Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1197 Fierce Fight

When the outer city of Obsidian City was breached, Ingram couldn't wait to transfer his command position inside the city.

Now...the most difficult step has been passed.

When there was a stalemate in the battle, the Dragon of Darkness showed his miracles and illuminated the people who believed in him. The sudden explosion of the Torch Tower was equivalent to imposing a mandatory mass blindness magic on the Obsidian City defenders, which helped the black elves break through the defenders' tight defenses and made Ingram let go of the heaviest stone in his heart.

The black elves entering the city filled all the streets outside Obsidian City, and they strangled the defending soldiers step by step. The extreme black elves started massacring the city even before they completely captured it.

Take no prisoners and kill all non-dark elf creatures in sight.

The massacre aroused resistance from the civilians of Obsidian City, causing more damage to the black elves. But Ingram didn't care about the behavior of the black elves. In her eyes... there were too many non-black elves in Obsidian City, which was not conducive to her rule. It would be best to kill them all now. Not only can they rob a fortune, but they can also make room for the black elves who will move into the city in the future.

Anyway, this city is already yours.

Just let those gentlemen who used to laugh at the black elves in the city feel fear and despair under the iron heel of the barbarians in their eyes!

The flames of war were raging everywhere. When all the heavy siege weapons captured and transported from outside the city were in place, the black elves began to attack the inner city of Obsidian City.

Shadow Dragon Moore, the city lord of Obsidian City, stood on the top floor of the city lord's castle, looking at his city.

The outer city had been completely lost, and the sudden eruption of the Torch Tower disrupted all his plans to defend the city. The Black Elves completely broke through, leaving him no time to withdraw his elite troops from the outer city defense line to the inner city. These armies were divided and surrounded by black elves in the outer city area, and then eliminated one by one.

The roar of artillery sounded intensively. The black elves occupied the magic tower that had no time to destroy, and then used magic to submerge the entire outer city wall inside.

Without fighting a decent offensive and defensive battle, the black elves easily climbed onto the city wall and slaughtered the few defenders, then formed a black tide and surged towards the central castle.

The enemy's black dragon clamored and demonstrated in the air, and Moore saw a black elf matron standing on the back of the strongest black dragon.


Moore roared, and all the black dragons guarding the city lord's palace let out a high-pitched roar.

Ingram, who personally led the army to attack the city lord's palace, gave a long smile to Moore who was at the end of his rope: "Great Moore...I am Ingram. This is the first time we met, but when I was young... ...No! Even yesterday, the most terrifying curse of the Dark Elf tribe was 'Mull, the Shadow Dragon, will eat you.'.

I never imagined this scene today... My tribe was slaughtering Moore's people in Obsidian City, which I could only look up to before, but Moore was helpless.

The era of the black elves has come. We are the best race and are destined to end this decadent kingdom and establish the country of the black elves. Moore, in the name of Mistress Ingram, I demand that you surrender and come and kiss my toes.

Becoming my mount can avoid the punishment of death, and following me in battle can bring you supreme honor. "

The arrogant Ingram showed an arrogant attitude even when he wanted to surrender.

Such a big city was about to be owned by himself, and the sudden success made Ingram a little carried away.

In the past... all the dark elves in the lower caves lived in the shadow of the shadow dragon Muir. Obsidian City had an unrivaled army, and Muir had unrivaled power.

Today all of this will be stepped on by myself.

Ingram's words completely aroused Moore's anger. He let out a roar that could shake the entire city, and a flame dragon breath dozens of meters long was sprayed towards Ingram.

Moore's attack brought the Obsidian City battlefield into its final chapter. Under the leadership of Moore, the defending black dragons abandoned the undefendable City Lord's Mansion and roared into the sky together.

The dragon's breath formed rings of fire around the city lord's mansion.

Ingram, who failed to surrender, also led his black dragon and black elf heroes with the ability to fly to charge against Moore.

The highest combat power of both sides started fighting around the city lord's palace. The collision of the dragon's body and the bombardment of magic shattered the stone bricks of the castle and poured down on the warriors who were also fighting at the same place below.

outside the city.

Under the cover of the Tracker Legion, the Bear Cavalry of Black Iron City approached Obsidian City. In front of them was a gap created by the siege black elves. The black elves are enjoying their victory. They are killing the residents of the city and robbing the finances. There was not even a single black elf warrior guarding the city wall. They were all enjoying themselves in revelry and destruction, forgetting all dangers and being intoxicated with themselves.

The dwarf bear cavalry, led by Songjiang Black Elf, entered Obsidian City without any obstruction and controlled the entrance.

Then, the subsequent dwarf armies continued to advance towards Obsidian City. The lava dragon's feet were tied with soft sandbags, and he walked lightly and quietly, trying not to make too much noise; the bears of the bear cavalry all wore bites to prevent them from making any noise.

The dwarf infantry climbed onto the city wall. They lowered their bodies and spread their wings, quickly taking control of the unguarded fort.

Da Liang stood guard in the Torch Tower and looked down at the entire Obsidian City. The black elves were really too careless, and the dwarves' operation to steal the city was smoother than expected.

However, the sudden appearance of the fighting situation in Black Iron City brought unpredictable variables to the entire war.

The commanders who commanded the elves to attack the dwarves, two 16th-level elf kings, appeared on the battlefield of Black Iron City. They flapped their transparent wings and floated above the crater of the Black Iron City. Then with a wave of their hands, meteorites all over the sky crashed down on the dwarf city inside the volcano.

The Elf King's attack attracted the King of the Hill. He rushed out of the volcano like a cannonball, his body completely tempered and glowing with silver-gray metal. Two battle axes twice as big as his body were held in his hands like straw.

Then, the King of the Hill was seen spinning rapidly in flight, sending countless giant battle ax shadows upwards.

The meteorite was hit by these battle axes and turned into pieces in a violent explosion.

Then the King of the Hill let out a roar that shook the earth and the mountains, and a huge ball of magma erupted from the volcano and completely enveloped the King of the Hill.

After the transformation, the magma ball took on the appearance of the King of the Hill. His height reached fifteen meters. After cooling, he transformed into a metal giant holding two broadaxes.

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