Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1193 Fire

Blazing Spear

This fire magic, which in the hands of Da Liang could effectively damage Satan, nailed the burning sun to the wall of the Flame Temple after it was released. The spear formed by the condensed fire element pierced through the breastplate of Lieyan Commander. The exposed handle of the spear was a foot long, and the orange-red flame burned fiercely.

Then Da Liang took a step back, faced the dizzy Burning Sun and made up for his blindness, and then launched a set of gorgeous fallen angel combat skills.

The graceful sword light submerged the scorching sun in the black light.

When Da Liang repeatedly attacked Zhuo Ri with combat skills, the corrupted energy on his dark blazing wings condensed into countless black feather swords, which continuously shot toward the immobile Zhuo Ri.

Flying Wing Rain Strike!

The combat skills opened and closed with black light, cutting open the armor of Lieyan Commander, and the dense feather swords got in and continuously attacked the core of the fire element.

The blazing spear made Burning Sun unable to move, and his reduced magic resistance allowed control skills to continue to have an effect on him. Zhuo Ri struggled in vain and counterattacked wildly, while Daliang allowed his blood volume to drop his attacks rapidly. He kept attacking in his hands and released the powerful attack skills as soon as the CD was reset.

In the frontal fight, Zhuo Ri's attacks became increasingly weak. The armor on his body fell off, and the flames inside were weakened and dimmed by the corrupted energy.

Finally... Da Liang used beheading again and chopped off Zhuo Ri's head with one sword.

The Dark Blazing Sky Wings returned to their fallen angel form, and Da Liang completed the kill of Burning Sun at the last moment of the explosion!

At this time, the entire flame domain of the Flame Temple was extinguished, and the fallen energy also flowed back towards the sinful angel. The sound of gold and iron clashing suddenly stopped, and calm returned to the hall.

Da Liang dispelled the blazing spear, and the body of the leader of the flames fell in front of him, and then decomposed into flowing fire elements and slowly seeped into the ground.

Without the flood of flames, the temple walls were just gray stone. The closed ceiling disappeared, revealing the sky of the dungeon outside, and the sounds of battle also came in.

At this time the ground began to rise again...

Then in the center of the hall, a pillar of fire suddenly steamed up. After the pillar of fire dissipated, Lieyan Commander Zhuo Ri came to life and stood there.

After a brief silence, Zhuo Ri said to Daliang: "I underestimated you. I am willing to take back what I said to you at the beginning. You have shown amazing explosive power and fighting power. I didn't even have any chance to fight back in front of you." .”

Da Liang looked at the rising temple and said to Zhuo Ri: "I can defeat you because I know the Flame Commander very well and know how to use my power. Otherwise, when my transformation time comes, I will lose. …”

Zhuo Ri asked strangely: "Do you know other Lie Yan commanders?"

Daliang asked back: "Does it count as I have completed all the tests now?"

The ground reached the top of the torch tower, or in other words, another layer was added to the torch tower. Da Liang and Zhuo Ri stood on this new platform, with the flames of the original torch shooting upward wrapped around the platform.

Zhuo Ri said: "Yes... Congratulations on completing the test of the Torch Tower of Obsidian City. You will get all the rewards you won. Before that, can you answer my question first... Do you know other Flame Commanders? ?”

As Zhuo Ri spoke, the stone floor of the platform gradually turned bright red, and the flames slowly started to spread.

[You passed the level 50 mainline copy perfectly...the 100th floor torch tower]

[You have gained a skill: Fire in the Earth's Core, fire magic increased by 20%. 】

[You get master-level fire magic]

[Since you are the first player to pass the 100-story Torch Tower perfectly, you will receive an additional reward: Thunder Bomb (release conditions: Advanced Earth Magic, Advanced Fire Magic, Advanced Wisdom). Level 5 fire and earth mixed single-target magic, the basic damage is (mana × 75) + 1000, and the magic reset time is 20 minutes. The final damage result and magic reset time are affected by the levels of earth magic and fire magic. 】

I finally got it, and looking at the master-level fire magic lying in the backpack, I felt like bursting into tears.

Da Liang looked at his own status, then took out the Heart of Earth Fire and chose to learn it, and then casually switched to the form of the Flame Commander.

The same body stood in front of Zhuo Ri, but just because of his large size, he was still taller than Zhuo Ri when he was dominated by the flames. The ground beneath his feet began to turn white, and the flames became more intense. The fire had reached the same height as Daliang.

"As you can see... I am also a Flame Commander. If I were not restricted by the Torch Tower, I could not be in this state, otherwise you would only lose faster. How about it? I saw my fellow race, do you have anything to say? ?”

Zhuo Ri was obviously shocked by Da Liang's current appearance. He said doubtfully: "There is a Flame Temple in every Torch Tower, and there is a Flame Commander guarding each Flame Temple. The Flame Commander and the Flame Temple coexist. And the Flame Temple coexists with the earth fire, how did you leave your Flame Temple?"

Daliang didn't expect that Lie Yan Commander had such an origin. From this point of view... Lie Yan Commander was not created by Poseidon. Think about it, the King of the Sea himself is not a 15th-level creature, but he has the strength of a 15th-level peak due to the influence of the Doomsday Blade. How can he create such a powerful 15th-level Flame Commander?

The body of the leader of the flames must have been captured by the Sea Emperor from somewhere, and then the soul was wiped out and the body and specialties were transformed.

Daliang asked: "Can't you leave this flame temple?"

"It is my duty to guard this Flame Temple."

I just can't leave.

So how did the Poseidon bring himself, the leader of the flames, out of the Flame Temple?

Seeing that Daliang didn't speak, Zhuo Ri asked again: "You haven't answered me yet, how did you leave your Flame Temple?"

Da Liang could hear the expectation in Zhuo Ri's tone. It seemed that guarding the Flame Temple was not his wish, but was restricted by the dungeon rules. In the Flame Temple, although the Flame Commander has the ability to be immortal and can be resurrected in the earth's fire, he is also imprisoned here in a different direction...

The fire on the platform increased again, and Daliang said to Zhuo Ri: "Commander Zhuo Ri... For some reason, I don't know how I left the Flame Temple. I don't even know where my own Flame Temple is. have no idea.

However, I will search for the secrets of my body and find the answers you want.

If you want to leave here, I will do my best to help you and help all the flame commanders who want freedom.

But now I have more important things to do.

Please let us let the torch tower burn together and let the flames wash away all the darkness in this cave! "

Daliang took out the master-level fire magic and chose... to learn.

boom……! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

The entire torch tower shook violently, like a giant lit cannon. The huge chamber pressure pushed the billowing flames to erupt upwards. Da Liang was suspended in the air, the platform under his feet turned into fragments, and melted into balls of magma that rushed upward with the eruption of fire.

100 meters, 200 meters...

The rising fire showed no signs of stopping. It hit the top wall of the cave and spread outward along the stone wall, forming a fire circle hundreds of meters in diameter.

The dazzling light shines down, and the entire cave where Obsidian City is located... lights up.

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