Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1236 Gathering Shadows of Death

An estate is nothing to Tokugawa Nobunaga, who has a big business in Misty City, but he has experienced the zero tolerance shown by the destruction of the world.

Tokugawa Nobunaga found the standard for communicating with Demi-Shi, and knew what he should do and what he should never touch.

"Lord Destruction, I will never make a second mistake in the future."

It's comfortable to communicate with understanding people, unlike Feng Moying, who feels relieved and relieved, but after a while, he changed into a cute face and asked, "Are you angry or not?"

Daliang said to Tokugawa Nobunaga: "I will leave this matter to you and Feng Moying to negotiate. It would be better if you could participate in the Eternal Night Cathedral War as the Death Lord.

Due to my identity, I can't provide you with much help. Whether you can complete this task depends on your own ability. "

Tokugawa Nobunaga took a step back and bowed: "Please rest assured, Lord Destruction, as long as the angel takes that thing out of the Evernight Cathedral, I will definitely be able to find it..."

Tokugawa Nobunaga accepted the task and left with satisfaction. With such a good opportunity, he must go all out to make this thing beautiful.

With the cooperation of the entire Xuyang Guild, Daliang has completed the control of the entire Yongye Cathedral war zone. As for whether the obelisk that was transported away by the angels can be discovered in the end, it all depends on whose side luck is on.

And if you are lucky enough to find the obelisk, whether you can finally grab it depends on whether the team that finally carries out the attack is strong enough.

One day later, the Death Kingdom's camp confrontation team, the Shadow of Death, accepted Da Liang's call and completed the assembly in the Misty Village.

After the addition of Daliang, Shadow of Death's overall strength has undergone earth-shaking changes. The team that was originally a weak team in the camp turned into a hit.

In the first battle, the group destroyed the Orion led by Feisha Zuoshi, who ranked first in the camp against the team. The group destroyed the camp against the team Sanctuary in the World of Heroes three times, forcing the Sanctuary to disband.

Afraid of the terrifying power possessed by Destruction, Orion, who belongs to the magical realm, has been avoiding large-scale camp confrontations with the Shadow of Death. As a result, Death Shadow went very smoothly when he went to the magical realm to do camp tasks in the future, and the strength of the apostles continued to increase.

At this time, the Shadow of Death is already the strongest battle group in the entire game world. Once the information about their gathering is released, it will definitely cause an earthquake at the player level.

The apostles who received the assembly order of Apostles Zero sat quietly in the conference room provided by Misty Village, keeping their identities secret. The apostles all wore smocks with the shadow of death symbol and sat motionless in their seats. . But in his heart, he was thinking about what kind of mission requires gathering the power of the entire shadow of death.

At the same time, everyone is also looking forward to the appearance of Zero, so as to clarify the relationship between the Demon King of Destruction and Destruction.

All kinds of curiosity made the apostles keep looking at the seat of No. 0 on the conference table... He had not appeared yet, so the apostles kept observing Apostle No. 13 sitting at the end - Feng Moying.

Feng Moying's identity is public in Shadow of Death. As the apostle who was personally introduced by Miushi to join Shadow of Death, Feng Moying has a special status in this team. She can be said to be the player closest to Miushi in the entire game world. .

Coupled with Feng Moying's identity as a girl, it is inevitable that people will have some interesting fantasies about the relationship between the two of them.

Feng Moying felt uncomfortable with the looks from under the hood, but everyone present was a big boss, which made it difficult for her to get angry. Fortunately, Zero did not keep the apostles waiting for too long. He took steps with traces of fire and sat down in his seat.

Said: "I know what is the question you want to ask the most right now? That's right... I am the Demon King of Destruction who was canonized by Lucifer. This matter is only known to my own people. The outside world can guess what they want, and the shadow of death will not do anything. reply.

I came to the Kingdom of Death this time to do a very important thing.

This matter has nothing to do with the camp confrontation mission of the Kingdom of Death, and may even harm the interests of the Death Monarchs. Therefore, I hereby declare to you in advance that the apostles who do not want to participate in this mission can leave this venue now, and I will not hold any charges against them.

But if after I finish talking about this mission...someone refuses to participate, or leaks the secret.

Then the punishment is not as simple as being expelled from the shadow of death... "

When Daliang admitted that he was the Demon King of Destruction, the atmosphere in the entire conference room suddenly became heated. The apostles are all players who have access to the top leadership of the Kingdom of Death. They know better than Tokugawa Nobunaga that a Hell Lord King can bring them What kind of benefits.

But what Daliang said immediately immediately cooled down the atmosphere in the conference room, making it so quiet that there was no sound.

Damage the interests of the dead monarchs. Number Zero used the plural word for the word "monarch", which means that it is not a monarch whose interests were harmed in this incident. It is very likely that all monarchs and even the sad Pope will suffer considerable losses.

The interests of the apostles are linked to the interests of the Death Monarchs. No matter how awesome the Death Shadow is, it is still a subordinate organization of the Death Monarchs. Offending the Lord of Death means that the Sun Waiter's end is imminent.

Faced with the danger of being kicked out of the kingdom of death, the apostles did not dare to make a promise to Daliang easily. But this is a task issued by the Demon King of Destruction in Hell. Agreeing to do this task means that he has boarded the ship of Destruction. There is a Hell Lord King who is one of his own. If you don't agree... you will definitely not be trusted by Destruction again. Continue It is difficult to achieve anything higher by staying in the shadow of death.

Everyone is hesitant.

Except Feng Moying raised her hands to express her willingness to participate.

At this time... the former leader of Death Shadow, No. 1, said to Daliang: "No. 0... Death Shadow is a camp confrontation team. In principle... the apostles do not participate in non-camp confrontation missions, but we are not opposed to friendly help.

Since this task has embarrassed even the World-Destroying Demon King, it must involve the core event of this plane war, a level that we simply cannot touch.

For the apostles, this is an opportunity to upgrade their plot, but it is also a huge gamble to put all their current achievements on top.

Zero, I think that since you are asking us for help, you should be more honest. On the premise of keeping your secrets, try to tell us as much as possible, and give us enough conditions to weigh the gains and losses of our interests so that we can have A space for choice.

Otherwise, facing the Lord of Death and the Demon King of Destruction, it would be really difficult for us to make a decision that can convince us. "

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