Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1247 Admonishment

Shi Fei knew that when he looked at the Five Color Flag Alliance from Michael's perspective, he was looking at a small force seeking to survive between the two major camps. And if this small force is really forced to join the evil camp, it will also bring a lot of trouble to itself.

Therefore, Yunzhong City is also very troubled by how to deal with the Five Color Flag Alliance.

It can't be hit, and it can't be pulled out.

After expressing his attitude towards the Five-Color Flag Alliance, Michael said: "Metatron went to Shangjiang City to mediate the conflicts between you and the Five-Color Flag seems to have failed. He told me that if the Five-Color Flag Alliance has any influence on the Dreamland, Gaining an advantage in the war is likely to cause major changes in the main world.

I agree with Metatron's judgment, so you won't go back with nothing this time.

You tell King Wadsworth that Yunzhong City has stopped protecting Shangjiang City, and Shangjiang will not hire angels from Yunzhong City from now on.

The situation in the Kingdom of Death is very complicated. Although the Blue Alliance Army betrayed us and took refuge in the City of Sighs, it seems that several other Death Lords do not recognize the false pope of Sorrow.

Now the Death Nation's attack on Dreamland is just a bluff, you only need to concentrate on dealing with the Five Color Flag Alliance. I believe that since you have defeated the King of the Hill once, you can defeat him a second time.

When Yunzhong City has spare troops, it will send supporting troops to the Dream Realm. "

This result certainly did not satisfy Shi Fei.

They no longer provide angels and archangels to Shangjiang City, but only cut off the supply of Level 13 and Level 14 creatures of the Five Color Flag Alliance. The Five-Colored Flag Alliance does not rely on angels and archangels to fight against the Dreamland. Their numbers are really not comparable to the green dragons and golden dragons of the same level that the Dreamland has.

The truly powerful creatures of the Five-Colored Flag Alliance are the 15th-level creatures, which are the combination of the invincible crystal dragon in melee combat and the invincible purple dragon in spell combat. In addition, although the number of 15th-level poisonous dragons participating in the battle is not large, they do not rely on cooperation like the crystal dragons and purple dragons. He can fight, resist and run, and his individual combat capabilities are very powerful. In the competition between level 15 creatures, the three giant dragons owned by the Five Color Flag Alliance exceeded the level 15 elf envoys in the Dreamland in both quality and quantity.

It can be said that when it comes to level 15 creatures, no one dares to challenge the Five Color Flag Alliance, including Yunzhong City.

Although Dreamland is no match for the Five Color Flag Alliance at the 15th level, they have an overwhelming advantage at the 13th and 14th levels of power. Green dragons and golden dragons are also very outstanding creatures at the same level. If Dream Realm adopts the dragon sea tactic, it can also make up for the lack of 15th level combat power and smash the offensive launched by the Five Color Flag Alliance.

As a result, the Five Color Flag Alliance actually had a skill combined by two dragons, specifically designed to restrain all dragons below level 14.

Dragon clan honor!

As early as in Rio de Janeiro, Dreamland suffered greatly due to the deterrence of skills in this field.

This time during the battle with the Five Color Flag Alliance, the green dragons and golden dragons in the dreamland were driven everywhere. The well-maintained formation was smashed to pieces, unable to form coordination and then surrounded by the purple dragon and angel legions, it was really a miserable death.

After several battles, Dream Realm no longer dared to focus on using green dragons and golden dragons to fight against crystal dragons and purple dragons. The battle line was retreated again and again by the Five Color Flag Alliance, and several main world city-states under its control were about to be defeated. Break the occupation.

The only good thing is that the coverage of Dragon Clan Honor is limited, and the King of the Hill does not dare to extend the front line too much. The war between the Five-Color Flag Alliance and the Dreamland is still fought in several elven city-states in the main world, and there is no Signs of all-out war.

In short, the angels in the hands of the Five Color Flag Alliance are not the main force in the war, and their number is not large to begin with. Yunzhong City stopped supplying angels to Shangjiang City, which had little impact on the war.

As for the reinforcements Michael mentioned, they were nothing but empty promises. As long as Yunzhong City does not declare war on the Five-Color Flag Alliance, Michael can decide how many reinforcements to send. Yunzhong City does not want to see Shangjiang City win a big victory that will cause turmoil in the main world, nor does it want the Dream Realm to defeat Shangjiang City so badly that the evil camp will draw the Five Color Flag Alliance over.

The fight was invincible, and the two families naturally entered into peace talks.

Michael is personally in charge of Hell's Furnace City because he believes that this is the core of the war. As long as the Furnace City is broken... the outcome of all other battlefields will be a matter of her fingertips.

Unlike Michael, who was not influenced by intelligence and vision, Shi Fei could not clearly see the potential and ambitions of the Five Color Flag Alliance. However, he clearly knew how much impact this tiger in Shangjiang City would have on the world once it was released.

Yunzhong City regards the Furnace City as the center of the war wishfully, but fails to realize how much explosive power is hidden in the main world.

Once the war between the Five Color Flag Alliance and the Dreamland drags on for a long time, no matter who has the upper hand, the power of the entire main world will pour into Shangjiang City. At that time, Shangjiang will change from the economic center of the world to the center of everything.

Times have begun to change, and these rulers still see the world through old eyes.

Shi Fei tried his best to persuade Michael: "Dear Lord Michael... I think you already know that the wealth of the main world is gathering in Shangjiang City, and Shangjiang City is using the war bonds issued to control the main world. The economy is tied to oneself.

Now Shangjiang has wealth comparable to that of a plane, and has gold coins that can block the lava river here.

If this wealth is obtained by the evil camp, based on the evil camp's recruitment potential, it will definitely be more terrifying than the Five Color Flag Alliance joining the evil camp.

Why does Lucifer stick to the Crucible City and dare not come out to fight?

It is because he has difficulty raising the current soldiers and does not have the extra wealth to recruit more troops.

I think... if the wealth of the main world is allowed to gather in Xiangjiang, Yunzhong City may not have enough money to support the army in the near future.

At that time, all planes will have to face this problem.

There is no money to support fighting this war.

But Shangjiang holds the greatest wealth in the world. Whoever they want to win...will win..."

Shi Fei's words made Michael fall into deep thought. She knew that the elf messenger must have given an exaggerated description in order to get help from Yunzhong City. But thinking about it carefully, coupled with the abnormalities happening in the main world, this is something that is very likely to happen.

In order to fight the plane war, all planes are expanding their armies, including Yunzhong City.

The cross air fortress, aerial battleships, the military expenses of the Angel Legion, the military expenses of the human army, and the fortresses built on the lava river outside the furnace city all cost money.

In cross-dimensional combat, just logistical support consumes gold coins like running water.

Although Yunzhong City's family is rich, it cannot withstand such consumption for a long time without income. The reason why the base camp plane wants to rob the main world city-state is because of money and resources.

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