Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1257 Thunder Explosive Bomb

Urie was still entangled in Nicole's thunder and couldn't get away. Even with the defense amplification protection provided by the ultimate defense, Urie did not dare to directly intercept the thunder attribute spells released by Nicole. He had to use defensive skills and light shields to consume them in advance, and then used his own defense power to counter the remaining power of thunder; and he He didn't dare to leave his position, because once he exposed the aerial battleship to Nicole's direct attack, the law-level spells could break through the absolute defense and severely damage the aerial battleship.

"Protect the obelisk at all costs." Uriel, who knew the entire battlefield situation well, gave the death order to his angels.

The angels guarding the obelisk tower used defensive measures as quickly as possible to deal with the attack. Several archangels unleashed their combat skills on the Black Pearl regardless of their opponents' attacks, trying to break through the Black Pearl's defense cover and destroy the magic amplification device.

A holy angel blocked Apostle No. 1 and Apostle No. 2 at the same time. Another holy angel summoned a light shield, expanded the light shield to the maximum, and activated defensive spells to guard the spellcasting route in front of the Black Pearl's Demonic Eye.

The angel's combat skills impact the outer force field shield of the Black Pearl, and the defensive ability of the shield drops rapidly. While the Black Pearl is preparing new magic, there is no way to replenish the force field shield...

The apostles and the frost dragons used their strongest magic and combat skills to collide with the angels crazily, trying their best to slow down the angels' attack on the Black Pearl.

Not knowing how long the friendly forces and Black Pearl could hold off Da Liang, he completed the preparatory preparations for the magic release as quickly as possible. The moment the magic amplification device started working, he chose to release the magic.

"Thunder Bomb"!

The magic release circle under Da Liang's feet burst into bright light, and the fire magic energy and earth magic energy were like entering a turbine channel, rapidly rotating upward and impacting. And after Da Liang saw the holy angel guarding the obelisk tower, and the giant light shield he held up completely turned into a golden metal texture, he decisively adjusted the fire magic skills from the master level that he had been using to the law. class.

When holding the Angel Alliance, Daliang had used angel combat skills before, and he knew what skills the holy angel was using. It is a combat skill that gives up attack power and converts part of the attack power into defense power. The higher the sacred energy skill, the higher the ratio of converted attack power. A holy angel must have mastered master-level sacred energy. The spells he releases using only master-level skills may not be able to break through the defense of that holy angel.

The law-level fire magic energy rushed up, causing a huge vibration in the entire magic amplification device. To amplify law-level spells, the burden on the magic amplifying device is really too great. Alchemy equipment of poor quality may explode directly because it cannot withstand such magic energy.

Fortunately, the alchemy devices Nicole created for Black Pearl were all made from real materials and made by herself. When this magic amplification device withstood the law-level magic energy, it only vibrated without showing any signs of explosion or damage.

The law-level fire energy is full of momentum and comes first, entering the magic eye at the moment when the magic is formed.

boom……! ! ! ! ! !

A rock ball shot out of the Black Pearl's magic eye with a loud noise.

Level 5 magic is the most advanced magic that can be mastered without using props. To release level 5 magic, you not only need to master the corresponding advanced skills, but also need to master advanced wisdom.

Most of the fifth-level attack spells are not only powerful, but also have range attack effects. Thunder Explosive Bomb is one of the very few special cases among the fifth-level attack magic. It is a single-target magic...

To be precise, Thunder Bomb is a linear magic. As long as it can penetrate, it will attack all targets in a line. Then when you reach the position or cannot move forward, blast with full power.

A level five magic that concentrates the range of attack power on a line. You can imagine how powerful the thunderous bombs are.

Although when this magic is released, it is just an ordinary-looking rock ball, which does not seem to be much different from the stone ball thrown by the catapult. It is far from the gorgeous effect produced when the magic of the same level is released. But when the holy angel in front saw the rock ball, he was so frightened that he put his shoulders against his shield with all his strength.

There was another loud noise, and the thunderous bomb hit the shield held up by the Holy Angel.

The light shield blocked the thunderous bombs, but the Holy Angel was driven back quickly by the impact of the thunderous bombs. Even if the Holy Angel stretches its wings to gain greater forward thrust, it still cannot stop the advance of the thunderous bomb.

It wasn't until the Holy Angel's body hit the wooden box containing the obelisk that it stopped.

With the support of the entire aerial battleship, the Holy Angel withstood the thunderous bombs. Feeling that the shield he propped up was not damaged, the Holy Angel breathed a sigh of relief, and was glad that he had adopted the strongest defensive posture in time, otherwise the light shield would have been penetrated by the thunderous bomb.

Now, just wait for this thunder bomb to explode.

The effect of the earth magic skill determines the attack distance and momentum of the thunder bomb, and the effect of the fire magic skill determines the power of the final detonation of the thunder bomb. Through the obstruction just now, Holy Angel can feel that the earth magic skills contained in this thundering bomb should be high-level, so... even if the caster has mastered master-level fire magic and has been amplified by the magic amplifying device, Holy Angel still has With confidence, he used all his strength to withstand the full power of a thunderous bomb blast.

As long as one withstands a thunderous bomb, the opponent will enter a relatively long magic reset time, which is enough to wait for reinforcements to arrive.

bring it on!

The Holy Angel put his whole body on the shield. He felt that the momentum of the thunderous bomb was decreasing, and the explosion would be passively triggered.

A thunder shook the heaven and the earth.

The holy angel disappeared in a ball of white light...

The increased power of law-level fire magic was detonated. Even a 15th-level holy angel with full defense did not react at all to this level of explosion and was blown away without a trace.

The power generated by the explosion expanded outward unimpeded, and the nearby wooden box containing the obelisk was first affected. Even though the wood of the wooden box has been strengthened by alchemy, it is still as fragile as rotten wood when attacked by thunderous bombs.

The wood was blown into wood powder, and in the high temperature of the law-level fire attribute, it turned into an upward steaming fire cloud. The fire cloud rolled upward along the hull, and then rushed onto the deck of the Angel Sky Battleship along the opened gun port.

The gunpowder was detonated, and a larger fire spread on the deck of the aerial battleship...

Below the aerial battleship, the obelisk tower fell through the thick smoke and flames. Several archangels tried to catch the obelisk, but were pushed aside by the frost dragon that followed closely.

Warriors from both sides started a final fight around the falling obelisk. The angel used magic and combat skills to attack the obelisk, trying to push it away from its falling trajectory and prevent it from falling on the Black Pearl.

Da Liang's warriors tried their best to hinder the angel's attack and pushed the obelisk back to its original track.

The final battle became more intense...

At this time, a blazing spear was shot from the Black Pearl's demonic eye, piercing the chest of a holy angel who was hit, and the remaining life force was instantly wiped out.

Another holy angel died.

The lethality displayed by the Black Pearl finally shocked the angels. During their moment of hesitation, the obelisk fell on the deck of the Black Pearl.

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