Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1263 The Desolate Monarch

During the reign of Monarch Aiyin, Daliang once visited Yongye City on behalf of the City of Sighs and stayed in Yongye Cathedral. He was relatively familiar with Yongye Cathedral. But now looking at it from a distance, he could hardly recognize the appearance of the Evernight Cathedral.

During the Eternal Night City War, the angels invaded the Eternal Night Cathedral and fought with the defenders. Then the Crystal Dragon also fought another battle with the angels in the cathedral, causing great damage to the originally magnificent building.

Later, Yunzhong City took away the Evernight Cathedral and planned to carry out an all-round transformation of it.

As a result, it was half dismantled and snatched back by the Desolate Monarch. The fixed bracket was violently dismantled, causing further damage.

Therefore, the Eternal Night Cathedral that Da Liang saw looked like it had fallen from the sky... It was too horrible to look at. Probably only the most core things have been preserved, allowing this air fortress to still have the ability to fly. As for the rest...

A complete restoration is definitely a very large project.

Under the guidance of the ghost dragon guards, Da Liang landed in a clearing on the cathedral, and then followed the senior priests of the Wugou Holy See of Yongye City who came out to enter the cathedral. In the room, I saw the desolate monarch Boswell and the president of the Wizards Guild Lucas.

"Hello, two monarchs..." Daliang politely saluted the Desolate Lord and Lucas, and congratulated: "Congratulations to the Desolate Lord for defeating Supreme Gabriel and taking back the Cathedral of Eternal Night.

I believe that under your governance, Yongye City will soon regain its former glory. "

As the master of Eternal Night City, the Desolate Lord invited Lucas and Da Liang to sit down around a round table.

As a terrifying knight, the Desolate Lord wears pitch black battle armor with red edges, and solid soul fire burns in the eye slits of his jar helmet. He is a commander-in-chief hero who exudes the aura of rebuking Fang Qiu. After commanding the battle of Yongye City and the battle for Yongye Cathedral, and winning the battle, the Desolate Monarch had the aura of a famous general.

President Lucas is very restrained. He is a wise man and a scholar. Everything he did was to peek into the higher realm and strive to reach it. If he had wanted to, there would have been eight Death Lords in the Death Kingdom, but Lucas didn't care about fame and fortune. Therefore, although Lucas is an undead lich, he has a very peaceful mind. Even if a living being stands in front of him, he will not feel scared. Instead, he will first feel the wisdom emanating from him.

The Desolate Monarch and Lucas jointly formed the Cyan Alliance, and even though they all surrendered to the New Unsullied Holy See, they still maintained a very good relationship. The Desolate Lord wants to seize the Cathedral of Evernight, and Lucas is bound to lead the Wizards Guild to support him. Therefore, even if the Cyan Alliance is gone, Eternal Night City and the Wizards Guild will still be allies.

Daliang was born in the Wizards Guild and was a nominal disciple of Lucas. He single-handedly helped to bring about the peaceful resolution of the conflict between the Wizards Guild and the Unsullied Holy See in Eternal Night City and the City of Sighs.

As the new Lord of Death, Daliang is a natural ally for the Lord of Desolation and Lucas. As early as the City of Sighs, the three death monarchs had reached a verbal alliance. This time they met in the Cathedral of Eternal Night. The atmosphere of the meeting was very harmonious from the beginning.

Facing Da Liang's congratulations, the Desolate Lord said humbly: "Thank you Lord Eviscerate for coming to attend the return ceremony of the Cathedral of Eternal Night. The battle against Supreme Gabriel is a battle that has decided the outcome from the beginning. Cloud City Those who resist are not resolute, but take the initiative to retreat... No matter who directs this battle, they can win."

"But I won't win cleanly and beautifully like you." Daliang was on the battlefield at that time. To be honest, he did not expect that the Eternal Night Undead Army would advance so fast; the Desolate Lord's ability to control the battlefield would be so precise. When he piloted the Black Pearl to retreat with the obelisk tower, he saw that the first people approaching the ambush battlefield were not angel reinforcements, but a ghost dragon army from Evernight City.

If it weren't for the fact that this ghost dragon army was too cautious; if it wasn't for the Desolate Monarch's only goal was the Eternal Night Cathedral and he didn't want to expand the battlefield. Once this ghost dragon army quickly intervenes on the battlefield, it will not be so easy for Da Liang to take away the obelisk tower.

From this we can see that the Desolate Monarch had a very broad view of the overall situation when directing the war. When attacking Yongye Cathedral, the entire army was not pressed forward, but sufficient troops were placed in necessary positions to prevent Yunzhong City from fully intervening, leaving room for various emergencies.

In this mentality of leaving a large number of field-controlling troops and reserves ready to retreat at any time, the Desolate Monarch was still able to quickly repel Gabriel, which shows what kind of command talent, war literacy and ability to seize opportunities he possesses. .

"Well... I feel very honored to be able to defeat Gabriel." The Desolate Monarch was not overly modest this time.

Regarding the battle for Eternal Night Cathedral, the Eternal Night City war commanded by the Desolate Monarch was even larger, but it was a civil war. The Blue Alliance had Cloud City behind them and was not very glorious, so it was not a war to be proud of.

But the battle for the Eternal Night Cathedral is different...the opponent is Cloud City, the evil camp's biggest enemy; the commander is Gabriel, a famous commander in previous plane wars. In front of Gabriel, the Desolate Monarch was just a child who had just grown up. If the Cathedral of Eternal Night had not meant so much to the Eternal Night Holy See, the Desolate Monarch would not have had the confidence to fight Gabriel.

Therefore, in this war, the Desolate Monarch was forced to fight in a hurry.

To this end, the Desolate Monarch did his best to mobilize the army, constantly formulate and revise war plans, take into account all possible emergencies, and come up with countermeasures.

The battle for the Eternal Night Cathedral was fought so smoothly, which was inseparable from the Desolate Lord's careful preparations before the battle. The Desolate Monarch is confident that even if Yunzhong City sends more troops to the Eternal Night Cathedral, or even sends another supreme angel, he can still defeat the Eternal Night Cathedral. It's just that... Yunzhong City's determination to fight a battle here was not strong, so the Desolate Monarch did not fully display his commanding talents.

Defeating Gabriel gave the Desolate Monarch greater self-confidence, and he also had to show in front of Da Liang that he and his Evernight City were worth investing in. Because no one would give money casually to a city with no future and a dead monarch who has no confidence in himself.

"Ebony Monarch...Eternal Night City was once the number one main city in the Kingdom of Death. I believe that under my rule, it will become the strongest in the Kingdom of Death again. But you also saw...this city has been greatly damaged. The destruction, and the Eternal Night Cathedral I just recaptured...

I now have no money to repair my city and my church, or to recruit more troops.

I need your support, such as the support of Shangjiang City behind you. "

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