Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1244 The battle for Eternal Night Cathedral

In order to resolve the conflict between the Five Color Flag Alliance and the Dreamland, Metatron of Cloud City held a public meeting with Joyce in Shangjiang City.

Yunzhongcheng proposed a reconciliation plan, but Joyce flatly rejected it.

No matter what the outcome will be in the future, the arrow is on the string. For the sake of fame and fortune, this battle... Shangjiang City has to fight. Like what Joyce said to Metatron at the end.

"We have control over our own destiny. If we agree to reconcile privately this time, it means that we are weak and can be bullied, and the dreamland will come to block us next time. There is only one solution to the power, which is to fight back resolutely. Fight. What you gain from loving him and beating him is far from offsetting the losses he has suffered. Let them see the scars on themselves first when they want to bully us next time!

The war between the Five Color Flag Alliance and Dreamland has nothing to do with our position. It is a retaliatory war.

We do not accept any mediation. If anyone wants to help Dreamland collude to bully us, or even intervene with arms...

Then I don’t promise to expand this war.

If Yunzhong City really wants to stop this war, then go and convince Dreamland... We welcome Dreamland to come to Shangjiang City for peace talks at any time. The premise is to publicly apologize and make commitments and compensation. "

As the superior base camp plane of the elves, how could the Dream Realm publicly apologize to a city-state in the main world! In the eyes of the base camp plane, the main world is a lamb for them to slaughter, and Shangjiang City is just an upstart.

If Dream Realm apologizes to a main world city-state and prays for peace, then Dream Realm’s prestige in the entire plane will be gone.

Metatron left Shangjiang City after a long sigh. He had made his best efforts, but just like he had no way to stop this all-dimensional war, he also had no way to stop this war that might bring consequences to the whole world. War of disruptive effects.

If Shangjiang wins, then the main world will usher in a conqueror and form a camp strong enough to compete with good and evil.

Will it bring peace...or more complicated war?

Metatron looked down at the outskirts of Shangjiang where the army gathered from high in the sky, and his wisdom could no longer see what would happen in the future...

When Metatron returned to Yunzhong City, Yunzhong City immediately announced that it would stop supplying Shangjiang with angels that could be hired. Ever since Shangjiang became a level 14 main city, the projection of Yunzhong City that had been floating over the city slowly dissipated and disappeared at this moment.

Holy Bella and Joyce stood on the balcony of the palace, watching the gradually fading projection of the city in the clouds, each with a different state of mind.

"Yunzhong City no longer protects this human city." Holy Bella said lightly. She could feel the gloom emanating from the entire city after the projection of Yunzhong City disappeared. Everyone looked up at the sky and remained motionless, as if Time seems to stand still at this moment.

Sadness was the emotion on Joyce's face at this moment.

Yunzhong City has always been the source of strength for this main human city, and she has become accustomed to looking up at Yunzhong City here every morning, which will make her feel that the difficulties she has to face throughout the day are no longer difficult.

Now her faith, the city's faith, had abandoned them.

But... when the projection of Cloud City completely disappeared, Joyce looked at the boundless sky, her eyes suddenly became brighter and brighter, and enlightenment came to her heart. After a while, she looked up at the sky and said: "Before, We have to look up at Yunzhong City countless times every day, sighing at its greatness, and are used to enjoying the peace of mind that this looking up brings. But now that Yunzhong City has left Shangjiang, I suddenly see a broader sky. There's nothing up there blocking my eyes anymore.

This really good..."

Joyce wore a dress specially prepared for her meeting with Metatron, a dress that reflected female beauty without losing its solemnity. The gorgeous skirt trailed to the ground, and the exquisitely carved gemstones showed her noble status. Wearing a crown on her head and holding a scepter symbolizing royal power in her hand, she glanced confidently at the city that was about to stir up the world.

After hearing Joyce's words, Saint Bella, who was wearing light armor, couldn't help but smile. She said: "You now have the heart to become a conqueror...

I am very happy to work with you to break the old order and create a new world together. "

Joyce handed the scepter to Holy Bella, and then said: "I am also very happy to have a friend like you. Help me hand the scepter to the King of the Hill and tell him... that he can attack!"

A war broke out between the Five Color Flag Alliance and the Dreamland.

The King of the Hill, who had received the authorization for war, immediately ordered the entire army to attack the elven city-states around Shangjiang after obtaining Joyce's scepter. The armies from various cities in Shangjiang, which had been prepared for a long time, quickly attacked and launched the most violent attack on the elf army that was waiting for them.

The human knights and the elven unicorns galloped; the crystal dragon roared and trampled the body of the dryad; the swordsmen and spearmen formed a neat square formation and moved forward to the rhythm of the drums; the shadow dancers and the half-men The people and horses launched an overwhelming charge.

Arrows rained like locusts, crossbowmen and elf archers competed in archery skills; elf envoys and purple dragons competed for magic; griffins and Pegasus knights competed for the sky.

Angels and archangels faced off against green dragons and golden dragons; the sound of cannons shook the earth, and burning fireballs were thrown high and fell heavily; the heroes shouted slogans of victory and released their combat skills and magic towards the enemy.

Shangjiang City started the first battle of the city-states in the main world to counterattack the base camp plane. Flags of five colors were flying everywhere on the battlefield.

At this time, Da Liang was staring closely at the battlefield of Yongye Cathedral.

Compared to the war between the Five Color Flag Alliance and the Dreamland, and the siege of Hell Furnace City by Yunzhong City, the conflict between Yunzhong City and Eternal Night City around Eternal Night Cathedral has not attracted so much attention.

But only a few people know that here is the most important prop in this plane war.

The obelisk of the Kingdom of Death is inside the Cathedral of Eternal Night.

When the Five Color Flag Alliance launched an attack on the Dreamland, the Desolate Monarch felt that the Dreamland had no time to intervene in the Eternal Night Cathedral War. Before his own army was fully in place, he immediately launched an attack on the Angel-Guarded Eternal Night Cathedral. A general attack.

The skeleton soldiers formed a sea tide and moved forward head-on towards the seam where the Cathedral of Eternal Night was located.

On the open ground on the upper level of the seam where the Eternal Night Cathedral is located, the people guarding the cathedral are the human army from the World of Heroes and affiliated with Yunzhong City.

The human army and the undead are both lawful races, and their armies are equally famous for their strict military discipline, both in good and evil camps. Facing the advancing sea of ​​skeletons, the phalanx of human spearmen guarding the Evernight Cathedral lowered their spears together to form a Great Wall of Spears.

The phalanx of swordsmen supported the phalanx of spearmen, and groups of knights were waiting for the order to attack.

High in the sky, the archangel led the angels to form an attack formation, and beneficial magic was blessed on the troops on the ground.

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