Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1187 Let them fight

Daliang paused his search for the dungeon and turned to the intelligence database of the College Alliance to learn about the battle situation in the magical Black Iron City.

As the Black Iron City War in the game has a major influence on the magical realm, the College Alliance has a special war observation team to pay close attention to this confrontation between elves and dwarves.

The fact that Feishaozushi led an elven army to plant nails near Black Iron City was naturally known to the College Alliance.

At Daliang's request, a team of elven players approached Shi Fei's military camp and sent back a video of the war scene.

The video shows that... an elven military camp was built on the mountainside of a high mountain. The military camp has a relatively complete defense system, and it relies on the terrain to block the dwarves' attacks from a high position.

The sky was filled with elven Pegasus knights, as well as golden dragons, green dragons, and elf envoys. They exchanged magic and arrows with the dwarves on the ground.

Opposite this mountain is the volcano where the Black City is located. The dwarves fired lava from the volcano to attack the elven military camp, but under the joint defense of the elven mages and alchemy devices, the effect was not obvious.

The military camp built on the mountain is rich in supplies...

Da Liang couldn't help but wonder, how did Shi Fei transport so many heavy war equipment to the vicinity of Black Iron City, and how did he transport it to the mountains under the eyes of the dwarves?

No matter how awesome the reborn person is, he can't cheat like this!

But no matter what Shi Fei did, his surprise attack really hit the dwarf's vital part.

Da Liang also guessed why the King of the Hill stopped sending troops to the Endless Labyrinth.

He was hesitating... whether to capture Obsidian City or protect Black Iron City.

The plan really couldn't keep up with the changes. Shi Fei's sudden appearance disrupted Daliang's overall plan, but Daliang was unable to interfere in the war in Black Iron City.

Everything still depends on how to choose the king of the hill...

If the King of the Hill chooses to protect Black Iron City, then Da Liang will stop military operations against Thorny River City, abide by the agreement with Ingram, share the cake honestly in Obsidian City, and follow Ingram's path to become a black elf. The story of rise.

As for what will happen to the dwarves in the future, it has nothing to do with him, just let them fend for themselves in the magical realm.

If the King of the Hill chooses to capture Obsidian City, it means that he still has some foresight... Shi Fei's nail determines that it will be difficult for the dwarves to defend the Black Iron City. At this time, they should no longer defend an undefendable city. It is the most correct choice for the dwarves to prepare a retreat.

Obsidian City has a torch tower and the foundation of a level 13 city. It is rich in ore resources, and the dwarves can easily build it into their main city.

As long as there is a main city, the dwarf race will have cohesion.

In the future, whether it is to gain a foothold in the endless maze or to counterattack in the magical realm, there is hope of rising again.

In fact, Daliang still hopes that the dwarves will abandon the Black Iron City. Dwarves are a race suitable for developing underground. They are good at mining and crafting weapons, and the Endless Labyrinth has all the minerals they want.

At the same time, the black elves and dwarves are brothers who were driven out of the magical realm by the elves. If the dwarves temporarily give up the idea of ​​returning to the magical realm, they will try their best to develop in the endless maze. Then, relying on the dark elf and dwarf's mutual sympathy, and his relationship with the King of the Hill, he can definitely help Obsidian City and Songjiang City form the closest allies, and together they can expand their territory and power in the Endless Labyrinth.

Black elves are good at running, assassinating, and obtaining intelligence, but they are relatively fragile and cannot fight tough battles; dwarves are good at attacking forts, defending cities, and crafting weapons, but their legs are short and their mobility is poor.

The strengths and weaknesses of the two races complement each other. As long as they can use their strength in one place, they can definitely break into a big world, and their achievements will definitely be higher than those in the magical realm.

It is far more conducive to the strategy of Da Liang's endless maze than the dwarves focusing on the magical realm.

However... the King of the Hill still needs to make his own decision. Even if Daliang is not standing in front of the King of the Hill in the dungeon at this time, he cannot make any suggestions.

The fate of the dwarves must be chosen by themselves.

As for the magical realm... I currently have the Kingdom of Death, Hell, the Endless Labyrinth and the Five-Colored Flag Alliance. The plot of this plane will not be developed for the time being. Everything is left to chance, let's see if the dwarves can defend the Black Iron City.

Daliang thought for a while and felt that it was best not to interfere in this matter. No matter how you fight, you won't suffer any loss. It's just a matter of making more or less.

Let them fight it themselves.

After understanding the situation of the Black Iron City battle, Daliang asked Red Copper and Monica to continue to act according to the plan, and then he took his own dungeon strategy team and walked up the stairs to the next level.

While Daliang was watching the video of the Black Iron City War given by the College Alliance, Shi Fei was also watching the video of the Obsidian City War sent by intelligence personnel.

Especially around the free market where Daliang is located.

Since there was only one intelligence officer of the Dominion Legion at the scene of the war, he was afraid that his death would be affected by the war and delay the collection of intelligence, so he only conducted observations on the periphery of the battlefield.

The far corner image shows...the war around the Torch Tower is fierce.

Smoke and dust billowing, sparks flying, lightning and thunder, griffins rising and falling, and giant dragons roaring, what a fighting scene!

But the logistics data analysts of the Dominator Legion told Shi Fei...

Fake...everything is fake!

The sound of the artillery showed that it was only loaded with gunpowder and not shells. The light emitted by the magic shows the location where they act, which is at a height of five to ten meters above the ground.

The griffins were not dead. The tracking of their appearance and coat color showed that the griffons that seemed to have fallen took off again after a while.

The red dragon repeatedly breathes out its breath at the same spot...turn around, bark a few times, and spit...

They are all very amateur actors, but it would not be easy to tell without suspicion in advance and analysis using sound and light acquisition technology.

Now Shi Fei basically guessed what Daliang did in Obsidian City.

He wants to help the dwarves rob Obsidian City.

He must have known about the Black Elf's plan to attack Obsidian City in advance, and then intervened in the plot as the Duke of the Five Color Flag Alliance.

If the black elves want to attack Obsidian City, they will never be able to resist the temptation of heavy siege equipment.

As long as Da Liang sells heavy siege equipment to the black elves and finds a way to destroy the black elves' plan to seize the city gate, he can let the black elves attack Obsidian City and consume their military strength.

Then after the black elves captured Obsidian City, at their most relaxed moment, the dwarves attacked with the help of Da Liang and captured Obsidian City in one fell swoop.

Connect the Black Iron City and the Obsidian City together, and use the resources of the endless labyrinth to provide the dwarves with the resources to fight against the elves.

Finally, if the Five-Color Flag Alliance openly supports the independence of the dwarves at this time, it will be able to split the Magical Realm and interfere with the interests of the Magical Realm through the hands of the dwarves.

No wonder... Black Iron City sent so few troops to attack its own military camp. The King of the Hill must have reserved an army to attack Obsidian City!

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