Start with an Archangel

Chapter 121 The Shuntong Chamber of Commerce was established (Chapter 120 was typed incorrectly, the

Marquis Wilson's words frightened Joyce from leaving. Indeed... the undead and the orcs are both simple-minded guys, and all the creatures in hell are conspirators. If the three of them are allowed to come together, God knows what trouble they will cause.

When there is a battle between Shangjiang City and Chongming City, the elves will definitely control the battlefield to prevent damage to the city's facilities and reduce civilian casualties. But if the target of the war is those three cities...the undead will turn civilians into skeleton soldiers, the orcs will use meat as food, and hell will want souls, and no scum will be left wherever it goes.

It’s really chilling to think about.

Seeing Joyce stop, Marquis Wilson threatened Daliang and said: "You don't know what you will bring to the Shangjiang area. You will be stripped of your noble title and cast aside by the entire Shangjiang City."

Daliang said indifferently: "You asked for this. As a human race, I still agree that cooperation with Shangjiang City is our first choice. I advise you to listen to my proposal. If you continue to insist on your unreasonable equity allocation, I and I will Marquis Stanley resolutely refused that little bit of charity. Shangjiang City will lose the support of the undead, and whatever happens here in the future will be caused by you. At that time, you were the person spurned by the entire Shangjiang City, and I... I have myself The territory, a cemetery, is far more noble than a title of baronet."

"Yes." Although Marquis Stanley did not understand what happened, he could see that the originally unfavorable situation was already in the hands of his brother. Baron Daliang was really a gift from the god of death. There was absolutely no way to support him. Wrong, "Baron Daliang is my brother, and his territory is the brother city of Jiading City. My city will always be open to Baron Daliang."

In the Shangjiang area, the possibility of the emergence of a third-party force is in front of everyone. They are more destructive and make everyone unwilling to see its emergence.

After a moment of silence, Joyce said with a smile: "This is really an exciting change, Marquis Wilson, Marquis Stanley, and Baron Daliang. If you didn't place the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce in Shangjiang City and Jiading tonight, On the basis of the cooperation of the city, I will have to kill all of you. Lord Nelson is already outside, and my soldiers have heavily surrounded this place. There are still seven hours before dawn, you...and Seven hours.”

Nelson? The archangel who belongs to the navy...has arrived?

After looking at Joyce who was sitting back but still holding the sword in his hand, Da Liang turned to Marquis Wilson and said, "Do you still insist on your equity distribution plan?"

Joyce had already found an excuse to kill. Marquis Wilson knew that as long as he shook his head, the archangels outside would immediately rush in and kill him with Joyce. And will Joyce really kill Lord Stanley? Probably not, Daliang is obviously Joyce's man, and Marquis Stanley obeys Daliang's words. If they die, they can just find someone to continue talking to.

"Okay," facing the threat to his life, Marquis Wilson finally relaxed, "Baron Da Liang, tell me your opinion."

"My distribution plan is very simple. The Shuntong Chamber of Commerce's equity will be divided into 10% for the Shangjiang royal family, 10% for the Shangjiang finance department, 10% for the Pudong fleet, and the rest belongs to Marquis Stanley of Jiading City. We will contribute from all directions. People jointly completed the establishment and operation of the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce. But as the largest shareholder, Marquis Stanley has the final decision-making power of the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce."

"This is absolutely impossible. Without the shares of the commercial port, they will never agree to transport the goods to Jiading City."

Daliang knocked on the table and said: "Once the Jiading City Cargo Distribution Center is established, it will increase the throughput of the commercial port terminal. Their increased income will definitely be higher than the share share of the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce. If you want to make a fortune, then get another fortune in vain, what in the world? There are so many good things! Moreover, as the commercial port increases its income, taxes will also increase. The nobles in Shangjiang City want benefits, so let them go to the commercial port. The Shuntong Chamber of Commerce has just been established, and there is not enough meat on the body, not enough for them to eat."

Marquis Wilson said: "This distribution plan is completely unreasonable. Jiading City is allocated too much, and the decision-making power of Shuntong Chamber of Commerce should be in the hands of Shangjiang City. I am the finance minister of Shangjiang City, and the chairman of Shuntong Chamber of Commerce should have I'll do it."

"Then there's no need to talk? The three of us will just wait here to die."

After that, Da Liang lay down on the chair, put his feet on the table, then took out half a bottle of red wine from the package and drank it slowly.

The room fell into silence again, except for a pendulum clock in the corner that ticked, and the sword in Joyce's hand tapped the ground with the sound of the clock.

Time passed hour by hour.

When the last hour was about to pass, Joyce's tapping sound began to speed up, as if it was pricking Marquis Wilson's body...

"Okay, I agree with Baron Daliang's equity distribution plan for Shuntong Chamber of Commerce." Under Joyce's pressure, when the sun was about to shine into the room, Marquis Wilson finally gave in, "Now we are in this basic contract Sign it, and I will send someone to discuss the remaining specific cooperation plan with you."

The Shuntong Chamber of Commerce was finally established.

After Marquis Wilson signed his name on the contract and left angrily, Marquis Stanley hugged Da Liang happily: "That's great! Baron Da Liang. 50% share, you actually fought for 50% share for me. . Before you came, I only had 0 shares. The God of Death said that let humans do the things that use their brains. This sentence is simply too correct. Now I can't express my gratitude to you in my own words.

These are all the basic architectural drawings of the secondary territory of the Undead City, and they are all yours. You must build your territory as soon as possible, and we will become a city as close as brothers. Remember brother, when you upgrade your territory to level 3, I can also provide you with all the basic building drawings, even level 5... If it is not special building drawings and building drawings for territories above level 5, you need to go to the Kingdom of Death. Go get it and I'll help you get your territory to level 10. "

The 50% stake in the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce made Marquis Stanley very excited. After giving Daliang a lot of architectural drawings, he was ready to rush back to Jiading City. He wanted to build a castle, just like Marquis Joshua, who built a castle. A castle dedicated to holding your future gold coins.

After Marquis Stanley left, Daliang and Joyce were the only two people left in the room.

Joyce walked up to Da Liang and said with some confusion: "Is Marquis Stanley really confused? He clearly owns 70% of the shares of Shuntong Chamber of Commerce. Why did he say that he owns 50%?"

Da Liang looked at Marquis Stanley dancing away and wondered whether he should also build a castle to store gold coins. Faced with Joyce's question, he couldn't help but sigh: "Although Marquis Stanley is greedy for money, his credit is not It's admirable. He once promised that Shuntong Chamber of Commerce would have 20% of my shares. In the initial negotiation, even if he got nothing, he would leave this part of the shares to me. This friendship..."

Joyce was surprised: "You actually own 20% of the shares of Shuntong Chamber of Commerce! Only a fleet as big as mine in Pudong gets 10%."

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