Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1230 Soul Singer

The meeting between Da Liang and the Singing King helped Obsidian City and the Ironhoof Kingdom establish an uneasy cooperative relationship. In order to rent the Torch Tower in Black Iron City, Daliang also needed to stay in Drum City to discuss with Moore the construction layout and supervision of the dwarf weapons manufacturing factory.

Because Moore had a very deep prejudice against dwarves, the entire negotiation process was extremely difficult. Daliang did not dare to leave such an important matter to the unscrupulous dwarf to negotiate, so he could only start rounds of negotiations with Moore himself.

The Drum City is a city where the main race is the tauren. When the tauren have nothing to do, they like to get together to beat the tambourine and sing ancient songs with a "moo" sound. Every tauren is a master of bel canto singing. Their voices are soft and soft but have elastic counter-pressure and hardness. The sound produced by the combination of softness and hardness, even if they only have simple lyrics and simple instruments, they are still singing. It can make the audience feel the power that seems to come from ancient times.

This is also the origin of the name Xianggu City.

The sky above Xianggu City is not purely black. The ubiquitous fluorescent moss provides a glimmer of light to the underground world. On the stone wall at the top of the cave, as the fluorescent moss grows sparse and dense, a sky with beautiful patterns is formed.

The light that shines down makes the scenery of Xianggu City similar to that of a surface city shrouded in moonlight.

Since we are currently in a war period, Xianggu City is protected by various defensive magics. There are flowing blue light waves on the dome-style defense cover. The magic that is constantly released into the sky makes it more like holding a war. concert.

Xianggu City has a very high reputation among players. It is believed that the music here has the effect of cleansing the soul, which also gives it the reputation of a music city. Many players come here to hang out in the streets and alleys of Xianggu City, tirelessly listening to the songs sung by the tauren everywhere. Some people stay here for a whole day, and many players just settle here.

During the breaks in negotiations, Da Liang also used to walk around the streets of Xianggu City, listen to the songs of the tauren, and calm down his mood.

He really regretted not killing Moore in Obsidian City...

I finally understand what it means to say, "The king of hell is easy to deal with, but the devil is difficult to handle", and "Once bitten by a snake, you will be afraid of well ropes for ten years."

Moore was deceived by the dwarves in Obsidian City, which made him very nervous when negotiating with Da Liang. He refused to give in on all terms, and even proposed that the Iron Heel Kingdom build a weapons manufacturing factory around the Torch Tower, with the Iron Heel Kingdom in charge. For guarding and management, Obsidian City only needs to send dwarf craftsmen to station.

Of course Da Liang cannot compromise with Moore on this issue. The Torch Tower dwarf manufacturing factory must be run by the dwarves themselves, and the Iron Heel Kingdom can only regularly inspect the dwarf weapons manufacturing factory for any violations of the agreement.

After several days of fierce debate, the negotiations made no progress.

Da Liang listened to the drumbeats coming from both sides of the road, followed by Julian and Sophia. They wore black smocks and walked on the streets of Drum City. From time to time, they saw some players just like Da Liang, strolling around here listening to music.

It's just that... unlike the atmosphere where the players were enjoying the music, Daliang's mind was filled with negotiations with Moore.

In the Kingdom of Death, the war in the Cathedral of Eternal Night is about to enter a critical period. He must solve the endless maze as soon as possible, and then transfer all his energy to the obelisk tower in the Kingdom of Death.

Moore's suspicion of the dwarves must be eliminated, otherwise this negotiation will be impossible.

"Sofia, go ask Moore and tell him I'll wait for him here."

Daliang was standing in a circular square at this time. In the middle of the square was a giant tomahawk sculpture. Surrounding the tomahawk sculpture, a group of minotaurs sit cross-legged on the ground with a tambourine on their legs.

The rhythm of "dong dong dong" is not very fast, but through the division of labor and cooperation, this group of tauren played a piece of music like the roar of the river.

Then the tauren began to sing, and the extremely penetrating sound instantly penetrated the hearts of the audience.

During his wanderings these days, Daliang also confirmed some rumors about Xianggu City. As a music city in the eyes of players, music-loving players have produced a very detailed tour guide to the Drum City.

This guide provides a more detailed classification of the Minotaur singing teams in Xianggu City, as well as an introduction to the styles of each Minotaur singing team.

It is worth introducing that listening to the Minotaur singing has a chance to increase beneficial status. Depending on the level of the singer and the style of the song, the types and magnitudes of the added states vary.

Minotaurs who usually sing on the streets are probably amateurs who sing spontaneously. Minotaurs can take out their tambourines and sit there and sing along at any time. After enjoying themselves, they stand up and leave. Generally, there is no communication.

Most of these temporary teams sing relatively average songs, but because of their randomness, sometimes their emotions can be mobilized to extraordinary levels, giving people a very amazing enjoyment. The increased state is very high-level and the range is very large.

Corresponding to these temporary singing teams, there are also some tauren singers who specialize in singing and have mastered soul singing skills and are called soul singers.

These soul singers usually appear in squares, pubs, public places, military camps... Soul singers have different levels of singing skills. Listening to soul singers will definitely increase some beneficial status.

The level of soul singers is also uneven, but the Minotaur team singing at Tomahawk Plaza is definitely very powerful, with several high-level soul singers hidden inside. Because listening to music here for a period of time will definitely increase more than three advanced states.

During these days of negotiations, Da Liang would come here to listen to music when he had time. He also tried to find several senior soul singers, but it was not easy to accurately distinguish them among more than twenty tauren. things.

Sophia followed Daliang's order to find Moore. Daliang stood behind the crowd, closing his eyes and slowly listening to the Minotaurs' singing. Putting aside the increased status, the singing of these tauren is really worth standing here for a day and putting all your thoughts into this music.

Da Liang just stood and listened, and Julian, who was also hidden in his blouse, couldn't help but fall into the music.

Along with them, there were circles of listeners, including players and aboriginal people. Everyone listened quietly to the singing as it passed over the square.

After a while, Moore stood next to Da Liang. He did not hide his appearance. The pressure radiated by the Shadow Dragon drove away the audience here. Then the Tauren Guards who followed Moore drove all the audience away from the square, leaving only Da Liang and Zhu wearing black smocks. Leanne, Sophia.

"Duke Daliang, what did you want to talk about when you came here..." Moore didn't have a good attitude towards Daliang. If Daliang didn't still have the identity of the Five Color Flag Alliance, he wouldn't even bother to come.

"Shh..." Daliang raised his hand to stop Moore from speaking, and then whispered: "Don't talk now, listen to the song with me."

Moore glanced at the tauren who were singing in disdain, wondering what Da Liang's conspiracy was behind calling him here to listen to this. But Daliang's identity was there, so he still had to give him some face, so Moore stood beside Daliang and listened quietly.

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