Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1243 Conversation between the Supreme Angel

The King of the Hill took office and became the commander-in-chief of the Five-Color Flag Alliance Army, which undoubtedly exposed the Five-Color Flag Alliance's ambition to compete with the Dreamland.

Shangjiang used practical actions to tell the world that this is not a scare or a deterrent.

The war against the dreamland is really going to be fought!

This is the first time that the main world city-state, which has suffered from plunder for countless years, launches a counterattack against the base camp plane. At this moment... all the city-states in the main world looked at Shangjiang City no longer with envy and hatred, but with admiration.

All the city lords saw hope in Shangjiang City.

As a pioneer, Shangjiang City is issuing a cry that has been suppressed in the hearts of the city-states in the main world. If Shangjiang City gains an advantage in the war against Dreamland, then Joyce's prestige in the main world will be at its peak, and the establishment of an empire will be a matter of course.

The good camp certainly does not want the Five Color Flag Alliance to attack one of their important allies at this time.

It was under such circumstances that Metatron came to Shangjiang City. He wanted to mediate the conflict between Shangjiang and the Dreamland, and appease the Five Color Flag Alliance, which was too close to the evil camp.

Metatron, who came to Shangjiang City, first had a meeting with Holy Bella.

He knew that Shangjiang City had the confidence to go to war with Dreamland. Part of it came from the support of the Five Color Flag Alliance, and part of it was that Holy Bella was the guardian of this city. The opinions of Holy Bella have a great influence on King Joyce's decision-making. It can be said that...if Holy Bella opposes this war, then this war will basically not be fought.

Metatron stood on the east tower of the Shangjiang Palace, from which he could overlook the entire city. At this time, Shangjiang City has entered a state of war. The magic towers at all levels located in the corners of the city are all in operation. The magic shot from the magic eyes protects the entire city inside.

The city walls were lined with elite human troops.

Higher in the sky, Shangjiang's Angel Legion guards the Oath. This super aerospace battleship has been further alchemically strengthened after Shangjiang City got rich. Not only does the original wooden shell cover a metal deck, but the built-in weapons And the alchemy equipment is also more powerful than before.

There were also groups of purple dragons flying across the sky, accompanied by royal griffons, and the roar of the dragons echoed in the middle of the city from time to time.

The atmosphere of war was desolate, but the residents of Shangjiang City did not seem to be greatly affected. The streets were still bustling, and merchant ships in the port were loading and unloading goods in an orderly manner.

Since the beginning of the plane war, Metatron has never seen such calm civilians in other overworld city-states.

This calmness comes from the strong confidence in the city.

Around the tower, the guardian angels belonging to Cloud City were flying in the air, carefully providing warning for Metatron. Not long after, Holy Bella, escorted by another angel team, arrived.

Holy Bella landed on the tower, she saluted respectfully to Metatron, and then said: "Respected mentor, welcome to Shangjiang City. I also bring King Joyce's greetings to you..."

Metatron withdrew his gaze from the outside of the tower. He looked at Holy Bella with quite complicated emotions.

This is a supreme angel who refuses to belong to Yunzhong City.

"Bella, my child..." Metatron wanted to persuade Holy Bella to return to Cloud City, but after sighing, he said instead: "Shangjiang City is going on the wrong path. Five-Color Flag Alliance He secretly influenced the battle situation in Hell's Furnace City, helped Lucifer defeat Satan, and was moving closer to the evil camp.

Now the Five-Color Flag Alliance suddenly wants to launch a war against the Dreamland... No matter how much they say they are neutral, in the eyes of the good camp, the Five-Color Flag Alliance has already turned towards evil.

This is very dangerous!

Bella, you are a good angel because you did not choose to fall. It is your responsibility to prevent the Shangjiang you are guarding from moving closer to the evil camp, otherwise the result left for this city... is only destruction. "

Holy Bella also looked at this angel mentor who was respected by all angels. Every angel will receive Metatron's baptism and teaching after coming out of the birth pool.

Metatron may not remember all the angels, but every angel remembers his first memory.

After Metatron finished speaking, Holy Bella waited for a moment before replying: "Teacher...why can't thousands of years of peace stop the decisive battle between the good camp and the evil camp?

The reason is that there are only two poles of good and evil in this world, and everyone is hostile to each other. The so-called peace contract is more fragile than paper. If one party is strong, it wants to destroy the other party. And if there is a powerful third party in this world, then this world will have a balance point, and only then can we get a truly long-lasting peace.

Mentor... I am a war angel. I have fought from an ordinary angel to become the supreme, but I don't like war. War has made me lose too many things. My biggest wish is what I experienced in Shangjiang City, standing here looking at a quiet world.

If the world I imagined needs to be fought, then I will fight again! "

Metatron asked: "Even if you have to become the enemy of Cloud City?"

"My sword fights for my faith, no matter who my enemy is in the future, no matter whether my persistence is right or wrong." Holy Bella's tone was very firm: "Teacher, you will not get anything from this time you come to Shangjiang City. The result you want. Because everything has changed...the main world has the strength to compete with the good camp and the evil camp. What they lack now is a conqueror who can lead them."

After hearing what Holy Bella said, Metatron frowned and said, "The conqueror you are talking about is...Joyce?"

Holy Bella just smiled and did not answer Metatron's words directly, but said: "Mentor, I can arrange a secret meeting between you and King Joyce. If you are willing to support us, then I think This war will be over soon."

Metatron considered Holy Bella's suggestion, and finally he shook his head and said: "I understand your approach, but from the standpoint of Cloud City, I still have to do my best to prevent the Five Color Flag Alliance from attacking Mew. environment to ensure that the good camp can ultimately win.

Please help me arrange a public meeting with Joyce King.

Please help me tell King Joyce... If she is willing to end the war against Dreamland, Yunzhong City can guarantee that the good camp will never do anything detrimental to Shangjiang City in the future, and it will also promote Dreamland. Make private compensation to Shangjiang.

And if King Joyce insists on having his own way, Yunzhong City will stop providing angels to Shangjiang.

There is no guarantee that there will be no military intervention in Shangjiang. "

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