Start with an Archangel

Chapter 122 Which reward should I get? (Please subscribe and vote monthly)

Daliang gave Joyce a disdainful look and said: "I came up with all the business of Shuntong Chamber of Commerce. I conquered the stone cave entrance. I also won today's negotiation. Giving me 20% of the shares is a lot. In the future, maybe Marquis Stanley will need me to advise him. My shares are not free, I earned them with my brain. Unlike your Pudong fleet, you don’t have to do anything, and 10% of the share will be given directly to you. I feel much more relaxed. By the way...Have you finished verifying the fact that the troop transport was sunk by me?"

Joyce did not argue too much with Daliang over the equity. After all, she was a military officer and was more concerned about the war at hand: "If I hadn't threatened Wilson, would your negotiation have been so easy? The battle in the outer sea has been verified. From now on, All the troop transport fleets from Hong Kong City to Chongming City were sunk, and Marquis Joshua was furious and arrested hundreds of people in just one afternoon."

Da Liang said anxiously: "After verification, give me a reward quickly. My broken ships are still waiting to be repaired. Give me ten more eight-masted warships, and you give me the privateering order at sea. I haven't used it yet. It just so happens that this If you have nothing to do for a while, you can grab a lot of money at sea. It’s really expensive to raise troops and build a territory.”

Joyce did not take out the reward directly, but asked: "Do you want me to reward you in the name of the Pudong Fleet, or do you want me to report this matter and the military department will wait for them to reward you?"

Daliang asked doubtfully: "Is there any difference?"

"Report to the military headquarters. Your reward will be generous for your merits, but Marquis Wilson will definitely know that this troop transport fleet was ambushed by you."

If Marquis Wilson knows about it, doesn’t it mean that Joshua knows about it?

If the elves knew that I was making deals with them from the front and stabbing them from behind, they wouldn't just take away my Feichen Island. No, even if you suffer a small loss in rewards, you can't expose the fact that Brother Lu ambushed the troop transport.

"What's the other reward?"

"The credit for ambushing the troop transport fleet belongs to me, and your reward will be distributed internally by the Pudong Fleet."

Seeing the mysterious smile on Joyce's face, Daliang immediately guessed that his performance yesterday was noticed by the other party. Sigh... I can't blame the other party's sharp eyes. I blame myself for being so complacent about winning the battle. Even I could feel an invisible tail wagging behind me.

Forget it, I swallowed the bitter fruit I sown with my eyes closed. I don’t believe it. I work so hard on the front line. How dare you send me away with some rags?

"The ability to win consecutive battles in a humble position is all due to the admiral's strategic planning and good command. All the credit must belong to you. I'd rather choose the internal reward of our Pudong fleet."

Joyce gave Daliang a knowing look, then gave him a piece of paper and said, "This is the list of rewards for you. Take a look at it yourself."


Daliang took the piece of paper over with great joy. Those with more rewards need to make a list. This is for distribution!

The list opens, and the rows of rewards on it are dazzling. Upon closer inspection, Daliang's originally flower-like smiling face immediately froze here.

"Admiral, did you get the wrong one?"

"That's right! That's it. I've told you before that the Pudong fleet is very difficult now. These rewards are carefully selected by me. They are the most suitable materials for your fleet to quickly restore its strength."

Da Liang suppressed the urge to curse and focused on the list again.

50 slightly damaged spinnakers

Minor damage to 30 large square sails

Minor damage to 30 topsails

70 pairs of pulp discharge with slight damage

200 bundles of lightly damaged ropes

Slightly damaged 100 artillery pieces

mmp, all of them are minor damage, really send me away with rags.

If it weren't for some useful information later, Daliang would have turned his back.

10 single mast fishing boats

Three-masted battleship drawing 1

1 drawing of a three-masted merchant ship

2 drawings of two-masted battleship

2 drawings of two-masted merchant ship

4 drawings of single-masted battleship

4 drawings of single mast fishing boat

There is a fishing ground under the jurisdiction of the Pudong Fleet (coordinates ***: *** area 1,000 square kilometers)

What is a sloop? What is a fishing ground? My job is to be a pirate, and I have ocean surveillance in hand. I am preparing a powerful boat and a gun to rob you. But you ask me to go fishing and I will beat you.

And where is the warship that was promised? It’s all turned into drawings! It costs nothing to build a ship. Are there gold coins in the reward you gave me? Aren't you going to ask me to fill your small coffers with your money? You can't bully people like this.

"Sir, what's going on with these fishing boats? I, the noble Lord of the Black Fire Lord, Baron Flying Dust, and Captain of the Pudong Fleet, would it be too demeaning to go fishing?"

Joyce smiled and said: "You kid got an advantage and behaved well. If I didn't really have no gold coins to reward you, I wouldn't have given you this fishing ground..."

Fishing ground: As the name suggests, there are a lot of fish here. One net here is equivalent to ten nets elsewhere. Moreover, the fish are large and of good variety. They are hot commodities in the market and there is no need to worry about not being able to sell them. This thing is equivalent to a manor on land. The advantage over a manor is that the harvest is guaranteed during droughts and floods. The disadvantage is also obvious, that is, the situation of poaching in good fishing grounds is very serious, and fishery owners must maintain a strong fleet to effectively deter those fishing boats that poach.

"The fishing ground given to you is in the large fishing ground controlled by our Pudong Fleet. There are warships from the Pudong Fleet doing routine patrols. The poaching situation can basically be controlled. The fishing limit of this fishing ground is twenty single-masted fishing boats, one per day. The fishing boat can provide you with an income of 100 to 300 gold depending on the quality of the fish. This is a long-term meal ticket, which is much better than me giving you tens of thousands of gold coins at a time."

The dark clouds in Da Liang's mind were immediately cleared away. There were ten fishing boats in the list given by Joyce, which meant that he had a fixed income of at least 1,000 gold every day. If the small universe exploded one day, he could fish 3,000 gold from the sea.’s 30,000 in ten days. Marquis Stanley needs 10,000 zombies to reach his weekly income of 30,000 gold. As long as I make up the number of single-masted fishing boats to twenty, I can easily make money faster than 10,000 lines. corpse.

It turns out that Joyce is still considerate of brother, and if he doesn’t have any gold, he will give him the golden finger. The beautiful admiral’s heart will be accepted by him, the fishery will be accepted first, and the fishing boat will be accepted as well.

Next, let’s talk about what those tattered sails, oars, and cannons are. Is there anyone who collects tatters in this game? Or does Joyce regard her brother as a rag collector?

"Sir, what are those damaged sails and ropes used for? And the ship's map? It would be great if you just gave me the ship, but I still have to spend money to build it. How troublesome it is."

Joyce said: "Didn't I tell you? This is an extraordinary period. The Pudong fleet has already fought with the Chongming fleet on the sea. My own ships are not enough. Where can I get a ship for you! The number of ship diagrams given to you, There are far more ships than the number of ships that should be rewarded. If you build new ships at the shipyard in Pudong Military Port, I can build you ships at normal prices. When you have ships, I will also have financial income, which is a win-win situation."

A win-win situation, you idiot!

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