Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1189 War Trend

This counter-rebellion war against the dwarves is of great significance to the elves.

Attacking the Black Iron City now will affect the strategic subordinates of the entire elf army. Bavaria doesn't know if it can convince the two elf kings who are commanding this war.

I'm afraid it's hard for them to believe that the dwarves would still want to capture other cities under such circumstances?

Bavaria was embarrassed: "Although I am willing to help you... Master Feishaozushi, our reasoning is too incredible. Let the black elves who are not good at siege attack and occupy the level 13 Obsidian City, and then let the dwarves defeat the people who have already occupied the city. Dark Elf, we all know how difficult this plan is.

Among them, it is almost an impossible task to gain the trust of the black elves and cover the dwarves approaching Obsidian City.

Of course I believe that Duke Daliang has this ability, but how can I convince other elves?

We are now in the hinterland of the dwarf-controlled area. Our strategic location is extremely important. The Elf Kings will not let us leave the military camp and take risks to attack the city. "

Shi Fei said: "As long as you, Lord Bavaria, are willing to help me, we don't need to obtain orders from the Elf Kings."

Bavaria said: "Of course I am willing to help you. I am afraid no one can understand the terror of Duke Da Liang better than me. He alone is equivalent to an elite army."

Shi Fei first shook his head and smiled, and then said his plan: "I am going to lead my legion to take the initiative, and I will be responsible for all the consequences. I hope that Lord Bavaria can use his influence to make the Bauhinia City a success." The troops in this theater will cooperate with me.

If the dwarf army attacking us from the front retreats on its own initiative, it means that our guess is true. The King of the Hill is really plotting Obsidian City, and the dwarf army attacking us now is just to confuse and contain us..."

Shi Fei is a newly emerging force in Bauhinia City, and his influence is far inferior to that of Bavaria. His attack plan requires Bavaria to contact more Bauhinia City troops for him.

When Shi Fei leads his own army to charge, Bavaria can ask other Bauhinia City legions to provide air cover for Shi Fei in the name of rescuing friendly forces.

Give the dwarves the illusion of a massive elven attack.

Bavaria said: "I can help you contact other legions to follow you from the air, but if the King of the Hill gives up attacking Obsidian City and sends out his reserve troops, your legion will probably be wiped out."

Shi Fei said righteously: "For the elves, I am willing to make any sacrifice, including my life."

Bavaria was moved to tears by Shi Fei's righteousness. He held Shi Fei's hand and said, "You are a pure elf, and your achievements will be sung by elves for generations."

Time was running out, and Bavaria left immediately to contact friendly forces in Bauhinia City for Shi Fei, while Shi Fei gave orders to his subordinate Elf Legion.

"The entire army attacks...attack Black Iron City!"

As Shi Fei's order was passed on, all the elves who had been hiding in the military camp to resist the dwarves' attack rushed out, leaving the other air legions assisting in the defense at a loss.

What happened?

This elven army that suddenly appeared near Black Iron City was obviously a second-line army. They relied on sufficient war equipment, condescending terrain, and constant support from friendly forces to barely block the dwarves' attack.

In terms of the quantity and quality of soldiers, this second-line army was not at the same level as the attacking dwarf army.

Why don't you stay in the military camp and defend yourself until the follow-up troops arrive...

What to rush for!

But things happened too fast. This kind of unauthorized action without any request allowed the second-line army to rush out before all friendly forces could react.

Immediately afterwards, the elf air combat army belonging to Bauhinia City also moved forward.

They received a request from Bavaria, hoping that they could provide air cover for such charging friendly forces and support their withdrawal.

It is the duty of the troops who belong to the Bauhinia City to provide support to friendly forces.

Although the elf generals of Bauhinia City were very dissatisfied with Shi Fei's unauthorized actions, for the sake of Bavaria, they immediately ordered their troops to follow Shi Fei and rush down the mountain.

The overall action of the Bauhinia Flower City elf army attracted surrounding friendly forces for unknown reasons.

The entire army of Bauhinia City, which is the first home ground of the Magical Realm, has charged. Let’s charge too... Anyway, they are all air combat troops, and they can advance and retreat freely. Let’s wait until we charge...

So, led by Shi Fei, all the elves near Black Iron City pounced on the attacking dwarves down the mountain.

The elves launched a full-scale attack, at least in the eyes of the dwarves.

The elves' attack was immediately known to the King of the Hill in Black Iron City.

what to do?

The king of the hill is sitting on his throne. From here, he can overlook the entire black iron city built around the inner wall of the mountain, and he can see the rolling magma at the bottom. When Black Iron City was at its most prosperous, everything surrounding the magma was a dwarf weapons manufacturing factory under construction.

The whole city was filled with the sound of tinkling iron all day and night.

For the dwarves of this city, it is the most beautiful music that they can never tire of listening to.

But this voice has disappeared. His people are fighting for the belief in independence... and the elven dragon has begun to frequently pass over the crater.

He now still has a powerful army in hand, which can kill all the elves that attack.

But what happens after it’s done?

After losing Obsidian City, how long can the dwarves defend Black Iron City?

Is the Five Color Flag Alliance still willing to support a race that can be destroyed at any time?

This independence was still too forced and too hasty... but it had to be done.

The King of the Hill ordered: "Order all outside troops to go up the mountain and return to defense. The Obsidian City occupation plan...continue!

Order...concentrate our craftsmen and valuables, and when Obsidian City is captured, immediately transfer supplies and important personnel to Obsidian City!


In the dwarf military camp under the Torch Tower in Obsidian City, the plane teleportation array started working again after a few hours of pause. One after another, well-equipped dwarf elites were teleported over, and then, under the cover of the Blackfire Leader's tracker army, they arrived at their respective attack positions.

Red Copper also immediately conveyed the news to Daliang.

The King of the Hill finally made his choice...

After waiting for the exact news, Daliang stood up from the ground. Around him, broken diamonds were spread out on the ground. He had killed the Diamond Warrior here half an hour ago, and he had not gone down to the next level because he was waiting for the King of the Hill's decision.

Now you can continue to start the copy strategy.

This is the 99th floor of the Torch Tower. What is in front of Da Liang is no longer an upward passage, but a tall, closed door.

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