Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1226 Visiting Xianggu City

Moore has been able to guard Obsidian City for hundreds of years, so he naturally has a certain level of intelligence. His answer also made the Singing King slightly nod in agreement.

The dwarves have been maimed by the elves. Although they occupy Obsidian City, they must always be wary of the black elves in the lower caves. Within a certain period of time, the dwarves simply do not have the energy and strength to enter the core area of ​​the endless maze and are not in danger.

The invasion of World Factory also didn’t make Endless Labyrinth feel too stressful. Although the academic warlocks are very powerful and can create constructed creatures and use the most advanced alchemical technology on a large scale, their excessive use of alchemical weapons makes them very dependent on logistics.

In the underground world with insufficient light and complex terrain, World Factory can only take advantage of it, and there is no way to threaten the basic rule of the Seven Kingdoms in the short term.

On the contrary, it was the race of black elves...the scale of these underground nomadic tribes that aroused the vigilance of the Singing King.

Dark elves are good at attacking and running. The super cave in the core area of ​​the endless maze is very suitable for the dark cavalry to gallop. The Seven Kingdoms built so many border cities mainly to keep the dark elves out of the open territory. He thinks that as long as the black elves are not allowed in and let them fend for themselves in the dangerous wilderness, everything will be fine.

But now it seems that the black elves who were blocked in the wilderness have not only not declined, but have become the mainstream race in the wilderness and have the strength to threaten the areas ruled by the Seven Kingdoms.

This is a serious problem.

The Singing King felt it was necessary to discuss with the other six kings of the Endless Labyrinth how to deal with the threat of the black elves.

When the Singing King wanted to continue asking Moore about the specific situation of the war in Obsidian City, a palace guard came in from outside the main hall: "Your Majesty, a dwarf envoy is asking for a meeting outside the palace. They claim to be from Obsidian City, and the envoy leading this dwarf envoy is the side-by-side king of the dwarves."

"King Side by Side?" King Song didn't know when the dwarves had another king, but since the other party came from Obsidian City, he was really interested in meeting this dwarf envoy: "Let them come in... Moore, You stay here. Although we will not counterattack Obsidian City now, it is our city after all, and we cannot let the dwarves occupy it forever."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Moore stood aside in the form of a dragon, with his dragon wings folded as if he were wearing a black cloak.

Soon... Daliang, who was on a mission to Xianggu City on behalf of the dwarves, was brought into the dim throne hall by the palace guards.

Da Liang was not restrained, he walked under the throne with his head held high, and then glanced at the former Obsidian City Lord Shadow Dragon Muir, and then saluted King Song and said: "Dear Your Majesty Song, I am the King of the Dwarves. The purpose of this visit to Drum City on behalf of the King of the Hill is to explain what happened in Obsidian City and to eliminate possible misunderstandings between our two families."

The Singing King sat high on the throne, looking at Da Liang expressionlessly, and then said: "You don't look like a dwarf. And the dwarves belong to the elves and cannot be considered an independent race. You have no relationship with me." I have the right to dialogue as an equal. I don’t care what conflicts you have with the elves, but it is definitely not a misunderstanding that the dwarves took away Obsidian City.

Now I ask you... to hand Obsidian City back to us immediately.

I can ignore your faults. "

Daliang replied: "Your Majesty Yongge, please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Daliang, the side by side king of the dwarves... At the same time, I am also the Feichen Duke of the Jiangzhu Alliance on the Five Color Flag Alliance.

Before I visited the Drum City, the Five Color Flag Alliance had recognized the dwarves as an independent race and invited the dwarves to join the alliance.

Dwarves have the right to communicate equally with all independent races, countries, and city-states..."

Because the dwarf envoys were delayed for a while on their way to the Shangjiang Alliance, the Five-Colored Flag Alliance only publicly announced in the past two days that it recognized the independence of the dwarves and admitted the dwarves into the alliance.

The news had not spread yet, so that when the Singing King heard the news, he couldn't help being a little surprised and looked at Moore.

In their analysis just now, the dwarves should be supported by hell. Why did the Five Color Flag Alliance suddenly pop up! Not only was it the first to recognize the dwarves, it also absorbed the dwarves into the alliance.

What other hidden secrets are there?

The Singing King did not express any opinions, and continued to listen quietly to Da Liang: "As for Obsidian City... we snatched it from the black elves, and if we want to return it, we must give it back to the black elves.

Do you think so, Your Majesty? "

Moore said at this time: "Black Iron City and Obsidian City have always been brother cities. When Black Iron City was besieged by the elves, I had been providing various material support to the dwarves.

As a result, the dwarves, knowing that the black elves were about to attack Obsidian City, not only concealed the matter from me, but also took the opportunity to seize my city.

Is your treacherous behavior worthy of my friendship and support for the dwarves? "

Daliang did not answer Moore's question. The dwarves did indeed act very unfairly on this point, and it was a big stain on the dwarves. Following Moore's repeated arguments on this matter would only make the situation darker and darker, and eventually lead to a dead end. Daliang said to the Song King: "No matter what means the dwarves used to obtain Obsidian City, it is an indisputable fact that the dwarves now occupy Obsidian City. When the Black Iron City is occupied by the elves, it is impossible for the dwarves to give up this city. A city that can support the survival of dwarves.

Sing to Your Majesty...

I came to Drum City on behalf of the King of the Hill to resolve what has happened and to do my best to eliminate the possible war between our two families. "

The singing king said: "'A possible war between our two families'? One of them is my Iron Heel Kingdom, and who is the other?

Dwarves? Or the Five Color Flag Alliance? "

"The Dwarfs and the Five Color Flag Alliance are one."

"Are you threatening me?"

The singing king placed his left hand on the armrest of the throne, and a stream of electricity separated along the armrest into a power grid and jumped to the ground. Then the power grid bounced up to form a huge thunder-attributed running bull. The thundering bull was running rapidly, with the sound of thunder all over its body, and its momentum was like the pressure of a mountain, and it lowered its head and slammed into Daliang.

The whole process happened too fast, and the speed of lightning came even more instantaneously. Daliang stood there motionless, letting the Thunder Bull charge towards him, seemingly unable to react at all in such a rapid attack.

At this time, a portal opened in front of Daliang, and then the sacred breath broke out first, and then an angel flew in and blocked the front of Thunder Niu.

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