Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1250 Gate of the Dead

The obelisk of the Kingdom of Death was finally transported out by the angels.

Da Liang quickly marked the location of the obelisk tower on his map and calculated the flight path of the aerial battleship.

It's just that... the direction in which the fifth-level aerial battleship flew away from the Cathedral of Eternal Night was opposite to the place where the Death Shadow Apostles were ambushing.

Da Liang asked the people from the Rising Sun Guild and the Misty Village Legion to continue to monitor the aerial warships, and said to the apostles in the cave: "According to the intelligence fed back by the front line, the obelisk has left the Cathedral of Eternal Night. The people transporting the obelisk are It is a fifth-level air and space battleship, heading... northward along the ground canyon, flying at a low altitude of 30 kilometers per hour.

Currently, at least four holy angels and twelve archangels provide escort for aerial battleships.

The four holy angels are entrusted to me and the heroes I brought, and you are responsible for dealing with the twelve archangels. If there are still holy angels appearing, No. 1 and No. 2 will be on top.

Do you have any other questions? "

No. 1 and No. 2 looked at each other and said: "If there are two more holy angels, both of us can hold on for a while. But... if there are more angel guards on that aerial battleship, our troops I’m afraid it’s not enough.”

Daliang said: "I have another army that will participate in the operation and be responsible for containing the angels' forces. We only need to withstand the strongest holy angels and archangels.

Now... get ready to move to the next ambush position.

12th! "

Apostle No. 12 of Death Shadow is responsible for the space skill support of the entire team. Long before the decisive battle at Eternal Night Cathedral began, he had deployed several teleportation circles around the outside of the battlefield. Therefore, no matter which direction the angel takes the obelisk, the apostle of the shadow of death who has obtained the exact information can quickly change the scene and arrange the ambush location in advance.

Following Da Liang's order, Apostle No. 12 activated the teleportation magic array arranged in the cave.

Daliang and the apostles who participated in the battle were the first to teleport over, and then the heroes brought by the apostles...the ghost dragon, the vampire sword guard, the terrifying knight, and the vampires disappeared into the teleportation array one by one.

The new ambush location was chosen in a slightly narrow canyon with a width of about 200 meters. It is twelve kilometers away from the Evernight Cathedral Battlefield. After the battle began, the angels in the Eternal Night Cathedral were unable to provide rapid support under the attack of the undead army.

It is expected that there will be no angel reinforcements to disrupt this ambush within ten to twenty minutes.

Time is still a bit tight...

Da Liang also wanted to set the ambush location farther away. However, without knowing the obelisk transfer route, the farther the ambush distance is, the more teleportation arrays need to be deployed, and more variables will arise. Because it is impossible for the air and space battleship to just fly forward along the canyon in the ground. After leaving the battlefield, the air and space battleship will leave the canyon and change direction to fly to other places at any time. Once the obelisk is out of detection range, finding it in the Realm of Death is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

This battle is to seize chestnuts from the fire, create a time difference in the optimal distance, and snatch the obelisk tower away as quickly as possible.

Daliang took the apostles to a new cave. Players and heroes crowded this small cave to the limit. After all the personnel came over, Daliang said: "You guys are on standby here. Pay attention to the space coordinates I gave you on the 12th. After receiving the attack signal I gave, immediately drop our combatants on the coordinates.

Remember, you have to be quick!

The time to enter the battlefield is only five seconds. After five seconds, I will interfere with the spatial coordinates around the battlefield and prevent Yunzhong City from using its full-dimensional teleportation ability to drop reinforcements. "

"Yes, Zero!"

The Death Shadow Apostles, who often do camp missions together, have no problem cooperating. Five seconds is enough for them to complete a concentrated deployment of troops.

After arranging the apostles, Da Liang said to Black Pearl: "You are right here... After the battle begins, destroy the enemy's aerial battleship as soon as possible and leave with the obelisk tower.

This mission is very important... Only you can take away such a big obelisk. with the obelisk and don't stop and look back under any circumstances. "

Black Pearl was very happy to be entrusted with the important task. She puffed up her chest and gave a decent sailor salute to Daliang, and replied firmly: "Yes, Captain... I will definitely complete the task you gave me." !”

Daliang touched Black Pearl's head encouragingly, and then flew out of the cave.

Then, Black Pearl glared at the apostles again and threatened: "Don't touch me. I only let the captain touch me."


Ah sneeze! Daliang couldn't help but sneeze as he flew out of the cave. After feeling that the game was too realistic, he flew towards a flat cliff in the distance.

Stopping in front of the cliff, Daliang took out six elemental crystals from his backpack.

This is the combined alchemy magic prop that Daliang got when he first came to the Kingdom of Death. It is the work of Elder Quentin of the Sighing City branch of the former Wizards Guild. Six elemental crystals with different attributes, after being arranged in a certain order, can form a super large and long-distance one-way portal.

By consuming a small amount of resources, it is possible to complete the transportation of troops to most locations in the entire realm of death. If you are willing to spend rare resources, this portal can also be used across planes, but the resources consumed are much higher than that of a full-time plane teleportation array.

The biggest advantage of this portal is that it can be quickly deployed and collected anytime and anywhere. When combined with the large undead summoning circle in the Boneyard, it becomes a portal to the undead that once gave the Sad Pope a headache and was envious.

The aerial warship used by the angels to transport the obelisk tower was moving quickly, and the hidden fixed-point investigators constantly updated the position of the warship for Da Liang.

Daliang, who felt that time was already very tight, used the fastest speed to place the six element crystals in the correct positions.

The Gate of the Dead is activated.

The six elemental crystals emitted dazzling light at the same time, and the magic energy surged out from the inside of the fist-sized crystal, forming a flowing magic beam that spread along the cliff in a certain trajectory.

Six arcs of magic energy connected six elemental crystals, forming a large circle with a radius of thirty meters on the open cliff. All convex rocks that blocked the flow of magic energy were shattered and penetrated, and scattered stones fell one after another. Sprinkle down. Then six magic beams formed a six-pointed star magic array inside the circle, and various magic runes flashed with increasing brightness.

More magic circuits are generated and more runes shine, making the entire magic circle more and more complex. The colors representing the six series of magical energy alternately shine and gradually mix to form a mist-like brilliance.

When the entire magic circle was covered by a light film of pale white mist, the Gate of the Undead was completely opened.

Then Da Liang ordered the large undead summoning circle located in the Bone Burial Ground to be opened.

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