Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1188 Shi Fei’s suggestion

When Shi Fei discovered that Black Iron City sent too few troops to attack him, he immediately increased his efforts to collect intelligence on the Obsidian City battlefield, and then analyzed Da Liang's overall plan.

But... just like Daliang had no way to intervene in the Black Iron City war, Shi Fei had no way to intervene in Obsidian City.

All he could do was try his best to prevent the dwarves from attacking Obsidian City.

As long as the dwarves don't attack the Obsidian City, the Black Iron City will be a piece of meat in the elves' mouths, and they can eat it however they want...

Shi Fei immediately said to Bavaria: "I think we should attack Black Iron City immediately."

Bavaria, who was originally thinking about how to go to Obsidian City to find Da Liang, was startled by Shi Fei's sudden war proposal. He said: "We have just established a foothold near Black Iron City, and there is still a passage from the rear. There is no breakthrough. It is impossible to break through the defense of Black Iron City with just the Pegasus Knight and Dragon.

At this time, we should first focus on guarding the military camp, attracting rebels to attack, and wait for the road to be opened from the rear. Only by gathering enough ground attack power and siege weapons can we launch a general attack on Black Iron City.

Mr. Flying Sand and Stone, please don’t be dazzled by your current achievements. The King of the Hill is in the Black Iron City, and rash attacks will only increase unnecessary losses.

Now we just need to wait for the best moment to attack. "

Shi Fei shook his head, and couldn't help but lament in his heart why Bavaria was repeatedly fooled by Daliang. His ability to observe the overall situation was really lacking, and he was led by Daliang from the beginning to the end. If he hadn't gone to Obsidian City this time to commend himself on behalf of King Wadsworth, the elf would really have been tricked by Daliang this time.

"Mr. Bavaria, have you noticed that... the military camp we installed here did not attract much attention from the King of the Hill?"

Bavaria felt incredible at Shi Fei's words. This military camp was close to the Black Iron City, and it was the dagger pressed against the heart of the dwarf. Any commander with any brains would not be unaware of the consequences of having an enemy army nearby!

It's so arrogant for someone to make such a judgment like this!

Shi Fei raised his hand to stop what Bavaria wanted to say, and asked: "If Mr. Bavaria were to stand in the position of the King of the Hill and were invaded by enemies, what would you do?

Should we use all our strength to send out all the troops we can... to pull out this nail as soon as possible?

So please look at the battle outside. Do you think the King of the Hill is giving his all? Would the dwarves deploy so few troops in their main city?

Sir, do you feel that... the dwarves' current attack on my military camp is not for the purpose of uprooting the military camp, but like the battles in other places, it is all about offense and defense...

Delay our attack time? "

Shi Fei's words surprised Bavaria, and then he thought about it more...

Sure enough, the current intensity of Black Iron City's attack on this military camp is not in line with the threat this military camp poses to Black Iron City. Although the dwarves are also launching wave after wave of attacks here, they don't have the crazy energy after being choked by someone.

It's indeed very strange. It is impossible for the King of the Hill not to see the threat this military camp poses to Black Iron City, and it is impossible for Black Iron City to have only these attacking troops.

The dwarves have a hand in reserve! Even though the army was built on the edge of his city, the King of the Hill still left an army behind.

What does he want to do? What could be more important than pulling out the nails from this side? Let the King of the Hill rather watch the elves gathering troops next to his city than use the reserve force.

Waiting for the final defense?

snort! When the elves really attack the city, how useful can this army be?

There must be some conspiracy here that I don't know about!

Bavaria looked at Shi Fei and knew that the other party already knew what the King of the Hill was planning. He asked: "Master Fei Sha and Zou Shi wants to attack the Black Iron City you know something?"

Shi Fei said with a smile: "Master Bavaria must have guessed that the King of the Hill has a reserve force. Even if Black Iron City is facing the current predicament, he has not sent out this army.

I can't think of a place in the entire magical world where this army is more needed for combat.

So I made a bold guess that the purpose of this dwarf army is not in the magical realm, but in other planes? "

"In other planes?" Bavaria couldn't figure it out. The dwarves could hardly defend their main city, so how could they still think about opening up battlefields in other planes?

Seeing that Bavaria still looked like he didn't understand, Shi Fei stopped giving him any excuses and said in one breath: "I can confirm that the dwarves want to attack Obsidian City.

The King of the Hill has received the support of the Five-Color Flag Alliance, but Daliang of the Five-Color Flag Alliance has been staying in Obsidian City for a long time.

Is his purpose just to sell dwarf weapons?


Lord Bavaria, the business scale of the main world is completely different from the business scale of the magical realm. You have no idea how big of a business Duke Daliang operates in the main world. I estimate that his daily gold coin income is equivalent to the daily tax revenue in Bauhinia City.

In other words, the daily dwarf weapon transaction amount of hundreds of thousands of gold coins is just a small business to him, and he does not need to keep an eye on this transaction in Obsidian City.

He has another purpose in Obsidian City. He wants to help the dwarves capture Obsidian City and connect Black Iron City and Obsidian City together.

Now the black elves are attacking Obsidian City. When Obsidian City is occupied by the black elves, if the dwarves seize it, they will not need to bear the infamy of betraying their allies.

Lord Bavaria, we must attack the Black Iron City immediately and force the King of the Hill to use his reserve forces to defend the city.

Otherwise, once the Obsidian City is captured by the dwarves, even if we attack the Black Iron City, we will only win a superficial victory..."

At this time, Bavaria was really glad that he had a few more words with Feishauzushi. If he had hurriedly gone to Da Liang to show off that the elves had put down the dwarves' rebellion, he would have been severely humiliated again.

At the same time, Bavaria also realized the seriousness of the dwarves' capture of Obsidian City.

Cut the grass without eradicating its roots, but it will grow again when the spring breeze blows.

If the dwarves obtain a main city, even if they are not in a magical realm, there will still be endless troubles. The elves must always be on guard against the dwarves' counterattacks, and the Five-Colored Flag Alliance can use the dwarves' names to intervene in the affairs of the magical realm at any time.

But... all of this is just speculation. Even if Bavaria, who knows Daliang very well, is willing to believe that the dwarves are plotting Obsidian City, they have no direct evidence to prove... that the guess is correct.

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