Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1229 Rental

The starting point of the entire layout is Obsidian City... The dwarves must occupy Obsidian City and join the Five Color Flag Alliance as an independent race.

The Singing King, who had figured everything out, was not in such a bad mood.

Although in the whole plan, he was tricked... and a city was borrowed, but what he got in exchange might be a turning point in the plane war. As for Obsidian City...if the dwarves could retake Black Iron City, why would they continue to lie underground?

Besides, the current situation is that I won’t come back, and I don’t plan to do it now.

The Singing King looked at Daliang and the arbitration angel behind Daliang, and said: "Okay... I agree to temporarily lend Obsidian City to the dwarves, and I also wish the Five-Colored Flag Alliance a brilliant outcome in its war against the Magical Realm.

You can discuss the specific matters with Moore in detail.

If there's nothing else, let's end this meeting here. My subordinates and I have other things to talk about. "

This visit to Xianggu City can be regarded as a successful completion of the King of the Hill's commission. Without the threat from the Iron Heel Kingdom, the dwarves of Obsidian City and the Thorny River Black Elf tribe can freely do what they want to do.

Accumulate strength for future explosions.

However, Daliang was not satisfied with just renting Obsidian City. After King Song gave a vague order to expel guests, he did not leave immediately, but said: "Your Majesty Song... the dwarves have lost the Black Iron City, and there is no lava lake in the Black Iron City. , so that the dwarves can only use the fire in the underground torch tower to forge weapons.

However, the amount of ground fire that can be dug out of the underground torch tower in Obsidian City is very limited. The dwarves are afraid of damaging the structure of the torch tower and do not dare to dig too much. The lack of high-quality flames greatly limits the dwarves' weapon production.

Your Majesty, torch towers are not of much use to underground creatures, so these torch towers are not in underground cities. Can we, the dwarves, rent the Torch Tower in your territory to build a dwarf weapons manufacturing factory..."

Allowing the dwarves to rent the Torch Tower in Obsidian City was Moore's biggest mistake. If the dwarves had not obtained the Torch Tower, they would have exposed the black elves' conspiracy in order to preserve the logistics city of Obsidian City. It can be said that from the moment he lent the Dwarf Torch Tower, his own tragedy had already begun.

Seeing that the dwarf wanted to borrow the torch tower again, Moore sarcastically said before Da Liang finished speaking: "What do the dwarves want to do by renting the torch tower? Do they want to secretly build more teleportation arrays."

Da Liang replied: "The teleportation array must be built, but it is definitely not a large teleportation array used to teleport troops. If the Iron Hoof Kingdom is willing to lend the Dwarf Torch Tower to build a dwarf weapons processing factory, we are willing to accept the supervision of His Majesty and Lord Moore. .

The dwarves had no intention of asking for land in the Endless Labyrinth. All they did was to accumulate enough wealth to counterattack the Black Iron City.

Fulfilling this hope requires many, many gold coins, but the output of the Obsidian City Torch Tower alone is far from enough.

Your Majesty... you are fighting the warlocks of the World Factory, and the academic army uses a large number of constructed creatures and alchemical equipment, and its magic defense capabilities are very strong. At this time, the dungeon army needs more sophisticated weapons, and the weapons produced by the dwarves can improve the combat effectiveness of your army by several levels.

Even the toughest diamond man can be easily shattered by the rune-enchanted battle ax made by the dwarves.

This is something that benefits both of us. "

The singing king, who was a little impatient at first, couldn't help but feel excited after hearing Daliang's explanation.

The weapons produced by the dwarves are indeed excellent, and the weapons produced by the original Black Iron City dwarves are even more exquisite among the dwarf weapons. The outstanding dwarf craftsmen of Black Iron City must be in Obsidian City now. If the dwarves are allowed to use the Torch Tower to produce weapons on a large scale, then the first one to obtain weapons from them must be the nearby Ironhoof Kingdom.

The Academy is a collection of warlocks who study magic. Their powerful alchemy technology allows them to produce constructed creatures in an assembly line. The warlocks give these alchemy creatures good magic resistance. Coupled with the large-scale use of alchemy devices, the armies of World Factory have very good magic resistance.

The confrontation of magic can affect the outcome of a war. In this regard... the army in the dungeon always suffers more from the academy.

If the army in the dungeon can be equipped with dwarven weapons on a large scale, the melee offensive and defensive capabilities of the own army can be greatly improved. The core of the melee army in the dungeon is the tauren, and the Iron Hoof Kingdom pays more attention to the use of tauren. After the tauren are equipped with rune-enchanted armor and battle axes made by the dwarves of Obsidian City, they can definitely become an invincible army.

As for what Moore said about the dwarves renting the Torch Tower for another purpose, the Singing King felt there was no need to worry too much. Underground creatures do not rely on the light source provided by torch towers, so there are no underground cities around most torch towers. The dwarves borrowing the torch towers will not pose much danger to the Iron Heel Kingdom.

In addition, dwarves are not as aggressive and lusty for power as black elves. Their hobby is blacksmithing. They are bold, honest and trustworthy. They are a race that anyone is willing to deal with.

One of the most important reasons is that the number of dwarves is too small, and their living habits are not suitable for the dark underground environment, so they can only survive around the Torch Tower. It would take an extremely long time for the dwarves to evolve into a powerful underground race like the black elves. The threat of the dwarves to the underground world will be a long, long time later, and the threat of the World Factory is just around the corner. The Singing King urgently needs the weapons of the dwarves to be equipped into his army as soon as possible.

The Singing King raised his hand to stop Moore's objection. He said to Daliang: "Although Moore and I can see that you have other purposes for renting the Torch Tower, the dwarf's weapons make it impossible for me to refuse your offer. proposal.

I agree to lease all the torch towers in the Iron Heel Kingdom to the dwarves and allow the dwarves to produce weapons under my supervision. I will give priority to providing the best ores to the dwarves, but the dwarves will give me priority in selling weapons to me at the best price. . "

After Daliang saw that he had arrived at his destination, he immediately replied: "Your Majesty, the dwarves really do not have any ill intentions in renting the Torch Tower. We are also willing to accept your Majesty's supervision. As for the right of priority in purchasing...

As a member of the Five-Color Flag Alliance, dwarves have the obligation to provide weapons to the alliance first. Of course, as the provider of the Torch Tower, the Iron Shoe Kingdom should also enjoy this desire for power.

I suggest that we both discuss how to distribute the weapons produced by the dwarves. "

The Singing King knew that what he had just said was too greedy. The Five-Color Flag Alliance allowed the dwarves to join the alliance, and he must have taken a fancy to the dwarves' weapon manufacturing capabilities, and would not allow himself to monopolize the weapons made by the dwarves.

"Okay... Moore," the Song King said to Moore: "Since your city is temporarily lent to the dwarves and you understand the dwarves, then you will be responsible for all matters related to Obsidian City. I hope you can learn your lesson, Clear your head and don’t do anything to disappoint me again.”

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