Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1209 Siege

Moore is gone.

He knew that it was impossible to get Obsidian City back from the dwarves, and the broken friendship with the King of the Hill also made it impossible for him to stay here. He chose to return to Drum City, the royal city of the Iron Heel Kingdom, and report to the King of Singing about the progress of the Obsidian City War.

Dark elf!

After the head-on confrontation with the black elves, Moore felt deeply worried about these races that he originally regarded as barbarians. He must make all the underground cities realize as soon as possible that the real threat to the underground races should be the black elves.

The Iron Heel Kingdom needs to beware of the restless black elves everywhere. They may take advantage of the invasion of World Factory to attack the kingdom's cities. Don't let what happened in Obsidian City happen again in other borders. And... the dwarves also need to wait for the Singing King to issue an order on how to deal with the relationship with the dwarves.

The King of the Hill watched Moore leave Obsidian City. He also knew that killing Moore was the most correct choice at this time, because Moore knew the true and false status of the dwarves in Obsidian, and his return was likely to soon attract the Iron Heel Kingdom. army. Killing Moore can slow down the Ironhoof Kingdom's response to Obsidian City.

But the King of the Hill didn't do that...

After Moore could no longer be seen, the King of the Hill said to Da Liang: "I need an envoy to go to the Drum City, the royal city of the Iron Heel Kingdom, to express to the Singing King that the dwarves have no intention of being an enemy of the Iron Heel Kingdom, and to explain to him that we occupy Obsidian. The city's helpless move.

Brother Daliang, you are the only one who can represent me among the dwarves. "

Obsidian City, which had been destroyed twice, really had no ability to fight another war. The dwarves who had just escaped from Black Iron City urgently needed time to restore their morale and repair Obsidian City completely.

If the Iron Hoof Kingdom attacks at this time, the dwarves do not have the military strength to fight a long defensive battle.

Therefore, the dwarves need to negotiate peace with the Iron Heel Kingdom to prevent the kingdom from seeing the dwarves as enemies that must be eliminated.

The King of the Hill felt that only if Daliang went to the Drum City in person could he possibly convince the Singing King.

Da Liang did not refuse the commission from the King of the Hill. The dwarves at this time were indeed not suitable for starting another war. Now the war in the lower cave is going smoothly. After Ingram is solved, the entire lower cave of Obsidian City will be included. It will also take some time to integrate the various black elf tribes. Da Liang also does not want the Iron Heel Kingdom to focus all its attention on Obsidian. Here in the city.

"Okay, Your Majesty... I will visit the Drum City on behalf of the dwarves in the near future, and I will convince the Singing King. But now... I have to deal with the black elves in the lower cave first...

My caravan will soon expand the dwarf weapons trade routes, and I hope that your majesty can use the Torch Tower to prioritize the expansion of the dwarf weapons manufacturing factory.

There is also rune stone manufacturing... This is a technology that only the dwarves of Obsidian City have. I can guarantee that... the rune stone business can definitely make money just like dwarf weapons. "

Being able to accumulate wealth quickly is definitely a good thing for the King of the Hill. The money needed for the revival of the dwarves is really too much. He replied to Daliang: "Brother Daliang, please rest assured, we will satisfy you as soon as possible." Your caravan needs weapons and runestones. It's just a battle against the black elves in the lower cave. My army and I can't participate.

Please Brother Daliang understand our difficulties. "

"Your Majesty, please stay in Obsidian City. We need you more here. After I deal with the black elves, I will come back to discuss with Your Majesty the specific matters of comprehensive cooperation between the Five Color Flag Alliance and the dwarves of Obsidian City."

After bidding farewell to the King of the Hill, Daliang said on the territory channel: "Night, open the door!"

A portal opened next to Da Liang.

Thorny River City battlefield.

The battle between the attackers and defenders continued to stalemate. From the connecting passage in the upper cave, black elves who had escaped from Obsidian City continued to join the attack on Thorny River City. But as time goes by, although the number of black elves attacking Thorny River City continues to increase, their combat effectiveness is declining rapidly.

After holding their breath and bursting out, the Black Elf's attack was met with bloodshed at the head of Thorny River City, but it failed to break through anywhere. In the battlefield of ultimate creatures, the black dragon fought in the underground environment, but was beaten back by the angels; the sneak attacks of the black elf hero were also restricted at every turn; the 16th-level Ingram, who was originally trusted by the black elf, was blocked at the very beginning of the battle. The area near the cave wall on the upper level is of no help to the battlefield.

After the morale they had built up was gone, the black elves' bodies became even weaker. The long-term hunger made many warriors unable to even hold weapons.

Seeing the black elves attacking the city gradually weakening, Monica knew that she had passed the most dangerous period. If she made a mistake when she started to defend the city and the black elves rushed onto the city wall, she would face warriors who would become more and more courageous as they fought to survive. But she didn't give the black elf any chance. The impregnable defense dispelled all the black elf's illusions.

The Arbitration Angel prevented Ingram from returning to the battlefield, and it also destroyed the spiritual pillars of the Black Elves and accelerated their collapse.

Now... the pressure on the city wall is gradually weakening, and both Monica and Yezi are gradually attacking from the front and retreating to supporting positions in the rear.

Monica asked the angels who suppressed the black dragon to assist in the defense, and then she flew to the highest position of the battlefield with Ye Xie.

The battle between Arbitration Angel and Ingram caused mutual damage, but neither one had the ability to quickly end the battle and determine the victory. The Arbitration Angel relied on his advantages in speed and strength to play Ingram in a defensive position most of the time.

After Monica and Yezi arrived for support, they did not join the battle. Ingram was not too wary of the arrival of these two heroes. After all, they were just two level 15 heroes. She had eight spider legs and two arms, so she was not afraid of group battles... Here are a few more level 15 heroes. , can also cope with it.

But when Ingram saw Monica scratching her arm, she suddenly felt that things were not that simple.

Then Ingram saw Monica take out another bottle of potion and chant a spell, and the blood flowing from her arm turned into blood mist...

The feeling of danger became even stronger, and Ingram suddenly felt that escaping now was the best choice. As soon as she had this idea, one of her spider legs used space magic to prepare to open the portal.

But what made Ingram feel horrified was that his space magic failed, and the other party actually confused the surrounding space.

It was too late to leave now. Two portals opened next to Ingram.

Then Ingram was horrified to see that the one who came out of one of the portals was the 16th-level Flame Commander who fought with him in Obsidian City, and the one who came out of the other portal was the same as himself... too A 16th-level black elf matron with eight spider legs on her back.

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