Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1215 The game begins

Facing Xu Man's questions, Da Liang suddenly felt like a prisoner being taken to the execution ground. The knife had been raised and would fall at any time.

"Sister Man..." Daliang said awkwardly.

"Don't prevaricate me... Tell me your true feelings. I want to give myself an explanation."

Xu Man sat on the sofa opposite Daliang, staring closely into Daliang's eyes with determination and expectation. She put aside her reserve and all her strength in front of others, and revealed her truest self, a girl who longed to be loved. It seems that as long as Daliang reveals his feelings for her, she will fight tooth and nail to win over the man who breaks her heart.

The room fell into silence again...

Neither of them knew that Shu Xiao was standing outside the conference room at this moment. The game was about to start. After she heard Daliang arriving and being brought to this conference room by Xu Man, she came to look for him. As a result, when she was about to open the door and go in, she heard the conversation between Xu Man and Daliang.

Like Xu Man, Shu Xiao waited for Daliang's answer without making a sound.

After a while, there was still no sound. When Shu Xiao decided to push the door open and break the ambiguity in the room, Daliang finally spoke.

"Sister Man... you are really very beautiful. You look like a royal sister. You are simply a relationship killer for otakus like us who have a bit of a sex complex. If I say that I have never had sex with you before, it will definitely be a lie. If I say that in Before I left school, or to be precise before the public beta of Hero World, if you said you liked me, I would definitely go crazy with joy.

But something happened on the eve of the open beta of Hero World, and I knew there was a woman I had to find. Please forgive me for not saying more about the specific situation. In short... at that time, I must make this woman my wife, even if I didn't know who she was, what she looked like, or even her name.

I was tortured very much by this incident. Everyone looked like the person I was looking for, like a nymphomaniac, and even molested Tao Zi.

Until Shu Xiao appeared...

I'm glad that I met Shu Xiao before I made a big mistake. During the time I lived with her, I gradually got rid of that inner demon and no longer cared about who that woman was.

I decided that Shu Xiao was the person I needed to cherish in this life.

Therefore, Sister Man... I can only say I'm sorry. The past has passed. There was no spark between us during the four years of college, just like two parallel lines. Now what exactly are your feelings for me, I think you should think about it carefully. "

After Da Liang finished speaking, the room fell into silence again.

After a while, Xu Man complained: "I understand what you mean, but your last sentence makes me very uncomfortable."

Daliang stood up and said with a smile: "Sister Man, I feel comfortable for you, but I don't feel comfortable anymore. You should know what our Shu Xiao does. No matter how good I am in the game, I can't compare to her. .To be honest, I am still very happy to be liked by another woman, but there are some bottom lines that I have to stick to...

Okay, regarding the Strongest Hero Competition, I will help Shu Xiao strengthen his strength.

The game is about to start, let's go together to cheer for the players in the league. "

Xu Man is not a little woman who is emotionally entangled. After everything was said, she quickly returned to her usual calmness. Xu Man also stood up and said to Daliang: "I am an adult and know what my feelings are...I also know how to deal with my feelings. I will bless you and Shu Xiao, and I will leave a place for you in my heart. .

You can continue to treat me as a brother in the future, or you can treat me as a confidante. "

"Definitely, definitely..." Da Liang put his arm on Xu Man's shoulders like a buddy, and touched Xu Man's forehead with his forehead: "We are golden partners, destined to make trouble in the game together..."

Shu Xiao, who was outside the door, heard that the two were about to come out, so he immediately took a few steps back, and then walked towards the conference room the moment the door opened. After seeing Da Liang and Xu Man walking arm in arm again and walking out of the door, they pretended to be surprised and said, "What are you talking about? We've been chatting for so long. Let's go quickly. The game is about to start."

After seeing Shu Xiao, Daliang and Xu Man quickly separated. Their actions just now were really too ambiguous. Just when Da Liang was about to explain, Shu Xiao quickly inserted himself between the two of them, grabbed Da Liang and Xu Man's hands and ran towards the competition venue: "Stop talking nonsense, hurry up, hurry up, I will be eliminated because of being late. "

At this time, the competition venue has been opened and the first batch of contestants have entered the venue. After all participants put on the official competitive helmets, they will be randomly assigned to the corresponding competition venues according to the competition events they registered for.

Some spectators who are allowed to enter the venue can not only watch the game through the large screen set up by the organizer, but also use a portable game login device to enter the "Strongest Hero" competition auditorium through the game's designated path and choose the game events they want to watch.

Some players have also opened game live broadcast channels. Through these live broadcast channels, viewers can experience the exciting game atmosphere from the perspective of the host.

Da Liang entered the live broadcast channel opened by Shu Xiao through a portable game login device and bought 9999 roses upon entering.

The rich man's behavior caused the chat channel of the live broadcast room to howl like wolves.

Da Liang laughed out loud and showered another rose...

When the college alliance sent its main force to participate in the "Strongest Player" competition, the participants from the dominant guild also entered the competition.

Since Shi Fei wanted to follow the plot of the Magical Realm and find a way to promote the base camp to declare war on the Five Color Flag Alliance, he gave Ban Yue Mao the task of leading the team to participate in the "Strongest Hero" competition.

As an excellent intelligence officer, Ban Yue Mao not only organizes training and competitions for participants in the Dominion Guild, but also collects intelligence about opponents. Ban Yue Mao also focuses on it.

The University Alliance, which is also a super guild in the China Game Zone, has both cooperation and conflict with the Overlord Guild. In the "Strongest Hero" event, it is the main opponent of the participants from the Overlord Guild.

Therefore, Banyuemao spares no effort in gathering intelligence about participating teams in the college league.

From the moment the competition began, the intelligence personnel of the dominant guild continued to collect various data on the performance of the participants in the college alliance during the competition.

As the strongest seeded player sent by the college alliance, Shu Xiao's ID Sui Yue participated in the competition. Ban Yue Mao not only sent a team of intelligence personnel to analyze her level, attributes, and equipment, but also sent people to the competition venue to collect information about Shu Xiao's in-game information. external information.

Shu Xiao, who usually doesn't go out much and rarely appears in public, was unknowingly taken a lot of photos by Banyuemao people.

Ban Yue Mao confiscated all the image data about Shu Xiao, and asked those who came into contact with these images to destroy all backups. At the same time, he ordered: "All information about the college alliance must be handed over to me for review before being handed over to Boss Fei. , especially the information about Broken Moon..."

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