Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1224 Commander-in-Chief of the Allied Forces

The Five Color Alliance actually wants to go to war with the Magical Realm!

And with such a large-scale lineup, not only the three 15th-level dragon clans all participated in the battle, but also several 16th-level heroes were willing to accept the command. This is a military force that can fight a plane war. The important thing is... this army is going to attack the elves who have just defeated the dwarves.

The King of the Hill feels that today is his lucky day... no, it is the lucky day of the entire dwarf race.

Feeling the warmth sent by the alliance, the King of the Hill no longer felt depressed about losing the Black Iron City. He said happily: "Do you want to start a war with the Magical Realm?

The dwarves are willing to provide an army as a guide for the alliance army, and there are many revolting dwarf armies in the magical realm. I will order them to cooperate with the alliance army's attack.

If the Purple Dragon Clan Chief and the Red Baker Clan Chief can help defend Obsidian City, I am also willing to join this army and be a... Give me any position, I can also be a pawn. "

The King of the Hill didn't seem to see Da Liang's "crazy hint." When he thought about it, the dwarf had just joined the Five Color Flag Alliance, had no qualifications and strength, and had just received so much assistance from the alliance, how could he ask for more?

The bitter King of the Hill has no intention of becoming a commander at all.

Besides, with Purple Shirt, Red Baker, Holy Bella, and Daliang in front, this commander would never get his turn.

It’s so real!

It is said in the play that it is better to challenge a general than to provoke him. Daliang originally wanted to provoke the king of the hill and make him work harder when fighting in the magical realm. But he didn't expect the dwarf to be so sincere, and he didn't understand the flirtatious glances he was throwing out.

No matter how much he hints, the dwarf king will not understand his painstaking efforts. The helpless Da Liang just shook his head and said directly to the King of the Hill: "The coalition formed by the Five Color Flag Alliance lacks a commander who is familiar with elves and has very rich experience in plane-level warfare. The five main alliances all think that Your Majesty is The best person to command this army.

If Obsidian City joins the Five Color Flag Alliance, His Majesty will have the obligation to fight for the alliance.

I hope that your majesty can handle the matter in Obsidian City as soon as possible and go to Shangjiang City to accept your army. You need some time to familiarize yourself with the characteristics of warriors of various races, and you also need to guide the logistics and supply, and how they need to cooperate with the advancement of the attack.

Your Majesty, I want to remind you... The Five Color Flag Alliance has no experience in fighting large-scale plane wars. We need you to teach us step by step... how to fight against the magical realm? "

The king of the hill was stunned...

This is not just dozens of level 15 dragons, resources and gold coins.

It is a huge army composed of the elite forces of the Five Color Flag Alliance, and its strength is comparable to that of any other plane. Now, such an army was placed in his hands in this way, and each of the new members who had just joined the alliance became the military commander of the alliance.

This joke is a bit big.

The King of the Hill said: "No, no, no, I am not qualified to be the commander of this army. But I am willing to do my best to assist the commander of the coalition forces in winning the war against the magical realm."

Daliang said: "Your Majesty, excessive humility is pride... This is war, and the commander-in-chief is not a gift to be pushed around. If the Five Color Flag Alliance wants to win the war against the magical realm, it must go all out. Both the army participating in the war and the commander commanding this army must be the best and can be trusted.

Your Majesty... let me ask you... putting aside all qualifications and concerns, who in the Five Color Flag Alliance is the best person to command this army? "

"Me!" The King of the Hill's tone was very firm this time.

A smile appeared on Da Liang's face again: "Isn't this solved? The Purple Shirt Clan Chief and the Red Baker Clan Chief will assist the dwarves in defending Obsidian City. I will visit the Drum City to visit the Singing King on behalf of His Majesty, and strive to prevent the Iron Hoof Kingdom from using troops in Obsidian City. .

Your Majesty, please go to Shangjiang City as soon as possible. I also look forward to the elf seeing your Majesty's expression again on the battlefield. "

The King of the Hill replied confidently: "They will definitely be surprised!"

Daliang's visit to Obsidian City on behalf of the Five-Color Flag Alliance ended successfully. Dwarves joined the Five-Color Flag Alliance as an independent race, allowing the alliance to not only gain an ally with great potential, but also a level 16 commander-in-chief hero. , giving the alliance's army the ability to fight plane-level wars.

The next day, Monica arrived in Obsidian City.

At this time, all the black elves in the lower caves of Obsidian City were merged into the Thorny River tribe. Now that Obsidian City wants to develop, it needs slaves and ores from the Thorny River Black Elf tribe; the Thorny River Black Elf also needs Obsidian City to become a barrier between itself and the Iron Heel Kingdom. The two cities and the two races are highly complementary. Therefore, under the auspices of Daliang, Obsidian City and Cihe City established a strategic partnership after a series of negotiations, and reached an offensive and defensive alliance in the economic and military fields. .

After the general direction was established, Daliang left the details of the dwarves joining the Five Color Flag Alliance and the Dwarf and Black Elf Alliance to Obsidian City and Thorny River City to handle.

Under the escort of a dwarf army, he himself was marching towards the core area of ​​the endless maze.

The Endless Labyrinth is just like its name. Even the underground creatures living here have not discovered the boundaries of this plane. The caves are connected to the caves, and the twists and turns of the connecting passages make this place like a maze. If you are not careful, you will get lost and enter an unfamiliar area.

There is an extremely fertile area in the endless labyrinth. The caves here are very huge, and some cover an area of ​​more than 100,000 square kilometers, nearly one million square kilometers. There are mountains, lakes, rivers, and cultivated land. Except for the lack of sunrise and sunset, the terrain is almost the same as the surface of the earth.

This fertile area is also the core of the entire endless labyrinth and is divided among seven underground aboriginal kingdoms.

Outside of the fertile areas, everything is a barren area composed of scattered caves. The living environment here is very harsh. Not only do powerful underground monsters exist, but there are also various underground racial tribes. There is no order and the law of the jungle preys on the strong. Whenever there is an opportunity, these barbarian tribes will plunder the territories of the Seven Kingdoms, causing the kings a great headache.

In order to resist these intrusions, the Seven Kingdoms will build border cities on the outer edges of their territories to deter these barbarian tribes that are often introduced into the kingdom.

Obsidian City is one of the larger of these border cities. It stands between the Iron Heel Kingdom and the lower barbaric caves, blocking the barbarian tribes from the kingdom's territory.

For hundreds of years, Obsidian City has faithfully fulfilled its responsibilities and has never let any barbaric tribe enter the Iron Hoof Kingdom from here.

Moore, the lord of Obsidian City, won the trust of King Song because of his achievements.

But...when the Singing King was worried about the invasion of the World Factory Warlocks, Moore, the lord of Obsidian City, suddenly knelt under his throne.

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