Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1194 Breaking the City

The offensive and defensive battle that took place in Obsidian City had been continuous and fierce from the beginning. Both sides tried their best to use various methods to kill each other's soldiers for the sake of the city.

Smoke and dust filled the air, and the closed cave made the smell of blood heavier and heavier.

The Black Elves, who had never fought such a large-scale war, made serious logistical miscalculations. They consumed too much food on the march. Even if they made timely restrictions on rations, the supplies they carried did not allow them to waste too long outside Obsidian City.

Only by quickly breaking through the city wall can we grab these supplies in time before the defenders destroy or transfer the city's material stores.

At this time, Ingram was really glad that he had purchased so many heavy siege weapons from Songjiang City. Although the purchase of these weapons caused her logistical supply problems, looking at the battlefield ahead, she felt that... all the efforts were worth it.

Under the command of a strong attack, the black elves put all the heavy siege weapons available at the forefront.

They used the artillery and heavy catapults together according to the usage methods they learned from the Songjiang Black Elf instructors, and rationally used alchemy equipment to provide magical defense for these war instruments.

When dealing with the enchanted walls of Obsidian City, the launch speed and low cost of heavy war equipment make their destruction efficiency higher than that of siege magic.

Artillery with straight-line attacks and heavy catapults with parabolic attacks repeatedly bombarded the same point. The multi-angle potential energy impact once again accelerated the destruction of the city wall.

This is why the defenders of Obsidian City were frightened when they saw that the attacking black elves had heavy siege weapons. The best way to deal with these weapons that can destroy city walls is to use magic bombing, and then send elite troops to carry out surprise attacks and destruction.

But now Obsidian City's guarding army has reached its lowest point in history, and the Black Elves are all elite. Not only do they have more spellcasting heroes than Obsidian City, but they also have alchemy devices to protect their siege weapons.

Fire and rain washed away, and meteorites fell from the sky.

However, under the full output of the defensive shield and the multi-layered protection of anti-air interception magic, the losses of the Black Elf's siege weapons were minimal.

The only things the defenders could use were their own war equipment.

Also facing the magic released by the black elves, the Obsidian City defenders quickly activated all their war equipment, firing cannonballs, alchemy bombs and boulders from the artillery on the city wall and the heavy trebuchets behind the city wall.

Long-range firepower confrontation, magic washed back and forth in the middle of the battlefield, lightning sprinkled the power grid, and ice rings exploded in circles. The black elf warriors withstood multiple attacks and pushed the alchemical heavy armor siege ladders to the bottom of the city wall.

The heavy armored siege ladder is in the shape of a tower with wheels. It is equipped with a variety of alchemical equipment such as a magic ban device and a magic amplification device. It has a very strong self-defense capability.

It withstood various attacks, including shells, boulders, fire, and freezing... Outside the city, a group of summoned earth elements launched a suicidal charge against the moving siege ladder, but these were all attacked. The city ladder's own defense and the following black elf warriors blocked it.

The most intense fighting unfolded around the heavily armored siege ladder, which was slowly approaching the city wall, driven by the black elf warriors inside. There is a turret inside the siege ladder, which fires cannonballs all the time. To deal with low walls, you can use shotguns to attack the defenders on the walls, and to deal with high walls, you can use solid bullets to destroy the walls.

When the siege ladder entered the Obsidian City wall, the black elf mage inside used earth magic to create a slope of earth behind the siege ladder.

At this time, in the trench created by magic at the rear, the dark cavalry hiding inside jumped out together. They ran with all their strength without fear of death. They first passed through the defender's long-range fire blockade at heavy losses, then rushed along the slope to the top of the siege ladder at the fastest speed, and then jumped over the city wall in front of them. .

Then the Minotaur and the Dark Cavalry, two representative units of the opposing sides, started fighting with tomahawks and lances on the walls of Obsidian City.

At this point, according to the previous battle plan, the black elves successfully fought the battlefield from the bottom of the city to the top of the city wall. The city wall was continuously hit by heavy siege weapons, and gaps appeared one after another.

However, the Black Elf's attack was blocked at the front line of the city wall.

The defenders knew that once the black elves broke through the city wall defense system and entered the city, their limited forces would be no match for the black elves in street fighting.

The city lord of Obsidian City pressed his most elite army to the place where the black elves had broken through.

The black dragon flew through the air at high speed, and its scorching dragon breath sprayed a line of fire on the city wall. The dark cavalry that climbed onto the city turned into running balls of fire. Manticore carries a fighting hero and releases its skills at the siege ladder in order to destroy this powerful siege weapon.

Large groups of Tauren rushed to the gaps in the city walls. Under the cover of Evil Eye and Medusa, they blocked the black elves who wanted to rush into the city.

In order to raise more troops in Obsidian City, cavemen, the first-level creatures in the dungeon that had been used as slaves, were also issued with a short spear and pushed onto the battlefield. Sometimes a single magic hit would kill the entire team of cavemen. There is not one left.

The battle has been uninterrupted since the beginning. In order to rush into the city as quickly as possible, Ingram also sent out his own ultimate creatures, as well as one black elf army after another. The entire clan was thrown into this meat grinder. In the battlefield.

This is how Daliang saw the battle for Obsidian City at this time.

Although the black elves pushed the battle to the city wall, there was no breakthrough. This kind of offensive battle is not what the nomads are good at, especially the aboriginal army in the underground city. Their performance in the defensive battle is really good. The black elves threw troops into various battlefields in vain, but no real breakthrough was made anywhere.

However, when the battle situation was at a stalemate, Obsidian City's Torch Tower erupted at this time.

The torch that was originally burning steadily formed a pillar of fire that was tens of meters thick and spread into the sky, forming a huge flare after impacting the roof of the cave.

The strong light like the sun dispelled the darkness underground, exposing the nearby Obsidian City to the dazzling light.

Just as surface organisms are not adapted to the dark light underground, underground organisms are also very sensitive to strong light. The sudden increase in brightness caused almost all the Obsidian City defenders to enter a state of temporary blindness.

The magic tower in the city urgently released magic clouds that blocked the light into the sky, but it was already too late...

The strong light erupting from the Torch Tower also made the black elves feel uncomfortable, but as a race that was once on the surface, their adaptability to light was far stronger than that of the aborigines in the underground world.

When the eyesight of the Obsidian City defenders was affected, the black elves, who had been maintaining a high-intensity offensive posture, broke through the city wall defense system in one fell swoop.

A large number of black elf warriors rushed into Obsidian City from the gaps in the city walls like a tidal wave bursting from a dike.

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