Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1225 Singing the King

The Singing King is a tauren mage. The energy of understanding the law at the 16th level allows his eyes to condense the light of magic, and his horns are wrapped with the power of thunder and lightning. He was sitting on the throne of the Royal Palace of Xianggu City, wearing a robe embroidered with magic symbols. There was an air magic ball suspended on the top of the wand in his hand.

At this time, the Singing King already knew the news of the fall of the border city Obsidian City.

In fact, due to the invasion of World Factory, the Iron Heel Kingdom mobilized too many troops from the border cities and returned to the kingdom, so that the border cities were extremely empty and were frequently attacked by the black elf tribe. Border cities in some places have been captured by black elves, and these powerful nomadic tribes are robbing the kingdom's lands.

Although the black elves were rampant, their ability to break through Obsidian City was beyond the Singing King's expectation.

Obsidian City is one of the rare 13th-level cities among the border cities of the Iron Heel Kingdom. During the period when Shadow Dragon Moore was the city lord, not only did no barbarian tribes enter the kingdom from here, but Obsidian City went to the lower caves to build a city under Moore's management. and strongholds, constantly driving the barbarian tribes into the lower caves.

It can be said... Obsidian City is the most trusted barrier of the Singing King, but... Obsidian City was lost, and only Moore in such a large city came back.

When the Singing King learned that Obsidian City was lost, he did not inquire in detail about what happened. Moore's condition was very bad at that time. It took almost all his strength to escape from Obsidian City... Anyway, the city was lost, and it would be uneconomical to kill another capable subordinate, so the Song King asked Moore to rest immediately. ,receive treatment.

A few days later, Moore recovered and was summoned again by the Singing King.

Since three 16th-level heroes appeared in the Obsidian City War, the Singing King ordered all the guards and attendants in the palace hall to leave, leaving only him and the weak Moore sitting in the stone chair under the throne.

The magical light from the Singing King illuminated the entire hall. He listened carefully to Moore's account of the Obsidian War and asked a few questions from time to time.

After Moore finished the narration by saying that he left Obsidian City, the entire hall became silent.

After a while, the Singing King said slowly: "Do you think the dwarves had known for a long time that the black elves were going to attack Obsidian City, and then they borrowed the torch tower to build a barracks to station troops. After the black elves occupied Obsidian City, the dwarves would follow the trend. Attacked the black elves from behind, and finally became the final winner and occupied your city?"

Moore nodded and said: "Yes, when the dwarves attacked the black elves, they were obviously fully prepared. The black elves were driven out of the obsidian city with almost no resistance. Moreover, the dwarfs are very powerful and are not a military camp. If you can hide it, there must be a plane teleportation array built by the dwarves in the barracks.

When I questioned the King of the Hill, he also admitted that he had already planned to capture Obsidian City.

Your Majesty, I'm sorry... I shouldn't have trusted the King of the Hill, the dwarves are not as trustworthy as they appear. "

The voice of the singing king still did not fluctuate at all: "Moore...the king of the hill did nothing wrong. The dwarves have noble moral character, but moral character is nothing in the face of the survival of the race. If I were the king of the hill, I would not He would wait for the black elves to attack Obsidian City, but instead directly send troops to occupy it.

Even when the dwarves were about to be wiped out by the elves, the kings of the hill still waited until the end before sending out troops. This did not put any stain on their character. You know...if they could capture Obsidian City earlier, their losses would be reduced a lot. And if the black elves don't attack your city in the end, then the dwarves are already doomed at this time.

It's you, Moore.

Even the dwarves can see that the black elves have the intention to attack Obsidian City. Why didn't you see it? "

Moore lowered his head in shame and confessed: "It was my overconfidence... I thought that the Obsidian City was so shocking that the black elves would not dare to approach it for hundreds of years; I thought that the black elves did not have the ability to attack the city..."

The Song King said at this time: "Yes, how come Ingram has so many siege weapons? It is impossible for the dwarves to fund the black elves... There is another person who funded Ingram, and this person gave the black elves to attack the obsidian. The city's confidence. And if the dwarves can gather so many troops to attack the city under the eyes of the black elves, they must have someone who is deeply trusted by the black elves to support them.

Moore...someone controlled the entire Obsidian City war.

You, the King of the Hill, and Ingram are all controlled by this mastermind. "

Moore was shocked after hearing the Singing King's analysis: "How is this possible! Who can gain the trust of both the King of the Hill and Ingram at the same time?"

The Song King thought for a while and said: "You said that there were three level 16 heroes in the Obsidian City War, one was the King of the Hill; one was Ingram who accepted the power given by the Dark Dragon; and there was a level 16 Flame. Commander?"

"Yes..." Moore replied: "But shouldn't the Flame Commander be the guard of the Torch Tower? How did he leave the Torch Tower? And when the Black Elves were attacking the city, the Torch Tower next to Obsidian City suddenly erupted, which made me The army was temporarily blinded, which was the main reason why Obsidian City was captured so quickly.

This Level 16 Flame Commander also flew out of the Torch Tower, but he was definitely not the guard of the Flame Temple of the Torch Tower in Obsidian City. "

"Commander of Flames?" King Song repeated, and then said: "According to the news from hell... After sealing Satan, Lucifer re-confessed the seven hell kings, and the Demon King of Destruction among them is a Commander of Flames. .

The Obsidian City War should be the masterpiece of this world-destroying demon king.

Facing the invasion of Cloud City, Hell has not forgotten to intervene in the magical realm. It seems that Lucifer is ready to enter the role of the leader of the evil camp. But he wanted to protect the dwarves from causing trouble for the elves, but he didn't take action directly. Instead, he quietly robbed me of a city. It was really different from Satan's style.

Although it made me very uncomfortable, it did a beautiful job. "

After listening to King Song's analysis, Moore suddenly realized, and he asked: "Since the dwarves have robbed our Obsidian City with the help of the World-Destroying Demon King, what should we do?"

"Let me hear your thoughts." asked the Singing King.

Moore replied without thinking too much: "If we counterattack Obsidian City, the dwarves will definitely defend it in order to survive. Maybe Hell will secretly help the dwarves and let us lose our troops in Obsidian City in vain. And if we don't attack Obsidian City City, the dwarves will help us block the black elf tribe ruled by Ingram in the lower cave.

Ingram has been promoted to level 16. With the King of the Hill and the Dwarf to resist, it will save us a lot of energy.

And... I think the black elves have formed a strength in the wild area that can threaten the kingdom. If they are allowed to plunder the kingdom's land, they will definitely gain more technology and weapons.

We must drive the black elves back to the wilderness as soon as possible before they obtain more resources. "

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