Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1173 The dawn of independence

In the luxurious hall, the King of the Hill couldn't hide the anticipation in his heart after seeing Da Liang. He said: "The Duke invited me here this time, is he going to expand the war against the magical realm and join hands with the dwarves? Elf?"

Daliang enthusiastically asked Sophia to pour red wine for the King of the Hill, and then said: "Our Five-Color Flag Alliance wants to teach the elves a lesson, and we don't need to join hands with anyone...

Moreover, we remain neutral and will not take the initiative to attack anyone or involve ourselves in a war without any benefit. "

The King of the Hill couldn't help but feel disappointed when he heard that the Five Color Flag Alliance had no intention of expanding the war against the elves. But Daliang's next words restored his hope again.

"However... since the elves are provoking the Five-Color Flag Alliance in Shangjiang, we will not give up the right to attack the elves easily. Before your Majesty came, I had already met the envoys of the elves... They wanted to cease the war.

I refused and made them an offer. "

The King of the Hill asked eagerly: "What are the conditions?"

"The Five-Color Flag Alliance acts as a third party to mediate the conflicts between dwarves and elves and stop the war in the magical realm."

The King of the Hill, who was still sitting in the chair, suddenly jumped out of the chair. He stepped forward and held Da Liang's hand tightly, his eyes filled with tears.

The dwarves are really miserable. In order to separate from the elves and become an independent race, the dwarves have been fighting and sacrificing for it. This time, taking advantage of the outbreak of the plane war to declare independence, the dwarves really made a desperate move.

The result was that he was fighting alone amid heavy siege.

How many dwarf cities and tribes were massacred by the elves.

But no one in the whole world dares to support them. Their identity is the traitor of the rebel elves.

At this time, Daliang's request for mediation from the elves was tantamount to admitting that the dwarves were a separate race from the elves. This is not only the first time that the dwarves have received public support from a powerful force, but the Five Color Flag Alliance has already taken action to support the independence of the dwarves.

"My Lord Duke, you are the true friend of the entire dwarves..."

The dwarf received his first recognition here, and the inarticulate King of the Hill didn't know how to express his excitement at this time and his gratitude to Daliang.

Daliang stood up and showed respect to the King of the Hill. He said: "Your Majesty, please sit down... and listen to me finish the matter."

The King of the Hill knew that he had lost his temper. He sat back in his chair and listened carefully to what Daliang said.

Daliang said: "As expected... the elves have rejected our proposal to intervene in the civil war in the magical realm and mediate the conflicts between you. Under the dual pressure of the Death Kingdom and the Five Color Flag Alliance, I think the elves will attack the black world with all their strength in the near future. Iron City.

First resolve the internal war, and then deal with the threat of our Five Color Flag Alliance and the undead.

The Five-Color Flag Alliance cannot provide much substantial help to the dwarves during this period... and after the war, as long as the Black Iron City is still in the hands of the dwarves, the Five-Color Flag Alliance will publicly recognize the independence of the dwarves and establish diplomatic relations with the dwarves. .

Conduct comprehensive military, economic, and political cooperation with Black Iron City. "

"I will defend the Black Iron City." The King of the Hill said firmly.

It must be a crazy attack, and the dwarves will experience a hard battle that they have never experienced before. This is also a test for future allies of the Five Color Flag Alliance. The dwarves must show their strength and value in this war.

Only by holding on can we wait for a turning point and force the elves to the negotiating table.

At this time, Daliang asked: "Does Your Majesty have the idea of ​​forming an alliance with the undead? If the undead are willing to send troops to help the dwarves, it will make your fight easier.

If Your Majesty is willing to talk, I can arrange for you to meet with representatives of the Realm of Death. "

Da Liang's suggestion made the King of the Hill think deeply.

Forming an alliance with the undead is the best choice for the dwarves. This is a plane that has been contending with the magical realm for countless years. If the Death Lord is willing to send troops around the Black Iron City, it can reduce the pressure on the dwarves and increase the defense of the Black Iron City. The odds of Iron City.

Even counterattacking is not impossible.

But after careful consideration, the King of the Hill rejected Daliang's proposal: "Dwarves exist in a magical realm. This is not only the home of the elves, but also the home of our dwarves.

Now that the undead have invaded the magical realm, there is nothing I can do, but I will never pollute my own land with the undead, and let the corpses of dead warriors turn into skeletons and be desecrated.

Dwarves will not cooperate with the Realm of Death. "

There is a clear dividing line between the undead and the living. Even if they are both in the evil camp, the Dungeon Clan and the Swamp Clan keep a respectful distance from the undead and will not easily let the undead set foot on their territory.

Not to mention the dwarves who had just escaped from the elves and respected life very much.

"I know..." Daliang gave up the idea of ​​​​bringing an alliance between the Kingdom of Death and the dwarves, retracted his greed to take the entire magical realm into his pocket, and said instead: "In addition to the war in Black Iron City, Your Majesty also has another war. Want to fight.

The army of black elves in the lower caves of Obsidian City has begun to take action, and Ingram wants to officially attack the city.

Two wars are likely to start at the same time.

Your Majesty needs to make complete preparations, capture Obsidian City in the shortest possible time, and tell the elves... that you have secured a solid rear. "

The King of the Hill said: "I am ready. Black Iron City has an army on standby at all times. No matter how difficult the war in Black Iron City is, this army will not move.

As long as the black elves occupy the city lord's palace in Obsidian City, I will lead my army to rush in.

Capture Obsidian City before anyone reacts. "

"Of course I am very reassured by His Majesty's preparations. Everything will go according to our previous plan." Da Liang picked up the red wine in front of him and said to the King of the Hill: "Let us toast to victory together."

The King of the Hill also picked up his wine glass and clinked it with Daliang, and said: "To our friendship... cheers."

After a glass of wine, the King of the Hill returned from Da Liang with a full load. He saw the dawn of victory and the opportunity for the dwarves to become truly independent.

After seeing off the King of the Hill, Daliang said to Sophia: "Prepare a carriage for me... I'm going to see Ingram."

At this time, Bavaria had returned to Bauhinia City, met with King Wadsworth, the owner of the largest main city in the magical realm, and reported all the details of his meeting with Daliang.

Standing on the top of the World Tree and overlooking the forest under the clear sky, King Wadsworth said: "Your previous judgment was correct. The Five Color Flag Alliance has very great ambitions. They are plundering everywhere under the banner of neutrality.

The matter in Rio City has been investigated.

Shangjiang City took away almost all the gold coins in Rio overnight, and the situation was the same in other cities in the main world. They are using a piece of paper that is useless to us to frantically gather all the gold coins in the entire main world into Shangjiang City.

I have to admit that the Five Color Flag Alliance did a very good job this time. But this time they not only poached the cake of our magical realm, but also cut off the financial resources of all planes.

There is a price to pay..."

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