Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1228 Fundamental Purpose

The Five Color Flag Alliance is going to war with the Magical Realm!

This is definitely good news for the Singing King... and for the evil camp. Although I don’t know to what extent the retaliatory attack mentioned by Daliang will control the scale of this war. Just by looking at the fact that the commander of the Five-Color Flag Alliance Army is the King of the Hill, it can be seen that the Five-Color Flag Alliance is not prepared to exercise too much restraint in this war and is determined to fight an all-out war with the Magical Realm.

The newly emerged Five Color Flag Alliance has a strength that is not weaker than that of the Magical Realm. Once this war breaks out, this camp that has always remained neutral will shift towards the evil camp...

The Singing King found that something was finally coherent, and he said to Da Liang: "Moore said...he saw a 16th-level Flame Commander on the battlefield in Obsidian City. The King of the Hill was unable to participate in the war in Obsidian City. Next, it was precisely because the Flame Commander blocked Ingram who had advanced to level 16 in time that the dwarves were able to successfully occupy Obsidian City.

Is this leader of flames the world-destroying demon king of hell? The dwarves accepted the help of hell but joined the Five-Color Flag Alliance. The Five-Color Flag Alliance is preparing to attack the magical realm...

Does it mean that the Five Color Flag Alliance has launched a deep cooperation with Hell? "

In Obsidian City, Daliang originally wanted to kill Muir to silence him, but the King of the Hill let Muir go out of consideration, so that Daliang's participation in the Obsidian War in the form of the Flame Commander was known to the Singing King. Moore didn't know that Daliang and Mieshi were the same person.

Now seeing King Song making such a guess, Daliang replied suggestively: "This time the Five-Color Flag Alliance attacked the Magic Realm, it was just to retaliate against the Magic Realm's unreasonable behavior of blocking Shangjiang, the main ally of the Five-Color Flag Alliance. It does not involve kindness. The hatred between the camp and the evil camp.

Neutrality remains the attitude and stance of the Five Color Flag Alliance.

The World-Destroying Demon King's participation in the Obsidian City War was purely his personal behavior and did not mean that the Five Color Flag Alliance and Hell were cooperating on the plane battlefield.

However... our Five-Color Flag Alliance did receive help from the Melting Pot City when it was first established. Now... we still maintain a very good relationship with Hell, especially after King Lucifer returned the sulfur cave of the Poison Dragon Clan..."

After the war in Hell's Furnace City ended, one mystery after another was left behind. One of them is that the fallen angels returned the occupied sulfur cave to the Poison Dragon Clan, and the Poison Dragon Clan is a main ally in the Five Color Flag Alliance.

Lucifer wanted to exterminate the Poisonous Dragon Clan and seize the Sulfur Cave, even if he was not willing to bear the reputation of attacking his allies. It must be because there was something more valuable to the fallen angels than the Poisonous Dragon Clan in the Sulfur Cave. Although this thing has never been known to the outside world, Lucifer finally gave the Sulfur Cave to the Poisonous Dragon Clan, which shows that the Five Color Flag Alliance gave Lucifer an offer that he could not refuse.

The whole incident is full of mystery and has caused a lot of speculation.

Then Lucifer actually won the war against the Lord King of Hell despite being weak. Satan's unimaginable betrayal and separation were sealed, combined with the Poison Dragon Clan's return to the Sulfur Cave.

It can be seen that the Five Color Flag Alliance played an important role in this war.

After the Hell Furnace War ended, in addition to the event that affected the world structure when Satan was sealed, there was another event that attracted widespread attention.

Lucifer corresponds to the seven supreme angels in Cloud City, and also enfeoffed seven hell lord kings, including himself. In addition to the five old Hell Kings, two new Hell Lord Kings have been added.

One is the Demon King of World Destruction, and the other is the Demon King of Power Desire.

Among them, the Demon King of Power was the commander of the mysterious hell army that originally attacked the Demon King of Pain, Buck, in the City of Despair. At that time, the Five Color Flag Alliance sent three level 16 heroes to help capture and seal Buck, and released a large-scale weapon in the City of Despair. The forbidden curse.

The Demon King of Power Desire belongs to Angela, but behind him there is the color of the Five Color Flag Alliance.

During the decisive battle in Hell's Furnace City, Angela and the Despair City army betrayed Satan at the same time. This fully proves that Angela and the new power-hungry demon have a very close relationship with the Five Color Flag Alliance.

Of course... these are just guesses.

But the World-Destroying Demon King and the Five-Colored Flag Alliance helped the dwarves rob Obsidian City, which made the Singing King completely see through the relationship between the Five-Colored Flag Alliance and hell.

It turns out that Lucifer was able to defeat Satan because he received the support of the Five-Color Flag Alliance. Although the process is still unclear, it is an indisputable fact that the Five Color Flag Alliance is moving closer to the evil camp.

Hell's support of the dwarves in occupying Obsidian City in the Iron Heel Kingdom this time is detrimental to the interests of the allies. Therefore, Hell was afraid that his allies would ask for Obsidian City, so he did not stand up for the dwarves, but instead pulled strings to give the dwarves to the Five-Colored Flag Alliance. The purpose is to leave a secret move in the magical realm without directly offending the allies.

Although the Five Color Flag Alliance attacked the Magic Realm this time in the name of revenge for the Magic Realm's blockade, everyone knows that the Magic Realm's blockade of Shangjiang can be said to be very, very restrained. Even the 14th-level golden dragon was not sent out. , how strong the blockade can be on Shangjiang.

However, the Five Color Flags Alliance's so-called revenge directly appointed the King of the Hill as the commander-in-chief of the alliance army. This was completely allowing the King of the Hill to seek personal revenge and beat the elves to death regardless of the consequences.

Moreover, this war will not affect the neutral position of the Five-Color Flag Alliance. After all... it is indeed an unprovoked provocation by the Magical Realm. As for the escalation of the war after the fight, the Five-Color Flag Alliance can completely shift the responsibility to the King of the Hill. If you want to fight, you can blame the King of the Hill while continuing to make him the commander of the alliance army; if you want to stop, just remove the title of commander from the King of the Hill and then send someone to talk to the elves.

You can advance, retreat, and stop. Everything is reasonable and well-founded and does not affect the public stance of the Five Color Flags Alliance.

At this point... After sorting out all the events that happened, the Singing King came to a conclusion. Lucifer had laid a subtle plan around Obsidian City.

Now that Hell is suppressed by Yunzhong City, there is no way to lead the evil camp to fight back against the good camp. Once the Magic Realm breaks away from the dwarf independence movement, it will definitely attack the Kingdom of Death.

According to the news from the Kingdom of Death, several old Death Lords do not seem to recognize the Sad Pope, and internal conflicts will take time to resolve.

The Five Color Flag Alliance took the opportunity to attack the Magical Realm at this time, in order to buy time for the Kingdom of Death. It can even be said... to reduce the pressure on the entire evil camp.

The evil camp needs time to breathe, needs to resolve its various internal conflicts, and needs to find a way to destroy Yunzhong City's siege of Furnace City and release the power of hell.

This is the fundamental purpose of the Five Color Flag Alliance's attack on the Magic Realm.

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