Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1237 Stay and leave

Daliang listened to No. 1's words and was also weighing how far he should explain this matter.

When angels want to transport the obelisk out of the Cathedral of Eternal Night, they will definitely not carry it out directly. Otherwise, when the undead see the obelisk, they will definitely rob it regardless of whether they know the function of the obelisk. . But if the obelisk is disguised and boxed, then the undead who are only interested in the Cathedral of Eternal Night may not care what the angels transported away from the cathedral.

Therefore, Tokugawa Nobunaga, who is responsible for the investigation, will not know what Daliang is trying to rob.

But the apostles of the shadow of death are different. They will directly participate in the battle against the angels. In a fight, no one can guarantee that the outer packaging of the obelisk tower will not be damaged.

If they had seen the obelisk, and if they had let it slip to the ears of the Sad Pope, the Desolate Monarch, and President Lucas, they would have known that the obelisk of the Kingdom of Death had fallen to the Destroying, Eviscerating, and Bright. in hand.

Now the City of Sighs and the Wizards Guild are jointly conducting research on the plane of God. With the research data of the original branch of City of Sighs, the Sad Pope may soon be able to find the crystal wall of the plane of God, and then discover the role of the obelisk tower. So if Daliang, who stole the obelisk tower of the Kingdom of Death, is not handled properly, he will become a public enemy of the entire Kingdom of Death.

Daliang needed trustworthy people to participate in this operation. For this reason... he took the initiative to reveal his identity as the World-Destroying Demon King and let the apostles make a choice.

But Daliang also knew that the information he provided was too little, which made the apostles very embarrassed.

After waiting for Number 1 to finish speaking, the apostles looked at Daliang intently. It seemed that Number 1 had spoken out their thoughts.

After thinking about it for a while, Daliang said: "No. 1 is right, what I want to do this time is related to the cause of this plane war, and my current plot mission also revolves around this point.

As for...what is my plot mission? This is my secret. One thing I can reveal is that your current mission progress is far from the level where you know the plot.

This is the gap between you and me, and it also results in the fact that I am a Hell Lord King and have the ability to change this ultimate plot; while you are still groping in the maze of tasks.

You think this mission is a big gamble.

That's right, even if I bet again... I will bet again.

Betting on the confidentiality ability of the apostles participating in this mission, if someone leaks what I snatched in Evernight City, then my losses in the Kingdom of Death will be more than the combined wealth and interests of all of you in the Kingdom of Death.

But I made a bet... Bet that since all of you here can stand at the height you are now, after choosing to help me, you will definitely know what to say and what not to say.

The rest is up to you.

I don't make any promises. After the game reaches a new stage, even the World-Destroying Demon King may say it's over. "

The apostles in the conference room were all human beings, and they immediately caught the important information revealed by Daliang.

The plane war being fought now is not about good versus evil on the surface, but there are deeper reasons that have destroyed the ten thousand years of plane peace. This reason is related to this operation of Organization Zero.

Number Zero, also known as Destruction, has a very powerful force in the kingdom of death.

Then there will be more advanced plots in the future that exceed the current power limit, or a new version. There may be creatures stronger than the Hell Lord King. Level 16 is no longer the strongest existence.

The apostles of the Shadow of Death are all the proud ones, and they are all powerful bosses who enjoy the admiration of countless players. They believe that they are already at the top of the game pyramid and are the ones who can touch the upper limit of the game world.

But now after seeing No. 0. The apostles found that all their previous sense of superiority had become "the emperor's new clothes". In the face of destruction, they were just children looking up to giants.

But now... this giant told them that there is a higher sky above, and you are just standing on a small rock at this time.

A more open game world and more advanced plot tasks are placed in front of the apostles. How to choose... everyone has their own considerations.

After experiencing another silence, Sergey No. 2 spoke first this time: "We are not alone. There is a guild and a group behind us. Should we steadily follow the current plot development, or should we give it a try and jump to a higher level?" In the more dangerous plot, it is indeed difficult to choose.

However... since Number Zero has said that he will not blame the apostles who did not participate, then there is no need to put too much pressure on everyone whether to stay or leave.

I plan to stay...for no other reason than for this level of mission, it would be a shame not to participate. "

No. 1 then said: "I also plan to stay. As No. 2 said, if you miss a mission of this level, you will have no chance. If the Lord of Death is really aware of it, at worst, it will start all over again. I think the Demon King of Destruction will Give us a place in hell.”

Numbers 1 and 2 expressed their willingness to participate in this operation, and the other apostles quickly made their choices. Some chose to give it a try, while others maintained their existing interests and did not dare to take risks.

As the apostles who did not participate in the operation left one by one, there were finally eight apostles left here, including Da Liang, who was nine.

The people who snatched the obelisk confirmed that Da Liang asked Feng Moying to reset the entry password of the conference room, and then unfolded a map on the conference table.

"What I say below is the highest level of confidentiality. Although I believe in your ability to keep secrets, I still want to remind you...since you have chosen to stay, then...if you don't let me down, I will definitely bring him here. The top of the world.

The thing we want to grab this time is called the obelisk.

Maybe some of you know what the obelisk is, but its true function... in the entire game world, only three parties now know. One is Cloud City, the other is Hell Furnace City, and the other is me.

You don’t need to know the rest for now.

The obelisk of the Kingdom of Death is inside the Cathedral of Eternal Night and is controlled by Yunzhong City. The Desolate Monarch's goal is the Cathedral of Eternal Night. He does not know the role of the obelisk. Therefore, Yunzhong City will definitely transport the obelisk out of the Cathedral of Eternal Night and hide it elsewhere at the last moment of the war.

And when the angel moved the obelisk, we took the opportunity to snatch it away.

Cloud City has full-dimensional teleportation capabilities. Although I have subordinates who are good at space skills and can block the space and interfere with the coordinates, the strength of Yunzhong City is unpredictable. Maybe they can break the blockade and teleport the angels here in a short time.

Therefore, this robbery requires us to be fast enough...

Use the fastest speed to eliminate the angels transporting the obelisk tower, and then move the obelisk tower away before the reinforcements from Yunzhong City are brought. "

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