Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1234 Uninvited

Daliang doesn't often use the identity of Destruction in the game, and he doesn't have much power at his disposal. His men in Hell are all trapped within the limits of Furnace City, with Cloud City watching over them, and there is no way to mobilize them to the Kingdom of Death. Besides, Daliang didn't want his stealing of the obelisk in the Kingdom of Death to be known to Lucifer and the Lords of Hell.

Apart from Hell, the only forces that Mieshi can mobilize are the Shadow of Death and the Mist Village Legion under Feng Moying in Mist City, which is affiliated with the Rising Sun Guild but operates independently.

Daliang introduced the situation around Yongye Cathedral to Feng Moying, and then said: "Yongye Cathedral is the symbol of Yongye City, and the Desolate Monarch is determined to win it. Now Yongye City has gathered an army here and pulled out Yunzhong City's defensive position outside the Evernight Cathedral, the war has reached the final stage of the decisive battle.

I predict that the Desolate Monarch will launch a general attack on the Eternal Night Cathedral in the next few days. Now the only magical realm capable of attacking the Kingdom of Death is delayed by the Five-Color Flag Alliance. There is no way to defend Yunzhong City on the battlefield of the Eternal Night Cathedral. Provide support, and the main force of Yunzhong City is in hell. Therefore, I think that this war will end with Yunzhong City voluntarily retreating... The Desolate Monarch has no intention of annihilating the Angel Legion here. His purpose is only the Cathedral of Eternal Night.

This is my opinion on the Evernight Cathedral War, do you understand? "

Daliang marked the control areas of Yunzhong City and Yongye City on the map, and made his own analysis of the final decisive battle. The way he pointed out the troops and focused on them was a ton of trouble for Feng Moying's little heart. of heavy blows. The little girl was so imaginative that she didn't understand a word of what Daliang said.

Hearing Daliang's question, Feng Moying nodded quickly, then immediately shook her head when she thought it was wrong, then she thought again that shaking her head was too impolite, so she nodded instead.

Finally he said timidly: "I'm sorry..."

Daliang felt that he was talking to a cow, so he had to draw a few important areas on the map and continued: "It's okay, it's okay, I didn't think carefully enough. Have you seen these places? Especially the crack in the ground canyon. The direction in which both ends extend...

There is something very important to me in the Cathedral of Eternal Night. There is no way in Yunzhong City to transport this thing back to the World of Heroes. Therefore, when the angels prepare to evacuate the Cathedral of Eternal Night, they will definitely find a way to quietly transport this thing. Transport away.

Your task is to send people to use a net to target these areas. Once you find an angel transporting large items, report it to me immediately. "

This time Feng Mo Yingzai listened carefully to Daliang's explanation and carefully took pictures of the map Daliang showed. After Daliang finished speaking, she immediately stood upright and replied: "Please rest assured, Master Mieshi, the ninjas in Mist Village are best at collecting intelligence. Just leave this matter to us, and we will definitely take care of Yong Ye." The entire cathedral battlefield is under surveillance."

Although Daliang didn't know how useful these so-called ninjas could be, he could only use them at this time. He hoped that they would be good enough to do their best to do this well.

"Of course I can rest assured when you do something. But according to the strength of Misty Village, controlling the battlefield of Eternal Night Cathedral is already a very difficult task. As for after discovering what I want... I need to gather the shadows of death as the final force to snatch it. Action Force.

Go and gather all the apostles here. "

"Yes... Sir!" Feng Moying stepped into her role. She bowed to Da Liang, then made her hand seals and activated the "invisibility" skill and disappeared into the room.

It gave Daliang the feeling of suddenly traveling into an anime world.

And just when Daliang was a little uncomfortable with this change in painting style, Tokugawa Nobunaga came uninvited.

The Misty Village is the headquarters of the Misty Village Legion. It is affiliated to the Rising Sun Guild and was established with the support of Tokugawa Nobunaga. Although due to the cooperation between Rising Sun Guild and Death Shadow, the Mist Legion has a relatively high degree of independence, Tokugawa Nobunaga still easily inserted many "own people" to influence the Mist Village Legion to a certain extent. Serving the interests of the City of Mist.

Therefore, the news that Mie Shi entered Mist Village had just spread among the Mist Village Legion, and Tokugawa Nobunaga immediately rushed over after receiving the news.

After seeing Da Liang, Tokugawa Nobunaga impatiently asked: "Destroyer Lord... There was news recently from hell. Lucifer, who won the war in the Furnace City, canonized seven hell lord kings.

There is a World-Destroying Demon King among them. May I ask...Does this World-Destroying Demon King have anything to do with you? "

Destruction rarely appears in public, but every time he does it causes a stir. The disbandment of the Holy Church, the original fighting team of the Heroic Spirit World camp that he fought on his own, shows what kind of terrifying force Mieshi possesses.

The player with the highest combat power judged by the Eye of Insight also proves the players' recognition of the world-destroying power.

Therefore, when two new Hell Lords appeared in hell, and one of them was called the World-Destroying Demon King, some players connected the World-Destroying Demon King with the player's World-Destroying World.

However, no players have seen the appearance of the World-Destroying Demon King, and there is no video material to refer to, so the speculation is still at the guessing stage.

And because the player Mie Shi has always seen the dragon, even the apostles of the shadow of death cannot get a reply from Mie Shi, and the outside world has no way to find Mie Shi for verification.

This time Tokugawa Nobunaga found the opportunity to directly meet with Miushi, and he immediately asked the question that had made him itchy for many days.

Lieyan's tall body made Daliang look down at Tokugawa Nobunaga with an expectant look on his face.

This former enemy is now an ally.

Tokugawa Nobunaga was the first player to come to the Mist Zone. At that time, Tokugawa Nobunaga and Da Liang were still in a hostile relationship. He was eager to expand the power of the Rising Sun Territory in the Kingdom of Death, so he was deceived by Da Liang and invested a lot of money, manpower and material resources into the ruin-like foggy area. Regardless of the process, although Daliang's original purpose was to trick Tokugawa Nobunaga, it is undeniable that... the current scale and prosperity of Misty City are inseparable from Tokugawa Nobunaga's efforts.

Now Misty City and the Rising Sun Territory have formed a community of interests. The Japan-Korea Alliance led by Tokugawa Nobunaga has also joined the Northeast Asia Alliance led by Xu Man. Together, they compete with the American Game Zone in the Pacific for dominance in the future game world. right.

In the future, the Rising Sun Guild will need more efforts for him, so... let him give his future capable subordinate a boost.

The momentum of the leader of the flames suddenly released, and the flames covered by the armor sprayed out from the gaps everywhere. The turbulent air flow formed wind pressure and blew Tokugawa Nobunaga backwards.

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