Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1256 High-end Competition

Black Pearl raised her little hand to cheer herself up and said, "I understand, Captain! Look at me, Captain!"

The Black Pearl quickly adjusted its position and flight attitude.

After Angel's aerial battleship found itself being ambushed and sensed that the surrounding space was disturbed, it ascended as fast as possible, hoping to leave the ground fissure canyon as quickly as possible.

Because there are too many undead monsters around, it is easy to hit the cliffs on both sides when flying in a narrow canyon with poor vision. When the spatial coordinates are disrupted, leaving the canyon to higher airspace will easily be discovered by the reinforcements coming from Yunzhong City.

In the fierce battle, the angel's aerial battleship released firepower from all directions. While killing the undead monsters, it also shot a stream of attack magic at the Black Pearl.

The Black Pearl used its super strong hull defense to withstand all kinds of attacks and plummeted downwards, then turned sideways and flew directly below the Angel Sky Battleship.

The airspace between the two warships is also where both sides invest the most troops and fight the most intensely.

This is the first large-scale contest between the Frost Dragon of the Black Fire Territory and the Angels of Cloud City. The frost dragons use their powerful physique and attack power to change the undead tribe's ultimate creature's weak combat power.

Along with the roar of the dragon, white dragon breath of death collided with the various combat skills released by the archangels. With its hard body, sharp wing blades, heavy tail hammer, powerful jaws, and strong limbs, every part of the Frost Dragon's body is a deadly weapon. They have power that can compete with archangels, and are also proficient in various roaring skills and death magic.

Through this battle, the frost dragons showed that they have the strength to rival the archangels. In a one-on-one confrontation, the frost dragons were not suppressed and had the ability to deal with the same number of archangels.

The Apostles of Death's Shadow also showed their ability as top players.

The personal strength of the apostles is all above level 14, and through the enhancement of top-quality equipment and some special props, they can be able to deal with elite-level archangels for a period of time. The heroes who follow the apostles are also very powerful. In addition to the vampire sword guard heroes of Tiger Balm, the undead level 14 ghost dragon is also the standard equipment of the shadow of death apostles.

The strength of the ghost dragon is at the bottom among the 14th-level creatures of the same level, and it is no match for the archangel one-on-one. However, the Terror Knight, a 12th-level creature of the Undead tribe, is the strongest among the creatures of the same level. After the Terror Knight is promoted to a hero, he is equally powerful and terrifying, and his strength is not inferior to any 13th-level creature.

The Terror Knight is just a basic type of unit among the Undead. The base number and various explosive attributes make there are many heroic Terror Knights in the Kingdom of Death. It is enough to carefully select and equip each ghost dragon with the best Terror Knight. Knight hero.

Undead dragons do not have the arrogance of the giant dragons who despise inferior creatures. The phenomenon that giant dragons do not easily let other creatures ride is not seen in bone dragons and ghost dragons.

This is also the reason why the ghost dragon is weaker than the black dragon, and the status of the Kingdom of Death in the evil camp is higher than that of the Endless Labyrinth.

In order to make up for the lack of combat power of the ghost dragon, the undead tribe generally equips the ghost dragon with a heroic terrifying knight. The apostles paired their subordinate ghost dragons with a terrifying knight hero, and with the help of vampire sword guards, it was enough to fight an elite archangel.

Among them, Apostles No. 1 and No. 2 took their own heroes and surrounded the two holy angels respectively.

The night wind and night light restrained the other two holy angels.

Coupled with the constant harassment of the summoned undead monsters, the ambush army and the angel guards were evenly matched.

The Black Pearl arrived at the attack position, and Da Liang flew from the bridge to the front of the magic amplification device on the stern of the ship.

As a small aerial battleship, the Black Pearl is equipped with advanced magic amplification devices that can only be installed on large aerial battleships. This is due to the extensive application of the earth space magic that the Prophet is good at in the Black Pearl's hull. Of course, it is also inseparable from Master Gith's superb ship design capabilities.

Most of the structure of the advanced magic amplifying device is in the cabin below the poop deck. The exposed part above the deck is a fully enclosed tower-shaped facility. There is an open magic eye suspended on the top of the tower, which can fully Release magic to the outside world without any blind spots.

When Da Liang approached the magic amplification device, Black Pearl opened a small door into the magic tower. After entering, there was a magic release circle.

Daliang stood on top of the magic release circle, the entrance was closed, and it was pitch dark inside. Then the circular magic circle and the magic circuits and magic patterns on it began to light up layer by layer.

A soft linear beam of light shines from bottom to top, and the light transmitted by the magic energy spreads upward along the wall. Soon... after a halo of light suddenly appears and disappears, the outside scene appears in front of Daliang's eyes through visualization magic.

It's as if the wall blocking the view has disappeared, and everything happening outside can be clearly seen from inside.

The Archangel and the Frost Dragon passed by the Black Pearl's stern, and their magic created circles of ripples on the outer defensive shield. Meteor fragments and ice blocks hit the deck from time to time, and the corpses of undead monsters rained down like rain. Among them were the corpses of an archangel and a frost dragon. The archangel used an angel sword to cut off the frost dragon's backbone. He himself was pierced through the neck by the frost dragon's teeth and all his life was sucked away by the death dragon's breath. .

This is not the first archangel and frost dragon to die in battle. In order to seize the obelisk tower, Daliang was prepared to pay heavy losses.

And if the obelisk tower can be grabbed as soon as possible, the frost dragon can die less.

"Black Pearl, prepare to pick up the obelisk tower..."

Da Liang inputted magic energy into the magic amplification device, and the white light originally emitted by the magic release circle under his feet turned into a mixture of fire red and earth yellow.

Manipulating the magic release crosshair to aim at the wooden box at the bottom of the Angel Sky Battleship, the magic eye at the top of the magic amplifying device aims the red and yellow eyeballs at it simultaneously.

This action of the Black Pearl touched the angels' reverse scales.

The wooden box that stores the obelisk is not protected by the absolute domain of Uriel. Once the wooden box is seriously damaged, the obelisk will fall from here, and underneath the obelisk is the enemy's special airship. Sky battleship.

The angels guessed the intentions of the ambushers. The magic eye pointed at them clearly contained a kind of mixed fire and earth magic.

Mixed magic has no spells lower than fourth level.

The angel sent a level five aerial battleship to secretly transport the obelisk. The magic-forbidden device on the battleship did not have the ability to resist magic above level four.

The obelisk is in danger.

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