Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1196 Secret War

Black Iron City battlefield.

Shi Fei and the legion he commanded once again created a miracle, once again shocking the eyes of all elves.

He led a second-line army to plant a nail near the Black Iron City. After confirming the victory of the elves, he did not defend with peace of mind and wait for the victory to come. But when the dwarves attacked their own military camp, they actually launched a counterattack with weak troops, using the second-line army that had not replenished its troops after a long battle.

However, when all the nearby elven air armies wanted to rescue this meritorious legion before they were annihilated by the dwarves. What they saw was...the attacking dwarves retreated, and the attacking elven army followed the dwarves' retreat and pursued them all the way to the volcano where the Black Iron City was located.

It was as if this was all a rehearsed exercise.

It was extremely unbelievable... The elven commanders couldn't believe the battle report coming from the front.

However, the elves' army did launch an attack on Black Iron City under the command of Feishanzushi. At the same time, the dwarves in the entire Black Iron City mountainous area were also actively retreating to reduce their defense circle.

As the commander of the first elven army to officially attack Black Iron City, Shi Fei once again made a great contribution.

But Shi Fei didn't feel too happy about this.

The King of the Hill is still holding on to the dwarf army he reserved, which also explains his final choice. Between defending the Black Iron City and capturing the Obsidian City, the dwarves chose to capture the Obsidian City.

Consolidate your retreat first, and then try your best to defend the Black Iron City. If the capture of Obsidian City goes smoothly and the elves do not make an important breakthrough in Black Iron City, the dwarves who come back can still struggle in Black Iron City.

At this time, a battle report came from Obsidian City... The black elves had broken through the city and were engaging in the final street battle with the defenders.

It also means that the black elves have completely entered the trap designed by Da Liang and the dwarves, and the dwarves' attack on Obsidian City has entered the final countdown.

Something must be done!

Shi Fei knew what the consequences would be if the dwarves occupied Obsidian City. Not only would they leave a time bomb in the magical realm, but the dwarves alone in the endless maze, surrounded by enemies on all sides, would probably be controlled by the Five Color Flag Alliance. .

Become a powerful fighter for Da Liang.

He must be stopped...

While Shi Fei was commanding his elven army to build a forward position to attack the Black Iron City, he was trying his best to recall the memories of his previous life, trying to find something that could be used.

Then he really found an important event.

Plane War is the ultimate war plot that affects multiple planes of the two major camps in the game world. At the same time, as the main eight base camp planes participating in the war, they all have their own internal contradictions to a greater or lesser extent.

For example, the conflict of faith between the Unsullied Holy See and the Wizards Guild in the Kingdom of Death; the estrangement between the hawks and the doves in Cloud City; the civil war between the fallen angels and the hell lord king in Hell; the academic debate between the red-robed warlocks and the white-robed warlocks in the World Factory; the magical realm The dwarven independence movement...

There is also Rise of the Dark Elf in Endless Labyrinth.

The Obsidian City War is an important milestone in the plot of The Rise of the Black Elves. The Black Elves here obtained a city that can be upgraded to the main city, which opened the way for the Black Elves to expand in the endless maze.

At the same time, an important leader emerged from the Black Elves, namely Ingram.

Although Shi Fei didn't pay much attention to Endless Labyrinth in his previous life, he was very impressed by Ingram because she was the first level 16 hero in the black elf clan.

Players have various opinions on when Ingram advanced to level 16. However, most players believe that it was because the Obsidian City War opened the chapter of the rise of the Black Elves. As the Black Elves commander of this war, Ingram should have been promoted to level 16 by the system at this time, and he had the leadership of the Black Elves. identity and strength.

If this guess is true...

If the dwarves want to attack Obsidian City after the black elves occupy it, they may have to face a 16th-level Ingram.

To defeat the 16th-level Ingram, the King of the Hill must do it himself, but there are two Elf Kings in the Magical Realm staring at the Black Iron City.

The two Elf Kings should be persuaded to come to the Black Iron City battlefield and directly participate in the battle. In this case... the King of the Hill cannot go to Obsidian City if he wants to protect the Black Iron City. Without the hero who can restrain Ingram, it is almost impossible for the dwarves to capture Obsidian City; if the King of the Hill goes to rob Obsidian City, then the Black Iron City will Under the attack of the two elven kings, the elves will be defeated in an instant.

The dwarves’ wealth is all here, and their wealth, craftsmen, resources, and important facilities...can’t be transported to Obsidian City for a while. Without these supplies to start anew, what is the use of the King of the Hill occupying an empty city? Will it be snatched away by the Iron Heel Kingdom or the Black Elves sooner or later?

Shi Fei, who thought of a countermeasure, immediately left his army under the command of his deputy general, and then rode his golden dragon to find the Elf King who was supervising the battle in the rear.

The war has reached this level, and it’s time for these top heroes to join the war.

Daliang stood among the torches of the torch tower with the attitude of a leader of flames, and the blazing flames blocked him in the middle.

Although the black elves entered the city, Daliang did not feel relaxed. He kept staring at the battle in Black Iron City and observed all of Shi Fei's military maneuvers.

This is a reborn person. Since Shi Fei participated in the war between the elves to suppress the independence of the dwarves, it means that he is very familiar with the process and results of this war. The fact that he led the Elf Legion to appear next to Black Iron City in such an incredible way is enough to show that he has thoroughly studied this war.

Daliang did not dare to have any contempt for Shi Fei, especially at this most critical moment, the slightest carelessness may cause all the efforts to be wasted.

Then Daliang saw Shi Fei leading his army and advancing their position to the foot of the Black Iron City volcano.

This extremely bold and unreasonable move made Daliang immediately guess: Shi Fei already knew that the dwarves were going to attack Obsidian City.

There are intelligence personnel from the Dominion Legion nearby, providing Shi Fei with battlefield information about Obsidian City, and he or they should be not far from the Torch Tower.

Daliang immediately ordered Red Copper: "Search around the Torch Tower and kill all creatures of unknown camp..."

After receiving Da Liang's order, Red Copper, which had occupied the "Dwarf Barracks", immediately sent out dark cavalry, griffins and red dragons to search the surrounding areas.

Da Liang also transferred the cold-blooded cavalry and black dragons that had just been obtained and appeared under the Torch Tower into the tracker army to join in the hunt for the master intelligence personnel.

Shi Fei must first be blinded as he stared at Obsidian City.

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