Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1184: Inserting nails

After clearing the first level of the Torch Tower copy, Daliang led his team through the remains of the guards and passed the stairs to the second level.

The second floor has the same environment as the changed first floor, with stone walls, dim light, empty space, and stairs leading to the upper floor on the opposite side. Hidden within the walls are dormant guards, waiting for challengers to trigger their awakening.

Da Liang did not stop too much at the exit. After the team reorganized into the forward formation, he directed the team to continue moving forward.

As they reached the middle of the room again, the dormant guard came to life. From the grooves sunken in the four walls, groups of stone Medusas wandered out. Their snake tails swayed on the ground, holding bows and arrows in their hands, and the snake hair on their heads made a hissing sound.

The mission categories in the Hero World are generally divided into explicit missions and plot missions.

There is a big difference between explicit missions and plot missions...that is the difficulty level.

The fundamental purpose of explicit tasks is for players to complete them. No matter how difficult the explicit tasks are, there is a difficulty limit. As long as the player completes the conditions, uses certain skills, and has good luck, there is definitely a chance of completing the task.

But the plot tasks are different. The plot will be deduced by itself according to the degree of player intervention. Some seemingly difficult tasks may be passed naturally, while some seemingly uncomplicated levels will be difficult to pass. The plot will end as soon as it is said to be over, and there will be no second time. Opportunity.

The mission that Daliang is doing now is a type of explicit mission, and it is also a single-player dungeon main mission with level restrictions.

The difficulty of the main missions should be taken into consideration. The overall level of players who have reached this level may be lower in difficulty than some explicit missions in the side missions. Most players should work hard, improve their equipment and strength, and complete the tasks a few more times. It will pass.

And Daliang's own strength is really much higher than the overall strength of the players at this stage, so much so that when passing this main line copy, there was such an absolute crushing force.

There was another "chain lightning". After the bright light flashed, the guarding monsters on the entire tower level turned into piles of rubble.

Daliang led his team up one level at a normal speed.

At this time, outside the Black Iron City in the magical realm, the military camp built overnight by Shi Fei and his elven army was discovered by the dwarves of the Black Iron City.

The dwarves guarding the city were startled by the appearance of the elven army in such a strategic area. The Black Iron City immediately sent an army to attack Shi Fei's military camp.

A fierce battle started instantly, in order to eliminate this enemy that suddenly appeared in their hinterland as soon as possible. The dwarves directly invested in the 14th-level magma dragon, and then armies of all types rushed towards the elves' military camp like a tide. The volcano where the Black Iron City is located emits a huge roar, and lava balls one after another are accelerated by the rune magic array and ejected upward from the crater...

Then he fell towards the elf's military camp.

Shi Fei commanded the second-line army of elves, which had sufficient basic troops, war equipment, and alchemy equipment. He knew what kind of attack scale he had to face, so no matter how difficult the road was and how heavy the losses were, he still had his legion carry all the necessary supplies.

These weapons provide him with key defenses against dwarven attacks.

Under the auspices of the 15th-level elf envoy, all the alchemy devices came into play. A defensive shield was set up above the elven military camp. The fireballs falling from the sky hit the defensive shield and turned into flying sparks. The magic hitting the defensive shield could only create a ripple.

On the ground, the dwarf army attacked the elf camp wall. Shi Fei commanded his elf army and the domination army to resist with all his strength.

Boulders and alchemy bombs were continuously thrown, artillery continued to roar, flames, ice, thunder, the earth undulated, and arrows were like locusts.

The fierce battle quickly depleted the troops of both sides.

After all, the overall strength of the second-line elves commanded by Shi Fei was too weak. The dwarves who followed the magma dragon to fight were much more powerful than the elves on the ground.

Soon, many places in the elven military camp were rushed away by the attacking dwarves, and the entire camp wall defense was on the verge of collapse.

But the elven reinforcements also arrived at this time.

A mixed air combat force composed of Pegasus knights and dragons descended from the sky. They discovered the battlefield here while monitoring Black Iron City, and after confirming that friendly forces had built a military camp here, they immediately came to provide support.

The reinforcements allowed Shi Fei to stabilize the front that was about to collapse. As more and more elven air combat troops arrived after hearing the news, the military camp became more stable.

The dwarves continued to add troops to this battlefield, and even sent out the few griffins they purchased.

Moreover, the elves are constantly adding troops to this place from the air... There is a defensive military camp here with sufficient logistical supplies and complete war equipment.

It is a battlefield fulcrum.

The reason why the elves' army advances slowly on the periphery is because their supply routes are always threatened by the dwarves. The complex mountainous terrain is inherently inconvenient for logistics and the transportation of war equipment, and it is even more difficult to survive under the attack of the dwarves. The dwarves' supply lines are shorter and more convenient than those of the elves.

Now a fully functional and well-supplied military camp appeared near the Black Iron City, and the elves would not let it be taken away by the dwarves under any circumstances.

The battle around Shi Fei's military camp continues to escalate and its scale continues to expand.

The stabilized battle line made Shi Fei breathe a sigh of relief. The surprise attack was finally completed. When the dwarf rushed into the military camp just now, it really scared him into a cold sweat. If the elf reinforcements hadn't arrived in time to save him from destruction, he would have been severely punished by King Wadsworth for his private actions this time.

Shi Fei led such a large elf army to disappear, and the elf commanders went crazy.

But he could not tell the elf commander his plan in advance, otherwise with his qualifications, he would not be entrusted with the important task of fighting this surprise attack. You know, the one who commanded this battle in the previous life was an Elf King...

This time Shi Fei made a risky move. If the process of building the military camp was discovered by the dwarves in advance, or if the reinforcements from the elves were not timely, he might fail.

Fortunately, Shi Fei had done enough homework and had the cooperation of the Dominator Legion. This surprise attack was completed without any danger.

Now... all we have to do is wait for the elves to conquer the Black Iron City and win, and then they can receive the biggest reward.

As for leading the army on the battlefield and acting privately?

If you lose, you are a bear; if you win, you are a hero. This battle reversed the dilemma of the elves being surrounded by enemies on three sides. A single mistake could be completely submerged in the halo of honor.

Shi Fei rode a golden dragon flying in the air, overlooking the fierce battlefield below, then connected to the communication of Half-Moon Cat, and asked: "What is the situation in Obsidian City now?"

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