Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1248 Rejection

Yunzhong City now knows that the city-states in the main world are secretly exchanging their gold coins for Shangjiang City's war bonds. In the new round of robbery, the wealth obtained from the base camp plane has been less than they expected.

Although all the major planes are warning the city-states of the main world not to redeem Shangjiang's war bonds, the main world is too big. During the plane confrontation, the base camp plane does not have enough military power to go to one city after another. The city-states that oversee the main world also need the city-states of the main world to provide them with troops, and they need the cities under their control to attack hostile cities.

Therefore, the base camp plane cannot prevent the city-states of the main world from exchanging Shangjiang's war bonds, and the wealth of the main world is still gathering in Shangjiang City.

If this matter is allowed to develop, although the probability of Shangjiang City deciding the outcome of the plane war is very small, it will also make each base camp plane very uncomfortable.

Especially...if the evil camp obtains the wealth that Shangjiang possesses, then Yunzhong City will not be able to surround Hell Furnace City.

After thinking for a moment, Michael said to Shi Fei: "You analyzed for me from another angle Shangjiang City's future impact on the world structure. Wealth is indeed the basis for maintaining war. The amount of money Shangjiang City possesses makes I was a little moved.

But you should also know that Shangjiang has the force to protect this wealth.

Holy Bella used to be my holy right wing. I know what kind of strength she can have after being promoted to level 16. She is an angel born for battle. It can be said...except for me, there is no supreme angel in the entire Cloud City who can definitely defeat Holy Bella...

Red Baker, Purple Shirt, and King of the Hill are all very powerful level 16 heroes.

They also have a main alliance that has been hidden and has not been made public... It can be said that there is at least one level 16 hero in the Five Color Flag Alliance, and even more.

The Five-Color Flag Alliance is very powerful. Shangjiang is the treasury of the Five-Color Flag Alliance. Any attack on Shangjiang City will cause the Five-Color Flag Alliance to fight hard. They will even spend money to recruit the evil camp to fight for them. This is not what I want to see.

Before the victory in the Hell Furnace City War, Cloud City had no way to provide more help to the Dreamland. I also don’t hope Lucifer can get too much assistance from Shangjiang City. During this critical period, the Five-Color Flag Alliance must not fully fall to the evil camp.

Therefore, my suggestion to Dreamland is not to expand the scale of the war with the Five Color Flag Alliance. On the premise that the Five Color Flag Alliance does not attack the main city of Dreamland, do not first attack the important cities of the Five Color Flag Alliance, especially Shangjiang City.

As long as Lucifer has no money, over time... we will naturally win. "

Michael knew... In normal planar wars, Shangjiang City, with its huge wealth, was indeed a big cancer. But this war is very different from previous plane wars. This is a competition for the progress of research on the divine plane.

Research on the divine plane requires the consumption of unimaginable materials and wealth.

Lucifer's Hell Furnace City is besieged by Yunzhong City and lacks external supplies. Lucifer is struggling to support the hell army guarding the city. How can he have extra funds to do research on the divine plane?

Compared with Cloud City, the Angels have many ways to obtain funds, have sufficient research funds, and have an obelisk for experiments. The progress of research on the divine plane is definitely higher than that of Furnace City.

Therefore, as long as the siege of Furnace City continues, Yunzhong City will be able to open the divine plane in advance.

The world was a different place at that time.

Shi Fei did not expect that he still failed to convince Michael. In the eyes of angels, it seems that only the mortal enemy Hell is the most important enemy. In order to defeat the evil camp, Michael is even willing to compromise with potentially powerful enemies.

"Dear Lord Michael, I think King Wadsworth will be very disappointed with your reply. Dreamland is an ally of the world of heroes and the backbone of the good camp. We have always been under the call of the banner of Cloud City. Fighting, but not getting the rewards you deserve.

I hope your Lordships will reconsider the Dreamland request. We have just put down the dwarf rebellion, and the internal situation is still stable. If we consume too much power on the Five Color Flag Alliance, what will we use to fight against the Kingdom of Death in the future?

This is a war between good and evil. Although we have certain advantages, if we are not united internally, it will give the Five Color Flag Alliance and the evil camp an opportunity to take advantage of.

I think that when the good camp has an advantage over the evil camp, it can completely concentrate its forces on Shangjiang to carry out a fatal blow to the Five Color Flag Alliance. Without giving the evil camp time and opportunity to intervene, they took control of Shangjiang City in one fell swoop and divided up the wealth inside.

This way you can easily win this war. "

Michael said seriously: "Are you teaching me how to fight? I know you... you made great contributions when you suppressed the dwarf rebellion in the Dreamland, and won the trust of King Wadsworth.

But this is not a dreamland, we are just allies, and you have no right to ask me to do anything.

And...if Cloud City hadn't organized the cyan coalition in the Kingdom of Death, leaving the Death Monarchs with no energy to focus on the Dream Realm, you wouldn't have been able to put down the rebellious dwarves so easily.

You provoked the Five-Colored Flag Alliance, and it was you who blocked Shangjiang and gave them an excuse for war. This war should be handled by you yourself. As an ally, Yunzhong City has given you the necessary support. Don't expect more, everyone is at war... and they all have their own strategic intentions that need to be completed.

Go back... Say hello to King Wadsworth for me. "

Shi Fei left Hell with disappointment. He didn't get enough support from Yunzhong City, so he didn't have the power to stop Shangjiang's outbreak...

The rise of Shangjiang must be nipped in the bud as soon as possible, otherwise once the main world forms a centripetal force with Shangjiang as the center, the world will really become a tripartite situation.

Who should I call for help?

At this time, Shi Fei thought of the base camp plane of the Orcs - the Stone Wilderness.

The four main forces belonging to the good camp are: the world of heroes where Yunzhong City is located, the dreamland of the elves, the world factory opened by the alchemists, and the stone wilderness ruled by the orcs.

In terms of strength, the orcs are the weakest among the four backbone planes of the good camp. The reason is that they are too poor.

The social form of nomadic herding and farming, self-production, self-marketing, and self-reliance makes the production efficiency of the orcs very low. There is rarely a stable commercial flow between self-reliant tribes. Once there is a shortage of food, the orc tribe is more accustomed to using war to solve the problem. It is better to grab food, but if it cannot grab it, it will consume its excess population.

The cruel living environment makes the orcs good at fighting, but the fragile logistical support also makes it difficult for the orcs to perform at a high level on large-scale battlefields.

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