Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1206 Attack and Defense of Cihe City

After a conflict with Ingram, Monica sealed off the entire Thorny River City and no one was allowed to go out. Some unimportant buildings in the city were dismantled into stone and wood for the reinforcement of the city walls.

The city defense system was being built day and night, and the entire army was waiting for the war to come.

The punching angels led the archangels to fly over Cihe City. The holy light they emitted illuminated the entire cave, and they used the strongest force to provide the safest protection for Cihe City.

Day after day passed, and Ingram, who could not find an opportunity for a sneak attack, did not appear in the Thorny River City area again. On the second day after the war in Obsidian City, black elf warriors began to arrive one after another from the direction of the upper cave of Thorny River City.

These are fast dark cavalry, and there are many black elf heroes. After they left the underground passage, they saw the angels flying over Thorny River City, and they realized that the city had fallen into the hands of other forces.

Ingram appeared at this time. She used her prestige and identity to retake command of the defeated army as quickly as possible.

However, these sporadically arrived troops were not enough to attack Thorny River City. She needed more black elf warriors.

So Ingram ordered the collected troops to rest on the spot, and sent personnel to the underground river near Thorn River City to catch fish to supplement the army's food.

Monica, who was short of troops, did not send troops to stop the black elves from collecting food. She could not waste her precious military power in a field battle with the black elves outside the city. Monica ordered the garrison of Thorny River City to continue to hold on, strengthen the city's defenses, and turn a blind eye to any non-attack behavior of the black elves.

Anyway... there are definitely not enough fish in the river to feed so many black elves.

As time goes by, more and more black elf warriors escape from Obsidian City to the Thorny River City area. When they went to attack Obsidian City, they ate all the food along the way. On the way back, the Black Elf warriors basically ate nothing. Now that they came to Cihe City, they could only get a portion of fish soup with no fish in sight.

Hunger seriously affects the morale and combat effectiveness of the black elves. Ingram knew that if Thorny River City could not be captured as soon as possible, they would soon not even be able to drink such fish soup.

When the troops reached a certain number, Ingram immediately issued an order to launch a general attack on Thorny River City.

The Black Elf warriors knew that they had no way out, and only by conquering Thorny River City would they have a chance to survive. But they did not have any siege equipment, and some soldiers' weapons were damaged and lost on the way to escape. If they wanted to break through a tightly defended city, they could only fill the road into the city with their own flesh and blood.

The heroes of the black elves released buff magic for the surrounding warriors, and the entire army abandoned their formation and swarmed towards Thorny River City like black ants.

Ingram flew at the front of the black elf army to boost morale. Behind her were the matrons of each tribe, as well as the black dragons who were lucky enough to escape from Obsidian City.

Monica floated above the city wall of Thorny River City. The attacking black elves before her eyes covered the ground in front of her. Thorny River City was like a rock blocking the tide, waiting for the test of the big wave.

Although there is a huge disparity in the strength of the troops, Monica is extremely confident in defending Thorny River City.

In order to occupy more land, in order to rule more black elf tribes, in order to stand at a height that no black elf has ever stood before, this battle must be won!

Monica swung the whip in her hand, and the crisp sound echoed in the cave.

Then all the turrets on the entire city wall emitted clouds of thick smoke, and a row of black cannonballs were fired at the dark elves charging intensively in front of the city wall.

The catapult was launched, and the boulder was thrown high, fell heavily to the ground over the city wall, and rolled forward under the weight of the gravel.

Human crossbowmen and elven archers threw their arrows upwards, forming a deadly rain of arrows.

The cooperation of a variety of long-range weapons and soldiers formed a long-range fire blockade with a width of 100 meters in front of Cihe City. The black elves rushed to this position and were hit by various attacks, and then fell down.

The following black elf mage began to release magic against the remote blockade. Rocks bulged out of the ground, increasing the blind spots for the defenders' long-range firepower; walls of fire were laid, weakening the defenders' field of vision: groups of elemental creatures were summoned, attracting the defenders' attention.

Strings of magic were also shot out from Cihe City. In front of the Black Elf's charging route, the gravel ground turned into quicksand, the earth cracked, magma erupted, dark clouds covered the sky, and layers of lightning struck down.

But the desire to survive made the black elves ignore all obstacles and threats. They relied on their numbers and rushed to the wall of Thorny River City after paying a heavy price.

The city walls of Thorn River City are far less tall than those of Obsidian City. The old disrepair has caused many cracks and damage on the walls, and there are also some underground ferns clinging to the outer walls. Although Monica immediately renovated the city wall after occupying the city, the time given to her was too short and there was no way to completely eliminate the hidden dangers on the wall.

The black elf warriors who were the first to rush under the city wall began to climb up, and the black elf heroes who arrived tried to use earth magic to create a slope that could directly climb the city.

The mages guarding the city immediately used magic to fight back, and the deployed ballistae fired short spears tied to Jinzhao No. 1, focusing their fire on the nearby black elf heroes.

The war in Cihe City has begun, and this city of destiny has triggered a life-and-death struggle between the attacking and defending sides. The black elves used the human sea tactic to continuously launch a suicidal charge towards Thorny River City; the defenders took advantage of the city defense and used long-range weapons and troops on a large scale to consume the attacking black elves.

The human swordsmen wearing heavy armor stood firmly on the line of the city wall. Any black elf who climbed up would first face a head-on blow from the heavy sword.

In the sky above Thorny River City, the angels established an air defense line. The griffons were divided into small groups and circled in a small area inside the city to prevent the black elves from entering the city from the air and disrupting the attacking rhythm of the defenders.

The archangels faced off against the black dragon of the black elf. They held up light shields to block the black dragon's breath. The angel swords cut through the sky with sacred energy and issued divine sanctions. Under the influence of the Angel Alliance, the angels showed their extraordinary strength. They flapped their white wings and competed with the black dragon, showing the most powerful ultimate creature style.

White and black fight in the air, chasing and fighting each other, the holy light shines, and the sound of dragon roars vibrates in the cave. But no matter how the black dragons collided, the angels were still able to rely on the air defense firepower network inside the city to firmly hold the line and not give the black dragons any chance to threaten the defenders.

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