Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1240 Flame Territory

As the second shadow dragon demon of a new race, Ye Feng's growth, attributes and skills did not disappoint Daliang.

The specialty "Sword Master" shows that Ye Feng is a fighting hero. Master swordsmanship and multi-sword control skills have improved his combat ability by several levels. In addition, the shadow dragon demons are excellent assassins and have very strong explosive power. If they cooperate with the shadow attack, the night of the explosion may be able to cause Julian a disadvantage.

Long-lasting combat effectiveness is a common shortcoming of the Shadow Dragon Demon, but it is also compared to the 15th-level creatures such as Holy Angel, Shadow Dragon, and Crystal Dragon, which are very balanced in offense and defense, have super high physique, and are used to resist the line.

For regular battles... the Shadow Dragon Demon is enough.

Under Daliang's command, Ye Feng changed from dragon form to demon form.

Like Ye Xie, Ye Feng's demon form also looks like an exquisite statue, with a black body made of jade, and four sharp swords on its limbs, suspended in the air.

Since Ye Feng is male in gender, he is much larger and stronger than Ye Xe. The four swords have longer blades and wider blades.

Da Liang is very satisfied with the new hero Ye Feng, but his fundamental purpose is to use the male ghost dragon to pad the knife to improve the success rate of the next female ghost dragon transformation. Unexpectedly, the transformation was successful on the first one...

Alas, although it is a little different from what was planned, there is no way to go back to it, so let’s just use it.

Da Liang asked Ye Feng to stand behind him, then struck another ghost dragon while the iron was hot and entered the evil prison. In the gender column, of's female.

Four ghost dragons, two male and two female. Daliang's plan is to use the male ghost dragon to get two female shadow dragon demons for himself to strengthen his personal guard team.

The result...a success.

With such a good character, Daliang didn't dare to release the male ghost dragon after his second transformation, and directly released the female... Now there are two female ghost dragons here, no matter how hard they are refined, they can become one.

A female ghost dragon entered the evil prison with bright expectations, and the blood and fire burned vigorously again. Like a furnace where porcelain is being fired, the flames cover everything inside. Only when the flames go out can you know what is left inside.

According to the prompts, Daliang once again put 100 points of extremely evil energy into the prison.

Then... the blood fire went out, and the ghost dragon disappeared inside.

There is no failure message...

Definitely done again!

It’s really an explosion of character!

Da Liang didn't wait for Gao Feng to speak, and he couldn't wait to find the newly-appeared 15th-level Shadow Dragon Demon from his list of subordinates.


Dragon Demon (Level 15 Infernal Creature)

Attack: 40

Defense: 37

Kill: 550-650

HP: 5500

Racial characteristics: Enemy morale -2, invisible (cannot attack or be attacked in invisible state), sneak attack (within 30 seconds after removing invisible state, speed increased by 30%, damage increased by 30%)

Hero Unit: Level 42

Attack 137

Defense 134

Intelligence 120

Knowledge 113

Hero specialty: Shadow Dragon Demon Commander (within the battlefield, the offensive and defensive attributes of all Shadow Dragon Demons are increased, and the increase ratio is related to the hero level. The commanding ability is enhanced)

Hero special skills: master tactics, master offensive skills, advanced combat skills, advanced earth magic...

Branch skills: master-level tactical branch - battle command (enhanced to advanced level), master-level offensive branch - deep attack (enhanced to advanced level).

Skills, magic: laying mines, driving away obstacles, shadow dragon raid, slow magic...

Another commander-in-chief hero appears.

Under Da Liang's command, Ye Guang appeared from formlessness, and then turned into a demon form and floated in front of Da Liang.

The Shadow Dragon Demon, both female, Yeguang and Yeshe both have graceful curves. The only difference is probably the aura they exude. The night was freezing, giving people a deep chill, as if it were an ice blade that could freeze the soul. But Ye Guang exuded the confidence of an excellent commander, as if no matter how difficult the battle, she could safely leave it to her.

This is the type of hero that Da Liang is in urgent need of. The Black Fire Territory is too short of heroes who can command the army.

Among the huge army under the Black Fire Territory, only Monica, Sidney and Kuka have the ability to lead the army alone. In the past, the scale was small and the number of troops was small, so we managed to win many battles while still surviving.

But now the Black Fire Territory is spreading across multiple planes, and the wars it faces are becoming more complex and changeable. The War Trampler Copper, the Big-Eared Monster Simon, the Archangel Stark... all belong to the category of warrior heroes. , able to lead troops and command small-scale battles, but difficult to command large-scale battles.

An army of thousands is easy to obtain, but a general is difficult to find.

Look at the huge five-color flag alliance. To fight in the magical realm, a large army gathered as soon as they were told. It had money, food, and supplies but lacked everything, but it couldn't find a more suitable commander than the King of the Hill. From this we can see how scarce excellent commander-in-chief heroes are.

Ye Guang is simply a benefit that comes to your door. She may not be able to beat Ye Feng in terms of personal force, but her value is reflected in large-scale wars. When the shadow dragon demon increases in scale in the future, the importance of night light will only become higher and higher.

Not bad.

Both transformations were successful, and both Shadow Dragon Demons were very good. Of course... as the ancestors of a new race, the three shadow dragon demons of the Night generation definitely have higher room for growth.

Let Jones return to Purgatory and continue to lead the Knights of Destruction to collect extremely evil energy. After Daliang finished handling some affairs of the Black Fire Territory, he took the two newly acquired Shadow Dragon Demons and passed through the plane teleportation array to the Boneyard Tomb.

The construction of the Great Tomb has never been interrupted. One hundred thousand skeleton laborers worked day and night to build this miraculous building. The earth on the surface is piled higher and higher, and the space underground is dug larger and larger. Da Liang transplanted the fluorescent moss from the Endless Labyrinth, and then cultivated and multiplied it through the elves to serve as a universal light source inside the big tomb.

Some living areas of the human race, underground race, and elves have been opened for use. Civilians from the three races who migrated from Judgment City, Songjiang City, and Palm Tree City are participating in the construction of their own towns, making this place more suitable for their survival.

Everything is to prepare for the possible catastrophe when the theocratic era comes.

Beneath the living areas of humans, underground races, elves, and undead, Daliang opened up a new space to house the territory he acquired in hell.

The Flame Leader is named after the Lie Flame Leader.

Due to financial constraints, Daliang did not go all out to develop this hell territory, but allowed it to develop at a constant speed, keeping in sync with the construction of the big tomb.

The Hell Territory will continue to affect the surrounding environment from the moment it is built. The ground around the building first turned black, then cracked, and lava spread from the ground. The temperature rises, and the entire hell layer is reflected in red, filled with a violent atmosphere, just like the real hell.

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