Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1183 First Floor

After saving the photo narcissistically, Daliang was not in a hurry to move forward.

The dwarf hero said that there are dormant monsters in the space inside the Torch Tower. They will wake up and attack when the invaders come in.

Now that Da Liang didn't see any monster in front of him, it meant that he had not yet entered the monster's attack range. This should be a safe area for the dungeon, allowing incoming heroes to adapt to the environment and replenish their status.

After completing his own status blessing, Daliang summoned three more demons from the weapon card.

Demon spirits are the unique arms of the Black Fire Territory that were transformed by ghosts through the evil prison. Although there are no outstanding points in offense and defense, their unit characteristics are very practical.

Energy Tide (energy-type attacking creatures, if there is a demon within ten meters around, the killing damage is increased by 10%, can be superimposed, the upper limit is 30%, a demon can only provide energy tide to one energy-attacking creature)

Each monster is an additional top-quality magic amplification item. With three monsters around, the caster's magic power can be increased by 30%, which is a very terrifying improvement.

It's just that the demon spirits are too fragile, which limits their use conditions. Just like when dealing with Satan, in Satan's flame field, the demon spirit will kill instantly when it comes out and cannot have any effect. Only in a protected and relatively safe environment can the demon spirit's ability to enhance magic energy be fully brought into play.

After passing the main dungeon this time, the narrow environment allowed Da Liang to position himself as a human shield and mobile turret, which could provide sufficient protection for the monsters, and the monsters could greatly increase the power of his spells, creating a complementary effect. .

After summoning the demon spirit, Da Liang once again summoned five war tramplers.

War Tramplers are a 12th-level unit. Their comprehensive attributes are among the best among the same-level units. They have excellent defense capabilities and attack capabilities. Their dual weapons also allow them to adapt to more complex combat changes.

The war tramplers summoned by Daliang this time are not ordinary soldiers used for consumption, but elite soldiers with skills.

Although basic soldiers do not have special skills and can be upgraded and grown like heroes, they do have one to six skill columns depending on their grade and rank.

Basic soldiers can learn skills by themselves in battle or learn them through skill books.

Soldiers with skills not only have a chance to advance into heroic units, but can also comprehend and learn spells and combat techniques corresponding to the skills.

Soldiers can also equip soldier ordnance.

Of course, such excellent soldiers cannot be equipped with consumable standard soldier ordnance. They must be equipped with high-level soldier ordnance with good or even top-quality attributes. You must know that some soldier ordnance with extremely high attribute increases are more attractive to solo players than hero equipment.

Therefore, an elite soldier with multiple skills, multiple combat skills, and a good set of soldier ordnance, after the player commander's bonus, his offensive and defensive attributes can even be as good as the tavern hero.

Although their combat awareness and blood volume are still lower than those of tavern heroes, and they do not have special talents. But they can be carried around in soldier cards, and the maintenance cost is far lower than the cheapest heroes.

As long as the health is increased in time and the command is proper, such high-quality soldiers are fully qualified to perform the tasks of some heroes.

Therefore, high-end and high-quality elite soldiers are very popular in the player market. If the soldiers have learned skills that are easy to use, the price is even higher than that of some tavern heroes. After all, the higher the level of the soldier, the greater the chance of becoming a hero. As long as he becomes a hero, no matter how rubbish the special skills learned by a horror knight are, they have higher potential than a tavern caveman hero.

The 12th-level War Trampler is already the highest level of the basic arms. The expanded Trampler Legion also allows Daliang to easily select soldiers with five or six skill slots.

It doesn't matter if you don't understand the skills, just buy the book and improve it, and get them all to the intermediate level... not short of money.

It doesn't matter if he doesn't have spells or combat skills. Just buy books and hit them. I'll give him whatever books he can hit... There's no shortage of money.

It doesn't matter if we don't have soldiers ordnance. We have our own ordnance processing factory, our own dwarf craftsmen in Black Iron City, and our own alchemy laboratory with a group of alchemist masters.

All soldiers' ordnance must be customized, and every dimension must be measured accurately to the millimeter. Our purpose is to adapt the equipment to our soldiers and not to let our soldiers adapt to the equipment. We should enhance the attributes that are needed and not allow them to add any attributes that are not needed.

Only the best of everything is needed to squeeze out all the fighting power of a warrior.

Therefore, the five war tramplers summoned by Da Liang are very different from ordinary war tramplers in appearance.

The whole body armor is uniformly dyed black, tall, mighty, and divine. The weapons and armor are faintly flowing with a halo of magic. This is the masterpiece of the dwarf craftsmen and alchemy masters of the Black Iron City, so that the soldiers' ordnance has the designated Magical effects.

The bodies of the three demon spirits are also customized high-end soldier weapons with a magical halo.

All of them are tall, rich and handsome among the soldiers!

Next, Da Liang avoided the magic circle with a number of uses and released buff magic suitable for the demon spirits and war tramplers respectively.

Now that everything is ready, a dungeon raiding team has been formed in the hands of Daliang.

Start making copies!

Da Liang was suspended half a meter above the ground, directing the team to move forward...

When the team reaches the middle position.

In an instant, the light in the entire space suddenly changed, and the brightness quickly dimmed... The barrier that was originally transparent and could see the flames outside turned into a stone wall, and the war tramplers' horse hooves stepped on the ground, making a crisp sound.

At the same time, the surrounding walls sunk in, forming grooves two meters wide and three meters high, and then a low roar came from those grooves without any light.

There were also thumping, thumping footsteps.

The monsters guarding the first floor of the Torch Tower woke up. When they came out of the groove, Da Liang could see their appearance clearly.

These monsters have the appearance of a tauren, their bodies are made of black rock, and they hold long-handled battle axes in their hands. They line up neatly and walk out of the groove like a guard of honor.

Just by listening to the heavy footsteps they make, you can feel how much weight and power they have.

In a narrow space, such a warrior with high attack and defense is simply the nemesis of the spellcasting profession.

At this time, a stronger leader-level monster walked out from the opposite staircase. It held two battle axes in both hands, and its size could almost fill the entire entrance.

After these guard monsters appeared, they did not attack Da Liang immediately. They stood in place like statues, surrounding Da Liang's team in the middle.

"Intruder, you have entered a place you should not have entered. As the first-level guard of the Torch Tower, I allow you to go back from where you came. If you continue to move forward, we will definitely kill you..."

Before the leader monster finished speaking, the entire space on the first floor suddenly lit up, and a bolt of lightning jumped up, hitting the leader monster instantly.

Then the lightning decomposed into several electric arcs and jumped to the side. After hitting the Black Stone Tauren respectively, they decomposed the electric arcs and continued to jump.

The whole process went very quickly, and the lightning completed the process of hitting, decomposing, and jumping almost in the blink of an eye...

After a flash, the enclosed space returned to dim light.

The monsters remained standing, and the monster leader did not speak.

"go ahead!"

Da Liang gave the order, and the War Stomper stepped forward with two swords in hand.

The iron hooves struck the ground and vibrated, and then a network of cracks appeared on the black stone tauren nearby. Stones rolled down from the monster's body, and then the whole body turned into gravel and collapsed downwards.

One by one, the black stone tauren radiated outward and collapsed as the War Tramplers marched. Finally, the monster leader turned into a pile of rubble in front of Da Liang, revealing the stairs behind him.

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