thought about who you are facing! You used your imagination to speculate on our intentions, mistook my good intentions for malice, and forced the Five Color Flag Alliance, which is based on the principle of neutrality, onto the battlefield.

You have created an enemy for the magical realm that you cannot fight against.

Now...the main force of Yunzhong City is in hell. In the magical realm, there are dwarves who are independent, and outside there is the invasion of the kingdom of death. Tell me... why should I cease the war?

Just for the little charity you mentioned? "

Daliang's words made Bavaria sweat profusely.

The hostility is very obvious, and it also means that the Five Color Flag Alliance has the strategic intention to take the opportunity to enter the magical realm to rob.

The Five-Color Flag Alliance must not be allowed to enter the magical realm, otherwise it will only allow the Kingdom of Death to invade more unscrupulously, and then the Dwarf Independence, which is about to be suppressed, will surely resurrect.

In the end... the magical realm became the first plane to be destroyed by the war.

"Your Majesty the Duke..." Bavaria took the wine bottle from Sophia's hand, poured a glass of red wine for Daliang respectfully, and then said: "Everything is my fault. It was my presumption of your Lordship's goodwill that caused us Misunderstanding between both parties. This time I come to peace talks with repentance and sufficient sincerity.

Whatever kind of compensation you want... Just tell me.

For the sake of peace, we will try our best to satisfy the adults. "

Bavaria has put the meat cleaver in Da Liang's hand, and then showed its determination to "lead the knife into a fast one". As long as the war with the Five Color Flag Alliance can be ended... the necessary benefits can be given away.

Daliang, who had the initiative in the negotiations, laughed and said: "Master Bavaria, don't be so nervous. Our Five-Color Flag Alliance promises neutrality, so we will not easily start a war, and we don't like wars.

War will make us make a lot less money.

For example, your war with the dwarves severely restricted the production of dwarf weapons.

Therefore, the only request of our Five Color Flag Alliance is... to mediate the conflict between you and the dwarves as a third party, to end the civil war in the Magic Realm, so that our business activities in the Magic Realm do not need to worry about the impact of the war. Unnecessary loss..."

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