Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1177 General Attack on Black Iron City

After Daliang finished speaking to Red Copper, he turned to Monica and said: "After the dwarves intervened in the war and surrounded Ingram's army in Obsidian City, you led the army of Songjiang City to attack Cihe City.

The main force of the black elves in Thorny River City has left, and there are no decent defensive facilities in the city. It shouldn't be difficult for you to capture this city.

After capturing Thorny River City, red copper will help you delay the return of Obsidian City's defeated army. You must use this time to attack and annex all the large black elf tribes in the lower caves to complete the occupation of the lower caves of Obsidian City.

During this period... Thorny River City's defense will be very weak, so be careful of the counterattack from the black elves who retreat.

I suggest you……

Be prepared to summon Abigail.

I will also leave Julian, Juliet, and Night with you for emergencies. "

Whether Da Liang can occupy the lower cave will determine whether Da Liang can complete his strategy in this Obsidian City war. Whether they can defend Thorn River City with a small number of defenders during the attack of the Black Elves' defeated army will determine whether they can complete the plan to occupy the lower caves of Obsidian City.

Da Liang didn't know how many black elves would retreat from the battlefield in Obsidian City. But during his communication with the King of the Hill, he knew that when the dwarves captured Obsidian City, they were likely to face the elves' crazy attack on Black Iron City. The dwarves cannot engage in a siege and annihilation battle in Obsidian City. They must occupy the city as soon as possible and return their energy to the defense of Black Iron City.

Therefore, the King of the Hill will never surround Ingram to death in Obsidian City, and will only defeat but not annihilate the Black Elves. If you can't, you won't fight. If you can, drive away. Those who escape will never be chased.

In this way, the number of black elves retreating from the direction of Obsidian will far exceed Daliang's initial expectations. A large number of black elves' defeated troops retreated towards Thorny River City. The Red Copper Tracker Army could only hold back part of the defeated army, and the rest would attack Thorny River City.

At this time, Cihe City's defense force was at its weakest, and most of Songjiang's black elf troops were attacking the black elf tribes in the lower caves, taking advantage of their weakest state to complete this large-scale annexation war. There will be very few troops used to defend Thorny River City, but Monica must stick to Thorny River City and not give the defeated army a chance to enter the city to rest and resupply, so that they have no way to cross Thorny River City and return to the lower level. Cave.

In order to survive and return home, the defeated black elf army will definitely attack Cihe City frantically.

Whether or not Thorny River City can be defended depends on Monica's ability in defensive battles.

Daliang also gave Monica the greatest support, Yezi, Julian, Juliet, and the Angel Alliance...

After Da Liang slowly told Monica about the worst possible situation that Thorn River City might encounter. Monica also realized that the originally relatively easy occupation battle would become more difficult. The Arbitration Angel's participation in the war, and his readiness to summon Abigail at any time, all express Da Liang's deep concerns about this war.

However, Monica did not show any cowardice. This war was related to whether the territory she ruled could be increased dozens of times. She promised Daliang: "Sir, I will guard Thorn River City, no matter from the direction of Obsidian." No matter how many defeated armies come, they can't shake the city I'm defending."

The big point nodded and looked at the heroes in the camp...

Everyone is competing in this war to see who can have the last laugh.

Just when Da Liang left the advancing tracker army and returned to Obsidian City, the elves in the magical territory launched a full-scale attack on the dwarves' Black Iron City.

The Kingdom of Death has invaded, and the Five-Color Flag Alliance refused to cease the war and expressed its support for the independence of the dwarves. There is not much time left for the elves. They must break through the Black Iron City before the Five-Color Flag Alliance fully intervenes in the war within the Magical Land.

As long as this main dwarf city is conquered, the dwarf uprisings igniting everywhere in the magical realm will have no support and will be quickly extinguished.

Without dwarves for support and support, the Five-Colored Flag Alliance would only gain more than it loses if it went to war with the Magical Realm. Negotiating with the elves to end the war and restore smooth trade routes was the Five-Colored Flag Alliance's best choice.

The last thing left is the Kingdom of Death.

The two planes have been hostile to each other for countless years, and neither one is afraid of the other. Moreover, in plane wars, the elves' main task is to bring down the undead.

Therefore, whether Black Iron City can be defeated in time has become the key for the elves to break the situation in the face of threats from three parties.

The elves were no longer conservative in their attack on the Black Iron City, no longer concerned about losses and consumption. Even for those dangerous fortresses that could not be breached for a long time, they did not hesitate to pay the price of causing some high-level spell-casting heroes to enter a period of magic exhaustion, and used forbidden spell-level magic to force them. Blaze the way forward.

The mountains were razed to the ground, the valleys were filled up to create passages, and the elves' army overwhelmingly advanced towards the Black Iron City from all sides.

The King of the Hill, who had obtained information from Da Liang, knew that the elves would launch a comprehensive general attack on his Black Iron City. He knew that this was a battle related to the fate of the dwarves. As long as he could survive it, no one could stop the dwarves from truly gaining independence.

Facing the strong attack of the elves, the dwarves also responded with attack. They rushed out of the tunnels where they were hiding and attacked the elves marching towards the Black Iron City from any position.

The elves and dwarves were fighting in a complete melee. Almost all the organizations of both sides were broken up. In the mountainous area with a radius of 100 kilometers, there was no so-called front line and rear area. In the woods, every time you take a step forward, you don't know whether you are facing friendly forces or enemies.

The dwarf's magma dragon dug through the earth's crust, causing volcanoes to erupt everywhere. The flowing magma made the battlefield environment more complicated. The thick smoke rising into the sky made the entire sky gray. The elves' aerial power was greatly restricted.

The King of the Hill was determined to break the boat and used all the supplies in this war. Rune magic allowed the dwarves to provide magical support to their own side as powerful as the elves. Dwarf armies marched out of the Black Iron City one after another, and then followed the underground network connecting various battlefields to defend against the elves' attack.

The 16th-level King of the Hill exuded his power in the Black Iron City, firmly attracting the attention of the two Elf Kings on the battlefield.

"Since there are two level 16 elf kings on this battlefield, why don't they join the battle in person? Two level 16s have a huge advantage over one king of the hill."

Shi Fei's army had arrived near Black Iron City at this time, and they stopped in a plane gap in a cave. Half-Moon Cat followed Shi Fei to investigate the Black Iron City.

Black Iron City is built inside a volcano. From the outside, you can only see this huge mountain. The mountain thickness of several kilometers is the best city wall for Black Iron City. If you want to enter Black Iron City, the only way is through the crater on the top of the mountain. , so the upper half of the entire mountain is naturally rugged with fortresses built by the dwarves, and various defense facilities tower over it.

He has the aura that one man can stop ten thousand men from opening the door.

While observing Black Iron City, Shi Fei said to Half-Moon Cat: "There is also a big gap in the strength of level 16 heroes. I don't know exactly how strong the King of the Hill is, but he must be very strong. The entire magical realm The only one who can be said to be the King of the Hill is King Wadsworth. Moreover, level 16 heroes are not invincible. Peak level 15 heroes can also limit the performance of level 16 heroes as long as they cooperate well and are in sufficient numbers.

Not to mention a variety of magic props and alchemical equipment.

The dwarves are fighting at home, and the elves don't know what tricks the dwarves have arranged here, so the elf king will not show up easily. A level 16 hero was severely damaged, which had a huge impact on the entire battle. "

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