Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1207 The Dwarf Independence Movement Ends

Monica and Yezi led their own heroes to intercept the black elf heroes who tried to cross the city wall and enter the city. Their advantage in rank allowed them to smash the black elf's sneak attacks time and time again, protecting the integrity of the entire defense system.

The higher airspace is the battlefield between Arbitration Angel and Ingram.

The balanced attributes of the angels give them almost no weaknesses, and they can make various tactical changes according to the characteristics of the enemy in battle. The extremely stable performance is what is truly terrifying about Angel.

In other words, once suppressed by an angel, it is difficult to have a chance to stand up.

The Arbitration Angel, who had fought with Abigail, knew Ingram's strengths and weaknesses. The eight spider legs give Ingram a very high attack frequency, and dark energy is good at cursing and controlling. Spider silk is a very powerful binding skill. Therefore, once Ingram seizes the opportunity, he can complete multiple controls in an instant, allowing the opponent to watch him being killed.

Of course, Ingram's weaknesses are also very obvious.

The strength and defense are both weak; the attack frequency is high, the strength of a single attack is insufficient, and there is no ability to deliver a fatal blow at a critical moment. If she has a heavyweight combat hero to help her fight the line, Ingram is a deadly snake.

Understanding Ingram's strengths and weaknesses, the Arbitration Angels continued to bully Ingram in terms of strength from the very beginning.

Arbitration Angel used almost all the opportunities to release spells to fight against Ingram's control skills. She held up a giant light shield in front of herself to block the stabbing of the spider's legs, and then used Holy Strike to continuously collide. Ingram easily moved the battlefield to a high altitude away from Thorny River City.

With the Angel Alliance in hand, the Arbitration Angel has performed exceptionally well, and its combat experience with Abigail has given the Arbitration Angel an advantage in every battle with Ingram.

It's just that the advantage cannot be turned into victory for the time being. After all, Ingram is a 16th-level creature that understands law-level dark energy. She has things she is good at, and her hero level is higher than that of Arbitration Angel. There is no insurmountable gap in combat effectiveness with the Arbitration Angel. Although he fights very passively, Ingram still fights very proactively. As long as the ground battle can recapture Thorny River City, then the Arbitration Angel can only retreat from here, no matter how strong it is.

The battle in Thorny River City gradually heated up. The tired black elf, stimulated by his own level 16 hero, used his body to fill a path to the city wall.

The flames burned around the city wall, the roar of cannons continued without interruption, intermittent earthquakes occurred throughout the cave, and huge rocks fell from the sky.

While the war in Thorn River City was at its most intense, the war in Black Iron City was gradually coming to an end.

The King of the Hill seemed to be a tireless god of war, blocking the two Elf Kings with his own strength for three days. The dwarves of Black Iron City also made heavy sacrifices to defend their city, but the disparity in military power caused them to eventually lose the defense line at the volcano cave.

The elves' army entered the Black Iron City from the crater, and the battle quickly spread inside the city. After losing their natural defense line, it became even more difficult for the dwarves to resist the crazy attacks of the elves.

Black Iron City was lost. The vigorous dwarf independence movement representing the magical realm is about to be suppressed by the elves. The dwarf rebels in other places are out of control and will soon be wiped out by the elves.

The elves entered the city, and the Black Iron City's support for the King of the Hill gradually weakened. The dwarf king, who had always been full of fighting spirit, retreated into the city while fighting the two elf kings. He knew that the other Elf Kings were staring at him. Once the Black Iron City's ability to detect and interfere with the surrounding space weakened, and its auxiliary capabilities declined, these Elf Kings would quickly break through the space to reach the Black Iron City, and then seal it before the Kingdom of Death could react. Then return to their respective cities.

If the dwarves want to become an independent race, they must have their own king. The king of the hill knows... that he cannot be caught.

The King of the Hill led his warriors to fight in the city. They guarded the city built on the inner wall of the volcano layer by layer. The elven heroes and dragons that invaded from the air launched a violent bombardment at the guarding dwarves. The dwarf warriors followed the debris generated by the explosion and fell towards the lava lake below.

At the same time, the dwarves also launched a counterattack with heavy ballistae placed everywhere. The enchanted magic circle controlled the rain of lava and fire to sweep the sky and everywhere where elves appeared.

The elves who entered the Black Iron City also suffered heavy casualties.

But the elves fought more and more, while the dwarf warriors fought less and less. When the elves' front threatened the teleportation array connected to Obsidian City, the dwarf heroes guarding it immediately destroyed the teleportation array, and then led all the dwarves who had not left Black Iron City to charge towards the invading elves.

The shout became the last swan song of Black Iron City. At this time, no dwarf flinched. Even the protected craftsman picked up the hammer for blacksmithing, put on the armor he made, and charged with the advancing team.

Dwarves and elves squeezed and fought on this final battlefield...

At this time, the King of the Hill took one last look at the burning and collapsing city, then broke open the space with an ax and left the magical realm.

The closure of the teleportation array means that Black Iron City has been occupied.

Obsidian City fell into silence, and all the dwarves stopped their work. They lost their homes, and their original ambitions for independence were extinguished by the ruthless reality. Now they are exiled to this strange world, facing a dilapidated city and an unknown future.

Every dwarf's face was full of exhaustion, haggard, hesitation and helplessness.

At some point, the sound of crying spread throughout Obsidian City, and even the strongest dwarf could not bear the deep sorrow.

A burst of tears...

Daliang flew out of the sky above Obsidian City in the form of a leader of flames. He looked down at the crying dwarves and made the flames he released more powerful, hoping to bring some warmth to them.

The King of the Hill who came to Obsidian City did not follow the dwarves to remember the lost city. He is the king of the dwarves and must assume the responsibilities of the king. He must bring confidence to all dwarves and win a safe recovery period for the dwarves.

The King of the Hill, who had released his fighting stance, flew to Daliang's side. Through the information provided by his subordinates, he knew that the fire elemental creature in front of him was Duke Daliang, and also learned about the battle in Obsidian City.

It can be said... without Daliang, the dwarves would not have been able to conquer Obsidian City; without Daliang, the dwarves would have been exterminated now.

The King of the Hill saluted respectfully to Daliang, and then said: "The Duke's kindness to the dwarves will be recorded in our history and remembered by generations of dwarves.

Lord Duke, I want to become a brother with you... If you are willing, you will have the same status as me in the dwarf clan and become the side-by-side king of the dwarves. "

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