Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1235 Take a warning

Da Liang took out the Dark Blazing Sword, the wings of the fallen angel unfolded behind him, and the flames and black wings almost filled the entire room. Then he looked at Tokugawa Nobunaga, who was almost lying on the ground in order to resist the wind pressure, and said: "There is only one annihilation in this world. If there is a second one... I will make him disappear forever."

After saying that, Daliang suddenly calmed down his momentum.

The wind pressure disappeared, and Tokugawa Nobunaga, who leaned forward, lay at Da Liang's feet.

Tokugawa Nobunaga quickly got up. He did not feel any humiliation because of Daliang's actions. The traditional Japanese thinking is that "the strong have the right to dominate." Mie Shi had just shown his ultimate power, and made it clear that he was the Demon King of Mie Shi who had been canonized by Lucifer. He was a strong man.

This is the top position in the game, and there is no way up... The Five Color Flag Alliance's Daliang and the Magical Realm's Flying Sands and Stones are simply inferior existences compared to the Hell Lord King and the World-Destroying Demon King.

In Tokugawa Nobunaga's consciousness at this time, he was able to stand so close to Mie Shi, and his achievements had already surpassed that of Daliang and Feishaozushi. As for the Sun Messenger, this guy is still getting close to Lucifer's guard.

They are all too far apart.


Tokugawa Nobunaga laughed wildly in his heart, as if he was already the second person in the whole game, but his expression was an extremely serious samurai face, and he stood as if he were a world-destroying retainer.

"Master Destruction... Nobunaga and the Rising Sun Guild are willing to do their best for you!"

Sure enough... the second grade is contagious.

After staying here for a long time, Daliang felt that he was about to enter the drama. He said: "I admit to you that I am the Demon King of Destruction because of my trust in you. I shoulder many important tasks assigned by Lucifer, so don't Tell others my identity as Lord King of Hell."

Tokugawa Nobunaga was flattered by this trust, and he lowered his voice and repeatedly promised: "Please rest assured, Master Deshi, I will never tell anyone your true identity.

Excuse me, sir, why do you want to return to Misty City this time?

Is there anything we, the Xuyang Guild, need to do? "

Daliang thought for a while... As soon as he arrived at the Misty Village, Tokugawa Nobunaga followed him. It is estimated that the intelligence confidentiality system of the Misty Village Legion was like a sieve to Tokugawa Nobunaga. Of course, one cannot expect a group of children as big as Xiang Feng Moying to have a high sense of confidentiality.

Since the secret couldn't be kept, Daliang simply told Tokugawa Nobunaga what he said to Feng Moying. Anyway, the obelisk tower was of no use to the players, and Tokugawa Nobunaga didn't have the ability to cut it off from his own hands.

"Lucifer didn't want this thing to be moved away from Cloud City, nor did he want it to be eventually obtained by the Lord of Death, so he assigned me to steal it quietly.

I have asked the Mist Legion to conduct control on the battlefield of Eternal Night Cathedral, but Feng Moying has limited manpower after all, and there must be areas that cannot be taken care of in such a large battlefield. Although I have drawn some key areas, I do not rule out that angels may transport things from other places.

If you are willing to help me, please assist Feng Moying to monitor the entire battlefield of Yongye Cathedral, both inside and outside.

If what you do satisfies me, I can ask the owner of Mist City, the Eviscerate Lord, to give you more rights and benefits. "

Tokugawa Nobunaga immediately became excited when he heard this, and he was glad that he came over to meet him immediately after getting the news about the return of the world.'s easy to hug the thick thighs. There is no need to go through complicated plots. The Hell Lord King himself sends the mission. This made Tokugawa Nobunaga, who had always wanted to follow the plot of the Eviscerated Lord in order to develop in the Misty City, but couldn't find a way to do it, to say, "All the hardships come with joy."

As for the promise of annihilation, Tokugawa Nobunaga had no doubts.

This game is just like reality. Players without status can only complete tasks step by step to increase their worth in order to meet the corresponding NPC. And if your status reaches a certain level, those NPCs that you couldn't see before are likely to be called around by you.

The status of the lord king of hell is equal to that of the death monarch of the kingdom of death. Even because hell is the leader of the evil camp, the status of the lord king of hell is a little higher. In this mission, Tokugawa Nobunaga did not expect to destroy the world and really helped himself to get benefits from the Eviscerated Lord. Being able to introduce himself to the plot line of the Eviscerated Lord, Tokugawa Nobunaga felt satisfied.

After all, the Rising Sun Territory is a cemetery territory, and Tokugawa Nobunaga still focuses on the development of the Kingdom of Death, with his roots in Mist City.

At the same time, Tokugawa Nobunaga was also curious about what treasure Deshishi wanted to steal.

To hide in Yunzhong City, to rob in Eternal Night City, and to steal in Furnace City, it is definitely an artifact level thing.

Tokugawa Nobunaga's mind became active and he said to Mie Shi: "Sir... what are we trying to steal this time? Do we need our cooperation to... intercept this thing?"

Tokugawa Nobunaga actually had the idea of ​​cutting things off halfway, which was really far different from the simple Feng Moying. Daliang said sternly: "We are not going to steal it, I am going to steal it. You are only responsible for the peripheral control and find this thing that was transferred by the angels from the Evernight Cathedral. It is very large and easy to recognize."

Then I'll take the Apostle of Death's Shadow for the final step.

Remember... don't bother with this thing, it's useful for Lucifer, but for you... think about the current situation of the Sun Waiter.

You will be worse off than him! "

Daliang's words made Tokugawa Nobunaga break into a cold sweat.

The current Sun Waiter can really only be described with a capital word "miserable". A single misjudgment caused his business in hell to completely collapse. As a result, his assets both inside and outside the game were severely reduced, and his stocks continued to fall. If it weren't for the Sunshine's strong foundation, this mistake would have gotten him kicked out.

In the case of the Sun Waiter, he just offended Lucifer.

Tokugawa Nobunaga doesn't have a powerful backing like Sun Waiter. If he dares to intercept Hu in this mission, he will offend more than just Lucifer.

Gabriel, Michael, the Desolate Monarch, the President of the Wizards Guild, the Sad Pope, and the world in front of us... the destruction.

After shuddering, Tokugawa Nobunaga hurriedly said: "I am completely thinking about your lord. If your lord does not intend to take this thing, my people and I will never touch it."

The big point nodded.

Tokugawa Nobunaga was ambitious and capable. If he used it well, he would be a piercing sword. If he used it badly, he would bite him back at any time. If you want to make good use of this person, you must pay attention to your skills. Give him the benefits that should be given, and never let him worry about the things that should not be given to him.

Dates should be given, spanks should be spanked.

"Who are you thinking about...I know it very well. Don't play tricks in front of me in the future. Whatever I can take it literally.

If you break the rules this time, I will negotiate with the Eviscerate Lord to seize one of your properties in Mist City.

I hope you can learn from this! "

At the year-end celebration, please vote for the old man next door "Wang Daliang", book friends.

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