Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1192 Fierce Battle in the Temple

The Hero Order allows Daliang to bring a hero into the Torch Tower dungeon. As for who to bring... before Daliang enters the dungeon, he conducts a thorough assessment of the combat effectiveness of his subordinate combat heroes.

The strongest one is of course the Arbitration Angel holding the Angel Alliance, and then there are the Holy Angel Julian and the Hell Angel Juliet who combine to form the Arbitration Angel.

Further down are four level 15 creatures: Shadow Dragon Demon Night, Dark Saint Monica, Crystal Dragon Qianli and Daliang's own Flame Command form.

Now Ye Xie, Monica, Julian, and Juliet are all preparing to attack Thorn River City, and they cannot be transferred to Obsidian City.

In addition, Daliang also considered that the Flame Commander might not be allowed to enter the Torch Tower copy. After all, this main line was systematically deduced based on the status of his main hero.

The remaining Crystal Dragon Qianli becomes a good choice. A giant dragon with extremely strong defense and melee combat capabilities, it is the favorite of all spell-casting heroes.

Further down are several level 15 heroes. Vampire Minia, Elf Mike, Ogre Kuka, Terror Knight Jonathan, Frost Dragon Astro, and Crusader Sidney.

Many of these level 15 heroes hold important positions, and the only one who can be mobilized is the terrifying knight Jonathan.

As a veteran level 15 hero, Jonathan's individual combat ability should be able to surpass Crystal Dragon Qianli in Daliang's mind. Although Qianli is a level 15 creature with higher growth and potential than Jonathan, he was born too late... The hero level and combat experience determine that this young dragon is no match for Jonathan. After all, Jonathan has been following the Wizards Guild. When fighting against the Immaculate Holy See, any wizard who survives to the end is not a weakling.

However... Crystal Dragon's natural resistance is far greater than that of Jonathan, and it can effectively protect Da Liang's safety.

Both have their own advantages and disadvantages, and it is difficult to choose between them. As for level 14 and level 14-like heroes, we will not consider them...

When Daliang is in the state of the main hero human priest, he estimates his combat power to be close to level 14, and with the addition of hero specialties and top-quality equipment, he can be infinitely close to level 15.

By using the magic array to support it, it can fully exert a 15th-level attack power.

If Daliang was asked to choose before going to hell, he would definitely choose between Qianli and Jonathan.

But Daliang got an important prop in hell.

Use the fallen coincidence rune to combine with the fallen angel Solomon to become a 15th-level sinful angel. The powerful combination, the increase of attributes, and the use of the magical skills carried by the Dark Blazing Sword can once again push the master-level fallen energy to a new height.

Therefore, although Daliang only has one master-level skill in the form of the Evil Angel, the power he can exert is definitely greater than that of Crystal Dragon Qianli and Terror Knight Jonathan.

In this way, Daliang no longer has to worry about who to bring with him into the Torch Tower instance.

The Sinful Angel and the Flame Commander clashed again and again in the battle. The Dark Blazing Wings seemed to have added a rocket-like engine to Da Liang. He left a trail of afterimages on the path of his flight, carrying the roar of the gale and the sound of the wind. With an indomitable momentum, he danced the divine sword and struck the slightly clumsy Burning Sun over and over again.

Regardless of speed or recovery ability, Da Liang in the explosive state is far beyond Zhuo Ri. He showed off his rarely displayed fighting skills and aimed his attack point at the most critical position of Lieyan Commandery.

At this time, Zhuo Ri was completely suppressed by Daliang. He had never felt that a battle could be so uncomfortable. It was as if as soon as he raised his hand, the other party knew what he would do next. All attributes of the Flame Commander are very powerful, but their relatively inflexible bodies have become their biggest weakness. This is also a characteristic of all high-defense and high-attack creatures.

However, Commander Lieyan is not a creature that relies on flexibility in combat. He is a mainstay warrior. After knowing that he could not keep up with Da Liang's speed, Lieyan began to rely on his own defense to firmly stand on the inside and face the enemy's impact.

Blindness...doesn't work.


Da Liang, who was immune to mind control magic, jumped alive in front of Zhuo Ri, causing Zhuo Ri to give up his control skills and shoot a series of fireballs directly in the direction of Da Liang's flight.

Then more than a dozen fireballs hit only three of them as Da Liang evaded the flight, and two of the three had no effect. The last fireball hit the Fire Aegis without even a spark.

High probability of magic evasion, multiple magic protection, if combined with temporarily increased magic resistance.

This is not a guy who can be defeated with magic.

Zhuo Ri temporarily gave up using magic attacks and instead used the physical damage caused by combat skills to fight against Da Liang.

When Daliang was engaging in hand-to-hand combat with Zhuo Ri, he never forgot that he was a priest and a spellcasting professional.

Weakness, light of destruction, slowing down the law, grief...

After the effect of the magic circle disappeared, Da Liang immediately unfolded a new one, and then threw the amplified status magic on Zhuo Ri, forcing Zhuo Ri to continuously use exorcism on himself to eliminate all kinds of magic on himself. The negative state left him no time to use buff magic for himself and restore his blood volume with healing.

As long as there is a chance, Da Liang will immediately release attack magic on Zhuo Ri.

Thunderbolts, freezing ice, mental critical strikes, heart-gnawing...

Various magics were released from Da Liang's hands, passing through the magic amplification circle and hitting the burning sun; the Dark Blazing Sword used the fallen angel combat skills, setting off bursts of fallen energy and hitting the flames again and again.

The superb speed allows Da Liang's attacks to wash down like a storm. The weakness in magic power allows Zhuo Ri to always be affected by status magic. Although the resistance of the Flame Commander makes these effects very weak, a battle of this level , every increase puts Zhuo Ri in an extreme passivity.

Daliang, who gradually took the initiative to attack, did not give Zhuo Ri any chance to make a comeback. He frequently used "Expulsion" to push Zhuo Ri back, and the attack range was also changed from attacking from all sides to concentrating force on one side to apply pressure.

Gradually, Da Liang no longer used speed to find opportunities to attack. He had already tested the power of Zhuo Ri. In order to save time, Daliang stood directly in front of Zhuo Ri...

Grief-stricken, quicksand trap.

Then he hit the slightly controlled Zhuo Ri with a shield attack.

At this time, Zhuo Ri had been pushed into the corner of the wall.

The corrosive nature of the fallen angel's combat skills began to take effect after it was not removed in time. A piece of almost black fallen energy was left on Zhuo Ri's red armor.

Such energy destroyed Zhuo Ri's armor and reduced his defense capabilities.

The erosion of his mind increased the impact of status magic on him, and the shield strike produced a very heavy stun effect.

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