Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1214 Will you choose me?

After the collapse of the hell plot, the Sun Messenger is trying to return to the hell plot through other directions. However, he offended Lucifer. If he wants Lucifer to re-accept him regardless of past grudges, it may not be possible in a short time.

Therefore, Sun Messenger shifted the focus of the game to the main world. On the one hand, he actively participated in the Pacific War for Hegemony. On the other hand, he participated in the "Strongest Hero" competition. Being able to become the number one player can make his reputation, which has fallen to the bottom, Back to the top.

Against the background of the competition for hegemony between China and the United States in the game areas, the top players in the two game areas have set their sights on the "Strongest Hero" competition. Being able to win more championships in this competition will not only be able to dominate the opponent, but also a good opportunity to show one's own strength to the world, win more allies, and disintegrate the opponent's camp.

However, in the Chinese game area, Daliang, who had defeated the Sun Messenger, did not sign up to participate in the competition, and Shi Fei, who recently obtained the 15th-level Elf Messenger, did not participate either. The overall strength of the Chinese game area has dropped significantly, which inevitably makes Xu Man a little worried about the outcome of the game.

Since Daliang has been running story missions recently, he is not very familiar with the overall situation at the player level. Now that he hears Xu Man express her worries, Daliang can't help but think about it.

In Brazil, Da Liang had a direct confrontation with the Sun Messenger. Although he won the battle, it did not mean that the 15th-level Sinful Angel was not strong. It was just that Juliet became more powerful after being blessed by the Angel Alliance.

The current Shu Xiao is no match for the Sun Messenger. His personal skills are no problem, but compared with the Sinful Angel, the gap in attributes and skills is a bit too big...

In addition, one of the rules of the competition is that the equipment and heroes used by the players during the competition must be held for more than one month, and they cannot be transferred again during the entire competition period. The more important the competition, the longer the initial holding time for equipment and heroes, which can reach a maximum of 60 days. This rule greatly eliminates borrowing equipment and heroes to participate in competitions to ensure the fairness of the competition.

As a result, Daliang cannot give Shu Xiao much help in terms of equipment and heroes. After all, giving inferior equipment and heroes will be of no use in increasing Shu Xiao's strength. Giving good equipment and heroes... may affect Daliang's ability to interfere in future plot development.

After thinking about it, Daliang said to Xu Man: "There is really no way to get out of the plot mission I am following now... But after the player reaches level 50, the system will give each player a main mission. After completing it perfectly, you can get a Master skills.

Shu Xiao has now reached level 48. During this period, besides participating in competitions, she has been upgraded in various ways. She should be able to reach level 50 before the finals. After quickly completing the main mission, her strength is equivalent to that of a level 15 hero.

The Sunbringer was killed by me twice in Brazil and once in Hell's Furnace City. He cannot reach level 50 this season.

As long as Shu Xiao doesn't encounter the Sun Messenger in advance during the game. When it comes to the finals, her attributes and skills after level 50 will be similar to those of Sunbringer in Guilty Angel state, and she still has the ability to compete for the championship. "

Hearing Daliang's words, Xu Man was surprised and said: "You know such details...have you already completed the level 50 main quest and obtained master-level skills?"

Da Liang shrugged: "Such a small thing is not worth showing off."

Seeing that Daliang was finally taking the "Strongest Hero" competition seriously, Xu Man couldn't help but relax a little from the pressure in his heart. To be honest, when she first organized and established the university alliance, she never thought that the university alliance could develop to the scale it is now.

Now the University Alliance has established cooperatives in most colleges and universities in China's gaming area, with more than one million registered members. As the chief steward of the College Alliance, Xu Man is not only busy with the affairs of the alliance, but also manages the Northern Lords Alliance and the Northeast Asia Alliance in the Chinese game area. He also takes care of the logistics coordination of the Pacific War.

With these layers of responsibilities piled up, one can imagine the pressure Xu Man is under.

Xu Man did not have the foresight and foresight of Shi Fei, his strategic vision was not as outstanding as Shi Fei's, and he did not have the prestige of Shi Fei's consistent response. She was able to lead this player group to an equal level with the player group led by Shi Fei because she was diligent, focused and careful, and was good at managing and adjusting her own internal contradictions.

The side effect is mental exhaustion. Sometimes Xu Man really hopes that someone can share some responsibilities for him, and in the entire College Alliance and the Northern Lords Alliance, there are those who are capable and prestigious, and can make many big bosses listen to their words... Only bright.

Xu Man felt that he needed Daliang, both at work and in his heart... Just like now, after just talking to Daliang for a few words, his whole body felt much more relaxed. The "Strongest Hero" competition that he had been worried about... seemed to be gone. It's no longer a problem.

At this moment, Xu Man remembered that when the University Alliance was newly established and he was helpless in the face of bribery from his competitors, it was Daliang who rode a gryphon and descended from the sky, and then turned the tide and helped him win the final election victory with a large advantage.

At that time, Xu Man got to know Daliang again, and at the same time his heartstrings were touched. The figure leaving on the gryphon opened a crack in the hard shell leading to the girl's heart. At that time, Xu Man only treated Daliang with gratitude and gratitude. However, in the subsequent cooperation, Xu Man found that he became more and more dependent on Daliang, as if he was competitive and wanted to be conquered.

Xu Man looked at Daliang... She knew that the relationship between Daliang and Shu Xiao was an open secret in this small circle. She regretted why she didn't reveal her heart to Daliang as soon as possible. Being strong made her gain a lot... and she also missed a lot.

The conference room suddenly fell into silence, and Daliang also felt the sudden change in the atmosphere, especially the way Xu Man looked at him.

The pupils were dilated, the eyes were like stars, the brows showed a bit of a girlish look, and a little emotional tears appeared in the corners of the eyes, which made people feel a sense of love and pity.

Xu Man's sudden expression of emotion made Daliang not sure what to do, and the smell of scarlet in the room became stronger and stronger.

"Man, Sister Man..." Daliang drank all the water in the cup in one breath, touched his nose awkwardly, and then said: "I treat you as a brother, and you look at me like this, which makes my little heart beat. It's a little too fast..."

Xu Man immediately realized that she had lost her composure. She quickly wiped the corners of her eyes, her cheeks turned red, and then she sighed and said: "Alas...'The male rabbit's feet are twitching, and the female rabbit's eyes are blurred.' I'm just too I regard myself as a man too strongly, so that I used to regard my feelings for you as brotherly loyalty.

When I really understood it, I found it was too late. Sometimes I really envy Shu Xiao, whose simple mind makes it easier to get love.

Daliang, let me ask you.

If I confessed to you before Shu Xiao, would you choose me? "

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