Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1241 Experiment

The old elf Mike has become familiar with every corner of the Great Tomb and has officially taken over the management of the Great Tomb. He wears British butler clothes and appears wherever he is needed through the transmission of the ancient tree of space wisdom.

Excellent management capabilities have increased the resource allocation speed of the Big Tomb by at least 50%, and the construction speed has entered a fast lane, allowing Daliang to feel a brand new change every time he comes back for inspection.

This time Da Liang returned to the Great Tomb from the Black Fire Territory. As soon as he arrived from the plane teleportation array, Mike had already walked out of an open teleportation gate.

Mike bowed to Daliang, without paying too much attention to the two shadow dragon demons. He said respectfully: "Dear master, I am your butler. Is there anything I can do for you?"

Da Liang did not answer Mike immediately, but looked at the large square where the plane teleportation array was located.

Although this place is on the surface, the thick soil layer has completely covered it. The stone walls enclose a circular plane transfer transfer square with a height of four meters. There are twelve passages around it connecting to other parts of the large tomb.

Behind Da Liang, skeleton soldiers and workers drove skeleton horses to pull vehicles loaded with goods, which were constantly transported from the Black Fire Territory, and then passed through these passages to transport the goods to various warehouses.

Some important supplies can also be sent directly to the places where they are needed through the portal.

The returning transport team also returned to the Black Fire Territory through this plane teleportation array.

This is the busiest place in the entire Great Tomb. When Astro managed this place, congestion often occurred. But after being managed by Mike, the plane teleportation array has been operating efficiently. It saves the rare resources consumed by plane teleportation, increases the throughput of the teleportation array, and ensures fast personnel and material exchanges between the Great Tomb and the Black Fire Territory.

"You are doing a very good job here. The construction of the big tomb is progressing faster than I thought. I feel that the supplies the Black Fire Territory can provide can no longer keep up with the consumption here. Hahaha..." Looking at the busy transportation The team made Da Liang feel even better after getting two shadow dragon demons. He did not hesitate to praise and said to Mike: "Keep this state and let the big tomb be completed as soon as possible."

Facing Daliang's compliment, Mike saluted again and replied: "Thank you master for giving me this opportunity. It is my lifelong honor to be able to participate in this great project and manage the big tomb."

Da Liang also sighed with emotion: "Yes, this is a great project. I am probably the only one in the world who has the ability to complete it in such a short time. Mike, I want to go to Master Nicole's alchemy laboratory. I have The matter lies with my alchemists."

"As you wish, my master." Mike took a step back, and after waving, a portal opened in front of Da Liang.

Da Liang walked straight in with Ye Guang and Ye Feng.

Mike did not follow into the alchemy laboratory, but opened another portal and returned to his work. Nicole's alchemy laboratory operates independently within the tomb, and Miniya is also responsible for receiving Daliang. Everyone has their own responsibility... Mike once made an unforgivable mistake on this issue, so that he ended up in the foggy area of ​​​​the past. This time he can restart his career and he will not make the same mistake again.

Daliang is not interested in Mike's previous experience. He only knows that Mike is very dedicated now and only takes care of things within his scope of responsibility.

This is a steward you can trust.

Entering Nicole's alchemy laboratory is like walking into a modern research institute.

The widespread application of alchemy technology, and the teleportation ability of the ancient tree of space wisdom are fully open here, so that Nicole's alchemy laboratory does not require skeleton labor. The alchemy puppet has greater power than skeletons, and its work accuracy is also higher than that of skeleton labor.

In addition to the alchemy puppets, there are also a large number of spirits holding tools in the alchemy laboratory.

Elves are academic first-level creatures. They are shorter than dwarfs, have gray skin, and are academic labor-type creatures. Although the fighting power of elves is very weak, even worse than that of goblins, their racial specialties are very practical. Spirits are good at mechanical manufacturing and maintenance. There are so many alchemical equipments made by alchemists that it is impossible to maintain them personally. Therefore, spirits have become the most widely used alchemy equipment repairmen.

The academic army of constructed creatures is maintained and repaired by the spirits. The workers in the alchemy factory are also spirits. Some spirits and hero-level spirits with skills can also become the alchemist's right-hand assistant.

The scale of Nicole's alchemy laboratory is constantly expanding, and the alchemy technology derived from studying the crystal walls of the God Plane is also increasing. In order to allow the alchemists to devote their energy to the research of alchemical technology, Daliang spent a lot of money to acquire a group of high-level spirits from player merchants, and gave them all to the Great Tomb.

Part of it was used for the maintenance of the alchemy facilities in the Great Tomb, and the rest was given to Nicole's alchemy laboratory.

The spirit allows malfunctioning alchemy puppets and alchemy equipment to be repaired in time, greatly increasing the laboratory's work efficiency.

When Da Liang entered the alchemy laboratory, Miniya also appeared in front of him.

"Sir, welcome to Master Nicole's alchemy laboratory. Are you going to see the Crystal Wall Research Laboratory on the Divine Plane, or are you going to see Master Nicole first?"

"Let's go see Master Nicole first." Daliang's purpose of coming this time was very clear.

"Yes, please come with me..."

Since the last big light opened up a new idea for Nicole, Nicole has reduced her bombardment experiments on the crystal wall of the God Plane. Even when attacking the God Plane Crystal Wall, the main purpose is not to blast it open, but to collect some feedback data generated by the bombardment of the sacred energy around the God Plane Crystal Wall.

Nicole, who knew that external forces could not destroy the crystal wall of the God Plane, focused all her research on making the crystal wall of the God Plane self-destruct.

Use the collected sacred energy to create models and study how to speed up the release of the divine power of the crystal wall of the God Plane.

Under the leadership of Minia, Daliang met Nicole in a separate research room, who was facing a crystal wall model of the plane of God, doing experiments on releasing divine power.

After seeing Da Liang, Nicole stopped the experiment. She invited Da Liang to sit down, summoned the genie in the oil lamp on the table, and made two cups of tea for herself and Da Liang.

Nicole drank tea, and then complained: "Since I heard your last guess, I have been doing experiments on divine power release. The result...has not made much progress.

No matter how perfect the model is, it is not real after all. It is difficult to find a way to speed up the release of the divine power of the crystal wall on the plane of God.

You have to be prepared to wait for a long time. I do not guarantee that you will see the results in your lifetime. Your human lifespan is really too short. "

Nicole spoke as directly as ever.

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