Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1210 Persuasion

Abigail, who was in the endless maze, felt the attraction of Monica's blood sacrifice, and directly broke through the space and appeared above Thorny River City. She lost her mind and allowed the violent aura in her body to sweep through the entire cave without any restraint, and then she was ready to pounce on Monica...

Monica, who reacted quickly, turned the suppressive potion into mist and sprayed it at Abigail according to the method given to her by the prophet. Abigail, who entered the madness, was immediately soothed. The attraction of blood overwhelmed the instinct to kill. Abigail became quiet, waiting for the instructions given by Monica.

Abigail, who had not seen her for a while, had changed a lot. Some light purple spider web lines appeared on her originally fair skin, her eyes turned white, and her body was surrounded by a layer of black and purple mist.

With Monica's finger, Abigail immediately locked Ingram.

In the Flame Command state, Daliang, Arbiter Angel, and Abigail surrounded Ingram, and the three level 16 heroes aimed all their pressure at her. The space was blocked, and Ingram became panicked when he realized what his opponent wanted to do.

She was on guard nervously and said: "Is this the hidden strength of the Five-Color Flag Alliance? It is very powerful... If I am willing to join the Five-Color Flag Alliance, you will add another level 16 hero. Plus the three tribes of giant dragons With Holy Bella, we have the strength to compete with a plane.

Think about it, with two 16th-level black elf matrons and an envoy of the Dark Dragon, we can unify the entire black elf race and occupy the endless maze..."

Ingram wanted to surrender.

Da Liang looked at the vampire guards who flew up from Thorny River City. They spread out below the highest-level battlefield, and then each released an alchemy item.

These alchemy props surrounded the city in a circle, and the magic energy beam connected these alchemy props together to form a magic circle.

This is a sealing device made by the jealous demon Angela. Thousands of years of sealing have given this demon a very advanced understanding of sealing spells. The sealing device she made is simple and easy to use. The sealing effect has been personally experienced by several hell lords. Yes, Satan said "yes". Therefore, Daliang asked Angela to make a few more sealing devices in case of emergency.

This time Monica has to guard Thorn River City. Daliang not only assigned Julian, Juliet, and Night Color to Monica, but also sent a group of vampire guards to Thorn River City. Angela's sealing device is a vampire guard. A standard prop for Mamoru and the Vampire Maid.

Now...the sealing device has been activated.

Da Liang said to Ingram: "Your suggestion is very good. It is a pity that the 16th-level black elf matron has been sealed like this. But we don't trust you, at least until we truly have the black elf group in the lower cave of Obsidian City, you is a hidden danger.

Ingram, there are three level 16 heroes around you, and each of them is stronger than you. You can't escape, and I advise you not to make unnecessary resistance. If you really want to join the Five-Color Flag Alliance, accept the seal... I will let you go once we are sure you are not a threat.

And if you want to try your own skills and try to escape from our hands, then the sealing time on you can definitely be long enough to... exhaust your life force. "

After the hero reaches level 16, he understands the rules, his vitality breaks through the upper limit of his clan's life, enters an extraordinary level, and his lifespan is also extended. It may be tens of thousands of years, hundreds of thousands of years, or even longer, but it will eventually end. Nothing is immortal, no matter how strong a hero is, one day his vitality will be exhausted and passed away.

Just like Zishan, the leader of the Purple Dragon Clan, he already feels that his life is coming to an end. Maybe this journey lasts for hundreds or thousands of years. If he is lucky, he can survive for ten thousand years, but he has taken a dim view of life, death and power. , making every effort to train Princess Zi Ling.

As for Ingram, she has just been promoted to a level 16 hero and is beginning her glorious chapter. If she was permanently sealed, it would be even more painful than killing her.

If you accept the seal now, you may be released early; if you resist and are forcibly sealed, there is no guarantee when you will be released.

Ingram gritted his teeth, and she asked fiercely: "Why do you do this to me! I regard you as allies, but you in turn took away everything from me and sealed me!"

Daliang said: "Do you regard us as allies? You know best! We are just taking advantage of you before you turn your back and betray us.

Ingram, what to need to make a decision soon.

If you wait until I help you choose, it won't be the best result. "

Ingram looked at the sealing array that had been set up below, his heart filled with unwillingness and anger.

She knew that after she gave up resistance and accepted the seal, when she returned to the world, the other party must have taken away all the benefits and formed a general trend. Only when you have 16 levels of power but are alone and cannot pose any threat to them can you gain freedom.

But for a black elf matron, what's the point of losing everything, losing power, and freedom.

And resistance... Facing three powerful level 16 heroes, with the space blocked and no help available, the chance of escaping is almost zero.

If defeated, he will be permanently sealed.

Why is this happening?

At this moment, Ingram suddenly realized something. She turned to look at Da Liang who was in the state of commanding the flames. Her eyes seemed to see through the outer layer of flames and armor to see the inner core. Then she asked: "You...are you Da Liang?"

The current predicament reminded Ingram of how when he and Daliang signed the alliance outside the city, there was also an invisible rope binding his hands and feet, and he was helpless in the face of the falling butcher knife.

Daliang's tone and momentum at that time were so similar to the Flame Commander in front of him!

Faced with Ingram's speculation, Daliang did not deliberately conceal his identity. He said: "Mother Ingram, excessive greed has blinded your eyes, and excessive arrogance has made you lose your judgment. You live in a corner. , lack of understanding of the world, do not understand your opponents, do not understand your allies, do not understand what is happening around Obsidian City, just rely on brute force to do it.

Even if the Black Elves rise in your hands, they will probably change from a barbarian race to a powerful barbarian race. Your vision determines the upper limit of your rule.

But things are different now. The black elves in the lower caves of Obsidian City will usher in a new ruler. I bring a better external environment to the black elves, which is more suitable for the unified system of the black elves.

The black elves will become stronger under my rule.

Your failure is a personal failure, but for the entire black elf race, this war that took place in Thorny River City is a victory for the entire race! "

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