Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1182 Main Mission Copy

Dwarf armies came out of the castle one after another. They left the military camp through a side door shrouded in smoke, and then blended into the tracker army led by Red Copper. Finally, they were placed in the temporary military camps of the Creed Slave Exchange, and some even entered the free trading market.

Since the Creed Slave Exchange originally had a large dwarf army, these Black Iron City dwarves operating with the Dark Cavalry did not attract the attention of the merchants for a while.

And Da Liang, who had completely handed over the war to his subordinates, led the dwarf hero to the bottom of the Torch Tower.

Seen from a distance, the Torch Tower is a very tall pillar, as slender as a chimney. But only after walking underneath the torch tower can you feel the impact it brings.

The diameter of the torch tower is at least more than 100 meters by visual inspection. If the visual difference of the arc is included, the diameter should be even wider. Looking up, there is a tall tower that almost breaks through the ceiling of the cave. Orange-red light shines from above, and the blocked burning torch cannot be seen.

The dwarf hero pointed to a tower wall about ten meters high above and said to Da Liang: "Sir, that is the entrance to the Torch Tower. There are stairs leading to the upper level. How many floors does this Torch Tower have... We don't know how many floors there are. I don’t know, but there are dormant monsters on each floor. Once an intruder enters, they will attack.

Sir...if you trust me, I am willing to enter the Torch Tower for you first. "

To be entrusted by the King of the Hill with the important task of guarding the dwarf weapons manufacturing factory here, this dwarf must be a very powerful hero. From his tone, you can also feel his confidence in his own strength.

But Daliang said: "My affairs must be completed by myself...Thank you again for bringing me here. The black elves have launched a full-scale attack on Obsidian City, and commanding your army is your most important task."

After saying that, Daliang unfolded his fallen angel wings and flew up.

At the location pointed by the dwarf hero, there is a dark hole with a height of two meters, and nothing inside can be seen from the outside. According to the main quest prompts and what the dwarf hero just said, the Torch Tower should be a type of single-player quest dungeon map.

Below the Torch Tower, the tracker army and the dwarves were fighting fiercely, the artillery roared continuously, and the magic reflected the sky above colorfully. The dwarf army in Black Iron City is passing through the newly built plane portal in the castle, reaching the endless maze, and then heading to various attack positions under the cover of the tracker army.

Da Liang looked at the direction of Obsidian City at the entrance.

The fighting there has gradually reached a climax. The black elves pushed heavy catapults, magic amplifying devices and artillery to the front line of the battlefield, and used long-range city defense weapons in Obsidian City to throw boulders, alchemy bombs, anti-firing artillery and magic at each other.

In the military camp behind, the heavy war equipment purchased from Songjiang continued to be assembled, and then continuously pushed to the front line to replenish the weapons damaged in the long-range fire confrontation.

Daliang did not fool Ingram in terms of the power and use of heavy weapons. In the past, the Black Elves were helpless against the Obsidian City Wall. Now they could stand where they were and use the same firepower output to suppress the defenders' wall defense system.

When Obsidian City destroyed the Black Elves' siege weapons, the Black Elves also continued to destroy Obsidian City's defensive weapons.

Afterwards, the black elves used all the heavyweight ballistae together to fill the gap between the artillery and the cannons. The long-range troops on the walls of Obsidian City were suppressed by the continuous firepower and could not attack at all.

Then, the black elves sent out a large number of infantry soldiers and launched heavy-armored alchemy boarding vehicles to move towards the city wall...

Seeing that the black elves and Obsidian City were focused on the battle for the city wall, Da Liang turned around with confidence and got into the entrance of the torch tower behind him.

After passing through a sticky dungeon barrier, the noise of the battlefield disappeared and became silent, and Da Liang appeared in an open space.

The surroundings were filled with flames shooting up, as if he were in a burning furnace, and it felt like the abyss of hell. However, the place where Da Liang stood was empty and not filled with flames.

There is an invisible barrier that blocks the flames from the outside, giving people the feeling of being in an underwater world, except that what is blocked here is not water but fire.

The isolation space that Da Liang is in at this time is about a thousand square meters and has a height of four to five meters. Opposite where he is standing is a spiral staircase that leads to the upper floor...

Apart from these, Da Liang did not see the monsters he should have.

With a vigilant heart, Daliang held the Dark Blazing Sword in his hand and looked at his attributes and status.

Everything is normal and not affected by negative status. However, the status of the sub-hero is completely gray, indicating that the Flame Commander level is insufficient and cannot be converted in this special map.

It seems that this is a dungeon with level 50 restrictions. If the Flame Commander is less than level 50, he cannot change his body at will here.

Daliang's strength is naturally greatly restricted.

The main hero should be in the main hero state. My current level is at least ten levels higher than this dungeon. Human priests also play very violently.

Advanced Firebending Magic

Advanced body care stone skin

Advanced body shield

Advanced magic ban

Force field shield, spell wave, magic energy return, prayer...

Dragon power, dragon breath ball summoning, dragon heart...

Corruption aura, weapon corrosion enchantment, black shield...

Da Liang exerted on himself all the states needed in this environment. After the flash of beams of light, his strength increased layer by layer.

Intermediate dragon magic allowed him to master more dragon skills, which increased strength, defense, and blood volume. A fist-sized dragon breath ball circled irregularly around his body.

During battle, the Dragon Breath Ball will spit out dragon breath to attack the enemy.

The Dark Blazing Sword allows Da Liang to use advanced fallen energy and fallen angel combat skills. The fallen combat skills are biased towards erosion and corrosion. Enemies shrouded in the fallen aura will be affected by a continuous blood reduction state. Weapon corrosion enchantment can destroy the durability of the enemy's armor. Or reduce the enemy's defensive resistance.

Under the blessing of various states, Da Liang unfolded the wings of the fallen angel, wore a black battle armor, held a black shield in his left hand, and a dark blazing sword in his right hand. He was surrounded by dragon breath balls and was surrounded by a magical stream of beneficial states.

Looking at the status bar, Daliang felt that he was already very good... but not the most powerful.

For the sake of safety, in order to clear the dungeon smoothly and quickly, and to refocus on the Obsidian City War, Da Liang once again resorted to the method of throwing coins!

Circles of magic arrays unfolded around him. The brilliance shone and the magic patterns rotated. The accumulation of magic energy caused the airflow to surge. Da Liang took out the full posture of the leader of transformation except for the flames when he captured Satan.

Then strike a few poses and take a few selfies.

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