Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1242 Fangs

Knowing that Nicole didn't mean to say this, Da Liang still touched his nose awkwardly, and then asked: "If we have an obelisk tower in our hands, will it help the research on the crystal wall of the God's plane?"

For the convenience of work, Nicole had just tied up her hair. Now that it was rest time, she untied her headband and let her long black wavy hair hang loosely on her shoulders. Her black hair, fair skin, and the red spiritual stone between her forehead and eyebrows were particularly charming.

She flipped her long hair, then pinched a sugar cube from the sugar box on the table and put it into the tea cup, then slowly stirred it with a spoon to melt the sugar cube. At the same time, he said to Daliang: "Of course...the obelisk tower is connected to the crystal wall of the God Plane. They are made of the same material, the same indestructible, and the same energy is released outwards.

If there is an obelisk tower that can be provided for me to research, it will definitely speed up the research progress of the crystal wall of the God Plane.

But... once the obelisk's experiment of accelerating energy release succeeds, the obelisk is likely to be completely destroyed. Therefore, my proposal to borrow the Magic Forest Obelisk from Princess Ziling... was rejected.

I don’t think the Poison Dragon Clan and the Crystal Dragon Clan will lend us their obelisk towers... right? "

Daliang didn't expect that Nicole would dare to ask Princess Zi Ling to borrow the lifeblood of the Purple Dragon Clan. If Zi Ling didn't bring the leader of the Purple Shirt Clan over to beat you, it would count as your fate.

Suddenly, Daliang felt that he had arrived too timely, otherwise, according to Nicole's temperament, he might have secretly "borrowed" it.

"Of course the Poison Dragon Clan and the Crystal Dragon Clan will not lend us the obelisk tower. The recovery of their clan depends entirely on the energy provided by the obelisk tower, but... we can grab one."

After studying the crystal wall of the God Plane for such a long time, Nicole became more and more convinced that the obelisk tower was a crucial prop for this research. However, although the Five Color Flag Alliance controls three obelisk towers, the three dragon tribes will not contribute even if they are killed. Therefore... just as Daliang expected, Nicole was indeed planning how to "borrow" an obelisk tower.

Now that Daliang said that he could grab an obelisk tower, for the alchemy madman Nicole, it was just as tempting as the spiritual stone was to her at the beginning.

Nicole stopped stirring the tea. She stared at Da Liang, her eyes shining, and asked, "Obelisk? Where is it? When are you going to rob it?"

Da Liang slowly reached for the sugar box on the table, preparing to add some sugar to his tea to appease Nicole's appetite. As a result, Nicole directly pulled the big bright tea cup in front of her, and then pushed her own tea over: "Drink this cup from me... Tell me quickly, how to grab the obelisk tower."

Seeing Nicole's impatient look, Daliang still slowly picked up the tea cup that was pushed over and tasted it bit by bit. No matter how Nicole clenched her fists, static electricity made her hair fluffy and her eyes sparkled, Da Liang still drank slowly. When Nicole was about to explode, he said: "Master Nicole, don't worry...the obelisk I'm talking about is the one that belongs to the Kingdom of Death. Now this obelisk is in the Cathedral of Eternal Night, covered by the clouds The city is in control.

However, the Desolate Monarch is attacking the Eternal Night Cathedral with all his strength. After the Cathedral of Consciousness in Yunzhong City cannot be defended, the obelisk will definitely be moved away.

We took advantage of the fiercest fight between Yongye City and Yunzhong City to take action, quietly snatched away the obelisk tower, and then moved it to the big tomb.

When the time comes...Master Nicole, you can do whatever you want. "

Da Liang put the empty tea cup on the table, and the djinn standing beside him filled it up again.

Nicole, who was about to go berserk, regained her composure. After realizing that she was being teased by Daliang, she gave Daliang a white look and said, "Let me know when you are going to grab the obelisk. Now...

I'm going to work……"

This is an eviction order!

Daliang didn't expect that Nicole would fall out of favor faster than flipping through a book, but he also knew Nicole's temper. He stood up and said with a smile: "If the master is not busy attacking the crystal wall of the God Plane recently, I want to take the Black Pearl away... …

The obelisk is so big that it requires an aerial warship to transport it. I took Black Pearl to check out the terrain around the Evernight Cathedral and plan an escape route. "

Nicole waved her hand: "Go, go... let Miniya command the spirits to help Black Pearl change her clothes."

Since the outbreak of the plane war, the wars taking place in the heroic world have never stopped. The two camps are constantly attacking, and most of the battles are struggles for control of the city-states in the main world.

The main world is like an ownerless cake to all major planes. In the early stages of a plane war, whoever controls more city-states in the main world will have greater war potential, and will be easier to fight in the middle and late stages.

All-dimensional wars in the past were fought like this. The main world was reduced to ruins in the repeated battles between good and evil, and then prospered again from the ruins after the war.

Then we experience a new plane war, and civilization is destroyed...and rebuilt.

What goes around comes around.

But this time, the interval between the wars between the two planes was a bit long. After thousands of years of development, the civilization of the main world has never been so glorious.

There is more wealth here than the eight base camp planes combined, and a level 14 city has been built that is comparable to the main city of the base camp.

Every city-state in the main world has a sound army and powerful heroes. Busy maritime transportation lines and land transportation lines connect all cities together.

The main world contains unimaginable power, but it seems to be so fragile under the attack of the base camp plane.

After the war broke out, the base camp plane plundered the city-states in the main world wantonly, just like they had done in previous plane wars. The power of a single city-state simply does not have the strength to compete with the base camp, and can only watch as the wealth it has accumulated is ruthlessly snatched away.

In the entire bullied main world, Shangjiang City is definitely a unique existence.

This main city of the human race is the only city-state in the main world that has been able to survive alone since this plane war broke out. It is the richest city in the world, but no powerful force dares to take advantage of it.

At this time, Shangjiang is the most dazzling pearl in the main world, and its every move attracts the attention of the world.

But when all the city-states in the main world looked at Shangjiang City with envy, Shangjiang City seemed not to be satisfied with its stable situation. It did a major event that shocked everyone and excited the main world.

After Shangjiang City was harassed by Dream Realm, it announced a massive retaliatory counterattack. The Five Color Flag Alliance gathered a powerful army outside Shangjiang City in a short period of time.

With the arrival of King Joyce's letter of surrender, surrounding city-states merged into Shangjiang territory one after another.

The troops of the Five-Color Flag Alliance continued to surge. In less than half a month, the number of basic troops increased several times, and they opened their sharp fangs towards the dreamland.

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