Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1181 Entering the Dwarf Camp

The black elf assassin failed to seize the city gate, so the battle did not start immediately.

The black elf army preparing to storm Obsidian City stopped outside the attack range of the city's defense system. While they were blocking Obsidian City, they were assembling siege weapons and deploying troops to their respective predetermined attack positions.

All arrangements are carried out step by step according to the drill.

The tense war atmosphere is getting thicker and thicker, and horns are sounding one after another to convey instructions. Both sides are transporting materials and weapons for the battle to the front as quickly as possible.

At this time, a black elf cavalry unit with unique members rushed towards the free market outside Obsidian City, causing tension among the merchants in the market... This was a mixed cavalry army with dark cavalry as the main force. It was obvious that He recognized the human knights and the beastly wolf knights inside. In addition, there were four red dragons and a thousand-headed griffins in the air, marching hand in hand with the cavalry.

The person leading the charge of this cavalry was a creature similar in size to an elven centaur, but this creature was taller and stronger. It was covered in armor and exuded a terrifying aura.

What surprised the merchants in the free market even more was... nearly a thousand bear cavalry who were originally affiliated with the Creed Slave Exchange galloped out of their temporary military camp. But the bear cavalry did not go to meet this mixed cavalry army. Instead, they merged with this army and led the iron hooves towards the dwarf military camp under the torch tower.

The cavalry rushed past, the dwarf military camp was surrounded, and the free market was also occupied by this cavalry army.

All the merchants understood why the owner of the Creed Slave Exchange was not afraid of the threat from the elves. He had long been in cahoots with the black elves and provided them with weapons and supplies.

The threat from the elves is nothing. Once the black elves occupy Obsidian City, the treacherous human will get far more than he does now.

The free market was seized and merchants were ordered not to leave their houses. Although there are many powerful heroes among these businessmen, the Black Elves are really powerful this time. Even if all the merchants in the free market unite, they will not be able to withstand a single charge from the Black Elves.

Since taking the initiative means risking death, it is better to wait quietly for the end of the war. Anyway, no matter who wins, they must rely on the free market to provide tax revenue.

The tracker army led by Red Copper successfully completed the first step of the plan.

The black elf army not far away has begun a tentative attack on Obsidian City. Through sporadic charges and retreats, the range, quantity and type of long-range firepower attacks for the city defense have been further determined.

A formal siege will begin at any time.

But Daliang did not continue to watch the black elves' siege battle. Through the information from the King of the Hill, he knew the true strength of the Obsidian City defenders. As long as Ingram doesn't make stupid mistakes, it will not be difficult to destroy the city wall under the continuous attacks of so many troops and siege equipment.

As long as the black elves can rush into the city, there will be no suspense in the rest of the battle.

Now he is more concerned about his main mission.

The completion location of the main mission is in the Torch Tower, and the Torch Tower is in the dwarf military camp.

Da Liang fell from the sky to Red Copper's side.

The dwarf military camp is a fortress built of stone. It is also alchemically enchanted and has relatively high magic resistance and physical resistance. There are also towering castles inside the military camp. The castles are covered with gun ports and are densely packed like hedgehogs.

The dwarf weapon manufacturing factory was built underground under the protection of the castle. Dwarf craftsmen dug downwards to lead out part of the fire source of the torch tower, which was used to refine steel and forge weapons.

The Torch Tower is right next to the Dwarf Castle.

At this time, the tracker army was standing quietly outside the dwarf military camp. The catapults, artillery and other war equipment brought with the army have been assembled, and the gunpowder is loaded into the chamber. As long as the order is given, the attack can be carried out.

The dwarf military camp is also well prepared. The cast iron camp door is closed, and dwarf rune mages and fighters stand on the camp wall. The roar of the war bear and the cry of the magma dragon can also be heard behind the camp wall.

The two armies faced each other, the wind was blowing...

The battle in Obsidian City became more and more intense. The magical confrontation stirred up the quiet underground airflow, and the wind blew, carrying the smell of blood and gunpowder smoke.

This made the battlefield of confrontation under the Torch Tower even more tense.

Da Liang rode an underground lizard and walked toward the gate of the dwarf military camp. At this time, he was the focus of the audience. All the soldiers on both sides watched him slowly walk from one end of the battle line to the other.

Then when Da Liang approached the gate of the dwarf military camp, the winch drove the cast iron camp door to slowly rise, and Da Liang walked straight in.

"Sir, is there anything we can do for you?"

A dwarf hero walked to the side of Daliang's mount. He put away his weapon and saluted Daliang respectfully. He was as humble as meeting the king of the hill.

Daliang said: "I need to enter the Torch Tower for something. Do you know where the entrance is?"

The dwarf hero did not expect that Da Liang actually proposed to enter the Torch Tower. He immediately said: "The inside of the Torch Tower is an independent flame space. No matter how many people enter, they will not meet in the flame space.

And there are many weird and powerful monsters inside, which are really dangerous.

We only dared to draw out a little high-temperature flame from the outside, and did not dare to go deep into the torch tower. And because of the characteristics inside the torch tower, we cannot provide protection for adults if they want to enter the torch tower.

His Majesty the King of the Hill told us this time to protect your safety..."

Daliang said: "I would like to express my gratitude to His Majesty the King of the Hill. I have urgent matters that require me to enter the Torch Tower, and I am responsible for my own safety.

I have made it clear to my subordinates how to attack Obsidian City, and they will cooperate with you in this operation.

Now... take me into the Torch Tower. "

Seeing that he could not persuade Daliang, the dwarf hero had no choice but to salute again and said: "Your Majesty said... your orders are his orders. Please follow me..."

The dwarf hero turned and walked towards the torch tower, and Da Liang drove the underground lizard to follow him.

At this time, a series of gunshots were heard from outside the camp wall, and the ground was shaking slightly. You can feel how spectacular this artillery attack was. But after the cannon fired, except for a few stones thrown into the open space inside the military camp, no shells hit the dwarf's military camp.

At the same moment, the dwarf military camp immediately responded with an attack, and the artillery groups on the castle sprayed out thick smoke and tongues of fire.

The roaring sound instantly submerged the entire Torch Tower area. Griffins and red dragons were hovering in the air. Magics competed to explode in the air. Fierce smoke rose from everywhere.

For a time, the battle in Torch Tower was more intense than that in Obsidian City.

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