Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1245 Don’t provoke Black Pearl

The Desolate Lord led his army to launch the most violent attack on the Cathedral of Evernight. As a 16th-level Death Lord, the Desolate Lord even stood on the front line of the battlefield, leading the ghost dragons in the sky to pounce on the angel army guarding the cathedral.

The commander of the Eternal Night Cathedral garrison, the Supreme Angel Gabriel, also had to lead his own guardian angels to attack. The archangel and the ghost dragons collided head-on in the air, fighting skills and the breath of death intertwined.

As the supreme angel with the second highest combat power in Yunzhong City, Gabriel quickly gained the upper hand after facing off against the newly promoted 16th-level Desolate Monarch. After several head-on encounters, he relied on his combat power that surpassed the Desolate Monarch. .

Attracting President Lucas to enter the battlefield, he and the Desolate Monarch restricted Gabriel's performance.

The deviation of magic and the scattering of skills mapped the sky into various brilliance...Fireballs and meteorites fell, strong winds swept, thunder and lightning penetrated down, setting off dense explosions on the ground.

Blast the warriors from both sides who were fighting fiercely on the ground into the air.

The war was in full swing, and the sound could be heard more than ten kilometers away.

The Cathedral of Eternal Night continues to park in the ground fissure canyon. The intricate brackets fix the entire cathedral to the cliffs on both sides of the canyon, turning the air fortress that could originally fly into a dead thing. There is no way to survive this. play its due role in the war.

All because the cyan coalition changed its attitude so quickly that Yunzhong City was caught off guard.

After Yunzhong City obtained the Evernight Cathedral, it was really planning to transform this aerial fortress. As the cathedral of the Immaculate Holy See in Eternal Night City, the architectural style of this sky fortress is obviously not suitable for Yunzhong City, nor is it suitable for the Cyan Alliance.

Therefore, Yunzhong City felt that such a good aerial fortress was idle, and the battle situation between Yongye City and Sighing City was very stable, so they decided to make a major overhaul of Yongye Cathedral.

As a result... As soon as the Eternal Night Cathedral was fixed here, Eternal Night City shook hands with the City of Sighs and made peace. Then the Desolate Monarch came, and the soldiers pressed down on the border, allowing Yunzhong City to remove the Eternal Night Cathedral from the canyon cliff. There is no time to remove it.

A really powerful aerial fortress was just destroyed, leaving Yunzhong City to passively defend here.

The ground fissure canyon where the Yongye Cathedral is located is located in the Yongye Bone Split Territory. It is hundreds of kilometers long, several meters narrow in places, and up to kilometers in wide places. There are steep cliffs on both sides of the canyon, and the valley bottom is flat.

Because the death energy in the canyon is very dense, many powerful undead monsters breed, and there are also many untapped resources and treasure caves. For players, this is a high-end adventure area. Of course, if you don't have a certain amount of strength and enter this canyon rashly, you're going to die.

As the top player team in the game world, the Apostles of Death Shadow are capable of surviving in this canyon.

In a valley cave about ten kilometers away from the Evernight Cathedral, Da Liang and the apostles who participated in this mission gathered together. As the standard equipment of the Death Shadow Apostle, the Vampire Sword Guard heroes guarded outside the cave, constantly cleaning up the undead monsters that spawned out.

Because the environment of the canyon was not conducive for the undead to implement military tactics, the Desolate Monarch did not choose the bottom of the canyon as the offensive route, but chose the battlefield on the open land above the canyon.

Therefore, the place where the apostles lurked was not affected by the war. And because this place is outside the warning range of the Evernight Cathedral, they are not worried about being discovered by the warring parties.

"Thank you again for taking time out of your busy schedule to help me complete this task."

Daliang's Flame Commander form looked even more burly and tall after putting on his blouse. From inside the pulled down hood, the burning flames shone red light, but after Da Liang took out a black mask and put it on, his identity could no longer be seen. Facing the apostles who stood in a row in front of him and also used blouses to hide their identities, he said: "Now the army of Yongye City is launching a general attack on the army of Yunzhong City, the Xuyang Guild... and... the people of Misty Village Friends, we are doing our best to get closer to the Cathedral of Eternal Night, trying to obtain timely information when the obelisk tower is transferred in Yunzhong City.


While Daliang was explaining to the apostles the battle situation at Eternal Night Cathedral and the action plan for robbing the obelisk tower, most of the apostles' attention was attracted by the timid little girl standing behind Daliang.

Compared with Daliang Lieyan Commander's figure, this seven or eight-year-old girl has an extremely cute height difference with Daliang.

The little girl didn't look like a player. She was wearing a princess dress and a big bow on her chest. Her long black hair was styled into twin tails and her eyes were very smart.

After being brought into the cave by Da Liang, the little girl kept hiding behind him, then hugged Da Liang's legs and quietly looked at these mysteriously dressed apostles.

Don't speak, just watch with your eyes wide open.

Seeing such a cute little loli, the apostles couldn't help but think of No. 0's quirks, and then looked at No. 13 Feng Moying together, feeling enlightened in their hearts.

"Kawaii..." Of course Feng Moying didn't know what the adult apostles were thinking. She was already so cute that she couldn't help but want to hug this two-dimensional cute thing.

As a result, before his hand touched the little girl, Feng Moying was held down by Daliang's hand on her head.

Daliang warned Feng Moying, who stretched out his hand and wanted to hug the little girl: "Don't provoke Black Pearl, she is very scary when she is angry."

"Ah...her name is Black Pearl? What a kawaii name."

Feng Moying obviously ignored Daliang's second warning, but she was frightened by Black Pearl's glare and quickly retracted her hand.

Black Pearl was frightened by Feng Moying. She completely hid her body behind Da Liang, only revealing a pair of eyes and staring fiercely at Feng Moying, saying: "Don't hug me, I only let the captain hug me."


The apostles exhaled together, "Sure enough," the little lolita named Black Pearl, the "captain" mentioned in her mouth, must have been the one who destroyed the world.

Seeing Black Pearl clinging to Zero, I wonder what this guy has done to the little girl.

What a beast!

Although everyone covered their appearance with hoods, Da Liang could still detect the disdainful looks from the apostles, including Feng Moying...

Why doesn't the current atmosphere feel as serious as before the war?

"Well..." In order to protect his own image and stabilize the morale of the army, Daliang quickly explained: "Black Pearl was specially invited by me to help. Regarding the relationship between the two of us, please don't make too many guesses. Everything is based on The mission is priority.

Another thing I want to say is... the level 16 hero who came to help this time is Black Pearl's mentor, so...

I stress again, don’t mess with Black Pearl! "

Introducing a historical novel "The Duke of Qin in the Ming Dynasty"

Qin was the supreme lord, and he came out of Beiya.

It is the passion that is obligatory and the desire to fight for the rest of your life without regrets.

Use a book to outline a heroic, generous and righteous Ming Empire.

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