Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1249 Conspiracy

As a hostile plane in the Stone Wilderness, the Marsh Clan's base camp plane, the Swamp Wetland, is also at the bottom of the evil camp.

The orcs are poor because there is no business.

The swamp is poor because there are no roads, and materials cannot be exchanged, so there is no way to accumulate wealth and no potential for war.

In addition, when the orcs fight in swamps and wetlands, they cannot walk, and when the swamp people fight in the stony wilderness, they feel that the rocks are resting on their feet. So during the plane war, a very strange phenomenon occurred. Although the Stoney Wilderness and Swamp Wetland are hostile planes, they basically do not attack each other.

The role of the orcs and swamp people in the plane war is that of mercenaries. Whoever provides money and food and is responsible for logistics will fight with whomever.

In the war between the Dream Realm and the Five-Color Flag Alliance, the orcs in the Stone Wilderness can be invited to help. They don't need to give too much money. The wealth owned by Shangjiang City alone is enough to covet the orcs who have never seen the market.

As long as the alliance of elves and orcs threatens Shangjiang City, the Five Color Flag Alliance will definitely invite the evil camp to join the war.

At that time, in order to prevent the Five-Color Flag Alliance from completely falling into the evil camp, Yunzhong City will definitely take the first step and organize the good camp to form a decisive battle against the Five-Color Flag Alliance in Shangjiang.

As the main force of the good camp, Dreamland has the priority to divide Shangjiang's wealth.

Shi Fei quickly planned a plan and immediately teleported to the Stone Wilderness after leaving Hell.

After Shi Fei left the Cross Sky Fortress, Michael leaned on his seat and fell into thinking again.

Although she refuses to provide more support to Dreamland, it does not mean that she will watch a potential enemy grow stronger, nor does she think that Dreamland will obediently follow her own intentions and fight against the Five Color Flag Alliance. .

The power of the good camp is so huge that in addition to the four base camp planes, there are many smaller planes that fall in favor of the good camp. In the dreamland, if you look for it, you can always find help.

It would also be good to let them test the true strength of the Five Color Flag Alliance.

"Archangel, Lord Gabriel sent a message. The Desolate Monarch's army has defeated the human defenders defending the Cathedral of Eternal Night. He needs to move the obelisk as soon as possible, otherwise the obelisk and the cathedral will fall to the Desolate Monarch together. in the hands.”

The Holy Left Wing whispered to Michael the battle situation from the Kingdom of Death, pulling Michael back from his thoughts.

"I know that I will put pressure on the Furnace City. If Lucifer goes to grab the obelisk, then I will attack his Furnace City. He will not dare to go to the Kingdom of Death.

Inform the Supreme Angel Uriel to direct the transportation of the obelisk to a safe area.

Let Gabriel prepare to retreat from the kingdom of death. "

After Michael gave the order, the Holy Left Wing Angel said respectfully: "Yes, I will go and inform Lord Uriel immediately."

At this time, Michael asked: "Wait a minute... When Bella was still my holy right wing, the situation in Shangjiang seemed to be very chaotic. Why did this city become something that I couldn't ignore in such a short period of time?" exist?"

The Holy Left Wing replied: "According to the stories of the right wing guardian angels, the former Shangjiang City was indeed on the verge of collapse. During that chaotic period, two rulers died and one ruler disappeared.

The king who now rules Shangjiang City is a woman named Joyce. She is the fiancée of the second King of Donghai, but she also led an army to surround the palace and kill the second King of Donghai.

Joyce has a very high prestige among the Shangjiang people. As soon as she came to the throne, she immediately put down all the hidden civil strife in Shangjiang and gained the support of the seven deputy cities.

As for how Shangjiang got in touch with the three dragon clans and the details of establishing the Five-Color Flag Alliance... Since Bella had left Yunzhong City at that time and the right-wing guardian angels were recalled, we don't know the process.

But the Five Color Flag Alliance was established in Shangjiang, and Shangjiang's skyrocketing strength showed that Joyce was a very strategic and skillful woman. "

"Killed his fiancé...unified the city-state...organized and established the Five-Color Flag Alliance...issued war bonds...intervened in the war in Furnace City...attacked the Dreamland." Michael said slowly: "A powerful force There must be a strong leader. Shangjiang was able to accomplish so many incredible things in a short period of time because there was a conqueror leading it.

At what stage is Joyce's force? "

Upon hearing Michael's inquiry, the Holy Left Wing replied: "Probably has the strength to fight against ordinary Holy Angels..."

"Ordinary holy angels?" Michael measured Joyce's strength, and then said calmly: "Pay attention to the battle situation in Shangjiang City, and if you have a chance... kill Joyce.

It is impossible for Shangjiang to have another conqueror like this. Bella, Red Baker, Purple Shirt, King of the Hill... none of them have the qualifications to become conquerors. If Joyce dies, the Five-Color Flag Alliance itself will collapse. "

"Yes, Archangel! It's just...Joyce is protected by Bella..."

"Find your own way. Remember... it is death that cannot be resurrected. Such a hero will become a heroic spirit in the world of heroic spirits. At a certain moment, an angel with the potential to become the supreme will appear in the birth pool.

There is no memory of past lives, only the purest heart. "

"I see."

In Hell Furnace City, the human army affiliated with Yunzhong City began to attack the hell army guarding Furnace City. The three cross aerial fortresses led all the aerial warships to compress the encirclement inward, posing as if they would storm Furnace City. .

The battlefield of the Cathedral of Eternal Night in the Kingdom of Death.

On the home ground of the undead, the army of the Desolate Monarch used the tactics of a sea of ​​skeletons to overwhelm the human army guarding the Cathedral of Eternal Night. Only the last human elite stood on the defense line less than a kilometer outside the Evernight Cathedral. Under the cover of angels, they resisted the attack of the undead army.

Higher in the sky, Gabriel, the Desolate Monarch, and Lucas were fighting together.

The Cathedral of Eternal Night will be captured by the undead at any time.

At this time, a level five aerial battleship quietly took off from the edge of the bottom of the Evernight Cathedral. In order not to arouse the enemy's attention, the battleship flew close to the valley bottom and along the seams in the direction away from the cathedral without raising any flags.

At the bottom of the battleship, there is a wooden box fixed to the bottom of the ship with ropes. The wooden box is more than 20 meters long, and it is impossible to see what is inside.

After the aerial battleship left the battlefield, four holy angels flew out from inside the battleship with a small team of archangels. They used the most efficient attacks to kill the flying undead monsters and escort the battleships.

The warship continued to fly at low altitude along the ground seam.

However, the stealth-flying aerial battleship did not escape the eyes of the lurkers, and a recorded video was passed to Da Liang's hands.

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