Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1179 Prelude

Daliang of Obsidian City did not know that Shi Fei had arrived near Black Iron City.

In order to deter the enemies in the American game zone in the Pacific, the Southeast Asian Combined Fleet has always claimed that... Feishaozushi is in the dominant fleet and directs the entire fleet's maritime confrontation affairs.

Therefore, another confrontation with the reborn person started without Daliang's knowledge.

At this time, Daliang was making final preparations to attack Obsidian City, so that the plane teleportation array would be blown up and destroyed without fail.

By the time agreed upon with Ingram, the Creed Slave Exchange had prepared the slaves that would be supplied to Black Iron City this time, totaling ten thousand cavemen.

The war in the Black Iron City is already in full swing. Although the dwarves are struggling to resist, it can only slow down the advancement of the elven army. External pressure makes the elves' attacks become crazy, and the magic bombing of the Black Iron City from the air is not enough. intermittent.

The dwarves need these cavemen to help them repair their damaged defense facilities so that more dwarf warriors can join the war.

The King of the Hill issued a special pass for the trade of these caveman slaves, and requested Obsidian City to allow these slaves to pass through the plane teleportation array as soon as possible and reach Black Iron City to support the war.

Under the suppression of Obsidian City, the assassinations in the city have slowed down. City Lord Moore, who was in a good mood, also agreed to take special care of these cavemen slaves, reducing the inspection procedures so that the workers the dwarves desperately needed could arrive on the battlefield as soon as possible.

Moreover, the Creed Slave Exchange's good reputation in using the plane teleportation array also prevented the defenders here from carefully checking the 10,000 cavemen one by one.

After receiving Moore's order, the defenders simply counted the number of slaves who wanted to pass through the plane teleportation array, and then allowed them to pass after Daliang paid the teleportation fee.

The caveman slaves were driven by the dwarf bear cavalry and walked onto the plane teleportation array under the watchful eyes of the guarding tauren.

The brilliance flickered, and the caveman slaves who entered the plane teleportation array arrived in the hot black iron city in an instant. The city is built on a mountain wall, with an open crater at the top. The dwarf warriors who were already waiting here quickly took away the cavemen who came over and rushed them to a place far away from the plane teleportation array. Another group of dwarves carefully counted the number of cavemen slaves they received.

When the last batch of caveman slaves was about to teleport over, the dwarf in charge of recording immediately shouted loudly: "Close the plane teleportation array, and all nearby personnel should evacuate immediately, evacuate immediately!"

On the other side of the plane teleportation array, the last more than a hundred caveman slaves were stranded on top of the teleportation array.

What happened?

The sudden abnormality of the plane teleportation array attracted the defenders to gather around, wanting to see where the malfunction was. However, at this time, the dwarf bear cavalry escorting the cavemen all turned around and drove the war bears away.

Before the defenders could figure out the situation, flashes of light appeared one after another from the caveman slaves, followed by strong explosions, the ground shook, a mushroom cloud rose from the position of the plane teleportation array, and a circular shock wave Sweeping around.

The Bear Troopers ran forward desperately along the road, and the explosion destroyed everything around them and spread and wreaked havoc along the street. The smoke and debris generated chased behind the Bear Cavalry, and they were swallowed up and disappeared after falling a little behind.

The bear cavalry who had retreated early had suffered heavy losses, not to mention the Obsidian City defenders guarding the plane teleportation array.

Everything... including the plane teleportation array, was razed to the ground.

The explosion shook the entire city. The residents of the underground city looked in the direction of the explosion in horror, not knowing what had happened or what was waiting for them.

The defenders of Obsidian City were also alarmed by this violent explosion. They quickly determined that the explosion occurred at the location of the plane teleportation array, and quickly sent troops to investigate.

Just as the entire city was distracted by the explosion, the black elf assassins hiding in the darkness began to gather at the designated location. They will first complete a rally, and then concentrate their efforts to attack the city gate. As long as they can occupy the city gate and keep the city gate open during the counterattack of the Obsidian City defenders, the black elf army may enter the city directly from the city gate.

Quickly entering street fighting will greatly reduce the losses of the black elves.

But before the black elf assassins started to attack the city gate, they encountered an unexpected incident.

A team of unknown forces got ahead of them and launched a fierce attack on the gate of Obsidian City. The catapult hidden in the city threw four alchemical bombs towards the city gate, and more than a dozen heroes hidden in cloaks released a round of magic towards the city gate.

The city gate defenders who were paying attention to the explosion in the city were overwhelmed by flashes of light and explosions.

But after the explosion dissipated, the unknown team attacking the city gate disappeared without a trace.

The alerted city gate defenders closed the city gates and began to strengthen their defenses. The surrounding armies also came in urgent support. The black elf assassins who had completed their assembly could only bite the bullet and launch a charge against the reinforced and closed city gate.

Da Liang flapped his fallen angel wings and flew high in the sky, overlooking the city.

After the explosion that resounded throughout the cave was emitted from the plane teleportation array, the entire Obsidian City immediately fell into chaos. Then there were successive explosions at the city gate, fighting and the shining light of magic, showing that a fierce battle was taking place there.

Then...a faint rumbling sound came from the darkness that was not illuminated by the torch tower in the distance.

The sound became louder and louder, the vibrations became louder and louder, the stones on the ground began to beat, and a depressing feeling filled the entire cave. The sound of trombones then sounded from the walls of Obsidian City, and then passed on one after another, and soon the sound of alarm spread throughout the city...

Enemy attack! Enemy attack!

The war begins...

In Obsidian City, the magic eyes at the top of the magic tower all opened, and dazzling light burst out together, and magic rays were thrown into the sky above the city wall.

Magical fireworks exploded, and magic energy poured on the city wall like a waterfall.

On the wall of the city wall, the magic circle hidden inside is activated after receiving the magic energy. The streamer flows along the seams of the stone bricks, greatly improving the physical resistance and magic resistance of the city wall.

Large-scale magic continued to be released by the magic tower. The defenders climbed onto the city wall, and the flowing magic energy waterfall blessed them with various beneficial magic states.

The dragon's roar pierced the sky, and huge black shadows took off from all over the city. They gathered and screamed as they flew. From time to time, strong flaming dragon breath spurted out, illuminating their dragon scales that were as shiny as obsidian. .

Outside the city, the black cavalry rushed into the torch tower's illumination range...

It was the dark cavalry of the black elves. Countless dark cavalry formed a black tide, sweeping towards Obsidian City from the direction of the lower cave.

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