Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1172 Pre-war arrangements

Da Liang picked up the red wine poured from Bavaria and drank it in one gulp...

At this moment, the smile on Bavaria's face stopped suddenly, and he was stunned on the spot with the wine bottle in his hand.

Regarding the dwarf independence movement in the magical realm, the elves' unified rhetoric externally and internally is "rebellion". The dwarves are traitors to the elves, and Black Iron City is the gathering point for the rebels.

Throughout the world, there are many people who continue to maintain contact with the dwarves and provide them with supplies. But including Obsidian City, no force openly supports the dwarves. Almost everyone is not optimistic about this independent movement of the dwarves. They all think that there is no need to recognize the dwarves as an independent force and completely fall out with the elves.

Even the evil camp does not want to provoke the rebellion of the elves innocently during this difficult period. They all agree that the civil war that takes place in the magical realm is a counter-insurgency war of the elves.

However, Daliang's request for a truce in the Magical Realm was to mediate the conflict between the elves and the dwarves as a third party, which in itself meant that the Five Color Flag Alliance recognized the dwarves as an independent race.

This is definitely more serious than asking for money, resources, or privileges. It has already touched the fundamental interests of the magical realm.

If Bavaria agrees to Daliang's request here and sits at the negotiation table with the dwarves, it will mean that the elves recognize that the dwarves and themselves are an equal race, and that the dwarves are truly independent and share the magical realm with the elves.

Then he... Bavaria will forever be nailed to the pillar of shame in the history of the elves, and will be spurned by generations of elves.

"Your Majesty the Duke, your request is too much! There is no possibility of negotiation between the elves and the dwarves. They are rebels and traitors to the elves. The final fate of the dwarves is to be suppressed by us and become a wandering race.

At this point, we will not make any concessions.

If the Five Color Flag Alliance is interested in weapons made by dwarves, we can give you a group of dwarf craftsmen as a gift after we capture the Black Iron City.

As for Shangjiang's trade route in the Magic Realm... After the war, I guarantee that your caravan will have unimpeded access to the Magic Realm. "

Daliang knew that Bavaria would not easily agree to such conditions that would humiliate the country, but in the magical realm, he had three decks of cards in his hand and was playing poker with the elves, so how could he let the elves off so easily?

"Everything you said is based on... you defeated the dwarves. But the fact is... you have no good way to deal with the Black Iron City. The elves' ground troops can't even see the top of the Black Iron City. , I find it hard to believe your promise to give away the dwarven craftsman.

Bavaria, I am a businessman... During the war, I only want things that I can actually hold in my hands, and I do not accept any credit.

The Magic Realm wants to end the war with the Five Color Flag Alliance. This is my only condition, and there is no room for negotiation.

Of course, I also know that such an important matter cannot be decided by you here.

Anyway, it will take time for the Five Color Flag Alliance to gather its troops. Go back and tell the Elf Kings our conditions...

Please make your decision soon! "

After finishing speaking, at Da Liang's signal, Sofia took back the wine bottle from the pale Bavaria and poured red wine into the empty wine glass in front of Da Liang.

The color of wine in Bavaria's eyes... is as bright as blood.

"I will convey the Duke's words to all the Elf Kings. I will not disturb your rest. I will take my leave..."

Bavaria let out a long sigh and dragged his tired steps out.

After Daliang waited for Bavaria to leave, he said to Sophia: "Let Haug come to see me."

After a while, Hauge, still hiding his body under his blouse, stood in front of Da Liang. Daliang asked: "What is the situation in Obsidian City now?"

Hauge, who had been collecting intelligence from Obsidian City under Daliang's instructions, replied: "Assassinations have continued in Obsidian City, and many officials have been attacked by assassins. The Lord of Obsidian City ordered the Assassin's Guild to suspend issuing assassination missions. Although the Assassin's Guild declared some assassinations It was not carried out by their hands, but it did not end the issuance of the assassination mission."

Daliang thought for a while and said to Haug: "The black elves are already preparing to attack Obsidian City, and Ingram's army is on the way. The moment they arrive, the black elves lurking in Obsidian City will attack the city gate to respond. The Dark Troopers enter the city.

The task I give you is to destroy the black elves' plan to attack the city gate and let them attack Obsidian City from the front.

What do you need... tell me now. "

Seizing the gates of Obsidian City was the first siege plan formulated by Ingram, and it was also the plan with the least loss. Only if they fail to seize the city gate, the black elves will concentrate on attacking the city wall defense system in front of Obsidian City.

What Daliang has to do is to increase Ingram's losses as much as possible.

Haug responded to Daliang's request: "My lord... as long as you know the time of the Black Elves' attack, it is very easy to disrupt their action to seize the city gate. As long as they hinder them a little, the defenders can strengthen the city." The defense of the door..."

Dazhan nodded and said: "Leave it to me to determine the time for the Black Elves to attack, and leave it to you to prevent them from robbing the Obsidian City Gate. I ask you to take charge of this matter personally...

No mistakes allowed. "

"Yes, sir!"

Haoge followed Daliang's instructions and left.

After thinking about the strategy for the magical realm several times, Da Liang said to Sophia: "Let Pluto go to the Black Iron City to invite the King of the Hill, and tell the King of the Hill that if he has time, he must come. I’ll come here for a visit.”

The two major events that have shocked the world recently are the change of flag of the Blue Alliance of the Kingdom of Death and the sealing of Satan by Lucifer from Hell.

The King of the Hill, who commanded the dwarves to resist the elves' attack in Black Iron City, knew these two things that affected the pattern of the plane war, no matter how little information there was.

Moreover, these two events produced a series of chain reactions, which also caused a sudden change in the situation in the magical realm.

Without the pressure from Yunzhong City, the Kingdom of Death immediately took action against its old rival in the Magic Realm. Although the undead were once enemies of the dwarves, I have to say... the undead's invasion of the magical realm at this time really helped the dwarves a lot.

The intensity of the elves' attack on Black Iron City has obviously dropped a lot.

Moreover, the King of the Hill also knew that the elves had a small-scale friction with the Five Color Flag Alliance in Shangjiang. If the Five Color Flag Alliance could become involved in the war against the elves on a large scale...

The elves do not have the ability to fight on three fronts, especially the other two fronts are the Kingdom of Death and the Five Color Flag Alliance. The passive situation of the dwarf independence movement will be reversed in one fell swoop, the haze on the road ahead will be swept away, and the dwarves can truly become an independent and powerful race.

Therefore, Daliang's invitation at this point in of great significance.

The King of the Hill immediately set off to the Creed slave trading center in Obsidian City.

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