Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1178 The changed plot

Then Shi Fei talked about the strength comparison between dwarves and elves, and the troops and subordinates in various places. The elves attack key points and routes, and the dwarves focus on defense areas. At the same time, he told Half-Moon Cat how to cooperate with the dominating army when he led the elf army under his command to drive nails into the Black Iron City.

The half-moon cat recorded the various orders given by Shi Fei, and the doubts in his heart worsened again.

No matter how strong a player group's intelligence-gathering ability is, there is a limit. The entire game world is really too big. A Pacific naval battle almost occupied all the energy of the dominant intelligence department. Therefore, the intelligence-gathering ability of the Magic Realm is limited. Substantial reduction.

The things Shi Fei said to Half-Moon Cat are not in the Domination Legion's intelligence database at all. If Shi Fei's position among the elves allowed him to know the subordinates of the elven army, then how did Shi Fei know where the dwarf armies were? Can he even tell you the configuration and number of arms?

hard to explain……

Unless Shi Fei steps on the two boats of elves and dwarves. And Shi Fei's identity as an elf clan determines that it is impossible for him to gain enough trust in the dwarf clan to know such confidential military information.

This is a man full of doubts...

Shi Fei also knew that he had revealed too many things to Ban Yue Mao that he should not have disclosed, but the situation in the game world was developing too fast.

The civil war of the undead ended just like that, so fast that people couldn't make any changes. They didn't even know what happened between the City of Sighs and the Blue Alliance Army? As if in just one breath, the good camp suddenly lost its strategic advantage in the kingdom of death, and all the intelligence was outdated.

And the war in Hell's Forge City.

The timing of it, the size of the armies involved, and the heroes were all wrong.

The real war in Hell's Furnace City broke out much later, and in fact the outbreak of the plane was much later than it is now. In the last life, several conflicts broke out between Hell and Cloud City at the beginning of the plane war, when Lucifer was fully coping with the angel invasion. The sudden rise of Satan led five hell lord kings and commanded the old troops. He drove away the fallen angels very quickly and reoccupied the furnace city.

Next... Although Furnace City is still besieged by Cloud City, the masters of the city are one is Satan and the other is Lucifer.

All because the hell lord king in this life ran out early, and there were supposed to be five hell lord kings, but instead there were three. The two counselor-type hell lord kings, Beelzebub and Misuka, who were heavily relied upon by Satan, were nowhere to be found. There was only a capable Ergos and an auxiliary Angela beside Satan.

So Satan could have taken back Hell from Lucifer in a devastating way, but the battle for Hell's Furnace City turned into a protracted tug-of-war, and was finally overturned by Lucifer.

Due to the strategic mistakes of the Sun Messenger, the players in the Crucible City were surrounded and suppressed by the Fallen Angels. What happened on the battlefield in the Crucible City was unknown to all the players. But it can be seen from Yunzhong City's strategy of besieging Furnace City instead of directly attacking it.

Lucifer not only won the battle against Satan, but also suffered little loss. He still had the strength to make Yunzhong City fear him.

Now the situation of the plane war has almost changed beyond recognition. The elves who could have focused on exterminating the dwarves were not only invaded by the Kingdom of Death, but also had friction with the Five Color Flag Alliance in Shangjiang of the main world for unknown reasons.

Shi Fei led his army in stealth and had no way to obtain specific information from the Purple Flower City, but what is certain is that... the magical realm is facing pressure from three aspects. It must be prepared to face the dwarves, the Five Color Flag Alliance and death at the same time without external aid. country.

Moreover, Wu Color Flag, Shangjiangdu and Daliang have a very close relationship.

Shi Fei realized that his plot mission should collide with Daliang's plot mission... This was a very bad thing.

Now the elves suddenly attacked the Black Iron City regardless of losses, and the dwarves also uncharacteristically used attack to attack to block the elves' advance. It must be for some reason that the elves had to attack the Black Iron City as quickly as possible, and the dwarves must have received strong support, no longer caring about their family fortunes, and putting their fate on this battle.

Who is the foreign aid of the dwarves?

Looking at the entire world, the only one who has the ability to support the dwarves, yet makes the magical realm so tense, and is at war with the elves... is the Five Color Flag Alliance.

This is no longer an ordinary plot war, but a battle between himself and Daliang relying on their respective forces. It is a battle between old enemies.

Therefore, Shi Fei told Banyue Mao a lot of information that should not have been told. These were only the strategic arrangements of both sides that were discovered little by little by the players after the war.

This battle must be won!

Shi Fei told Half-Moon Cat a lot about the mobilization instructions of the Dominator Legion in the war. After Ban-Moon Cat said that he had memorized them all, he asked again: "Have you discovered anything about the intelligence personnel you arranged to go to the Endless Labyrinth Obsidian City? "

Another arrangement that left Ban Yue Mao scratching his head.

As a territory that focuses on missions in the magical realm, Shi Fei's Dragon Star Territory has not developed into an endless maze, let alone Obsidian City, which is located on the border of the Iron Shoe Kingdom. There are not many players in the remote area, and it has no strategic value, so it will naturally not be valued by Half Moon Cat.

But a few days ago, Shi Fei suddenly asked Banyue Mao to send an intelligence officer to Obsidian City.

The message just sent back by the intelligence officer showed that Shi Fei seemed to be one step ahead in intelligence.

Faced with Shi Fei's inquiry, Half Moon Cat quickly replied: "After our intelligence personnel arrived at Obsidian City in the endless maze, they immediately went to the lower cave connecting passage of Obsidian City to squat. The intelligence he just fed back showed that... A large black elf army is marching to the upper level through these passages. The number of black elves cannot be counted, but they are obviously attacking. The target of the attack should be Obsidian City, a border city under the Iron Heel Kingdom...

It is expected that one day later... the black elves will launch an attack on Obsidian City. "

After hearing the information about Half Moon Cat, Shi Fei secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

The plot of the Black Elves attacking Obsidian City has finally not been changed. As long as the Obsidian City fights, the morale of the dwarves in the Black Iron City will be greatly damaged, and then adding his nail to provide a forward position for the elves, the dwarves' defense system can be completely disintegrated.

The last black iron city... even if it has such natural dangers to defend. But in an isolated city, the backup was cut off, and the main force was unable to retreat in the surrounding mountainous areas. Even if the elves were flooded with human heads, they could still rush in and complete the occupation of the Black Iron City.

As long as the dwarves are pacified and independent, the magical realm can survive this predicament without any danger.

"Let our army prepare to build a defensive military camp here at night..."

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